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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fee

  1. Ok my 2 cents worth. I work at an aquatic centre and my kids have swim lessons and they are only 4 and 6 yrs old. I would not leave them for a second as im constantly watching them and making sure there not under the Water or anything. I know the swim teachers at my work and its not actually there responsibility as to when the chn get out to try to watch where they all go, as they have another group to get started with straight away. My kids get out of the water sometimes to go to the toilet and the teacher doesnt look for me , if im not there watching who knows where they could end it. Did you sign something to say that the chn are in the teachers care? My work actually requires that the parents need to stay at all times.
  2. fee

    Weight loss troubles??

    Hi Philli Dont worry most of us experience this at some stage, which i am right now as well:cry It is a part of the journey Goodluck and hopefully you will start to lose weight again:)
  3. fee

    I had my op.. I am now banded

    Congrats on your surgery!!!! Im glad it all went well and your having a speedy recovery:)
  4. Ok....post away as to when would be the best time for you:)
  5. i dont count my calories....maybe i should thats why my weight is at a stand still:eek:
  6. Penni......(((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) I really feel for you at this time and i am truly sorry:cry I know whatever option you chose is the best one for you and it all works out the way you want it to
  7. yeah ok:faint: I cant wait to see how you and Jenny are looking since last time i saw you both:) I cant wait to long
  8. ok.....so i guess its off again Havent heard from Jess....i dunno whats going on there You can try next time Jachut to oragnise one...i give up.....LOL Its never going to suit everyone and there isnt really many of us on here that really want to go anyway Take care fee
  9. Hey Jenny, Well it only looks like a cpl of us again:cry Im still wanting to go.......only if you and Jachut are going to turn up You both let me know Tarajane....keep an eye on this thread and see what happens because again hardly anyone is going to come....but you are more than welcome to come
  10. yeah nice bathers but i still need to cover my tree trunk thighs up
  11. Thanks for the info Sammee. I have had my tummy tuck but i need a boob reduction badly:help: I will look into it....thanks:)
  12. fee

    Will this ever happen...

    Bernie im sorry to hear what happened to you thats not good at all Those looking into it dont rush, do alot of research!!!!
  13. Come on girls......i need you all to post up that your definetly coming as i dont want people driving a far distance for not many to turn up:confused: Please post:)
  14. Hey Jenny yeah same place as last time:) Cant wait to see you
  15. Ok this is next weekend girls:) DoNT forget to come so far whos coming are Fee Jachut Jenny Isdon Colleen?? Anyone else if i have forgotten you im sorry, but please post up:)
  16. fee

    Will this ever happen...

    Bernie what sort of problems have you had if you dont mind saying. Look some people have problems and others dont but you also need to look on the positive side and not just the negative. It is only your decision that you can make yourself and whatever you choose i hope its the right one. this band has helped me alot so far, and yes i have alot of problems with food getting stuck and experience alot of pain, but i look in the mirror all the time as well and see how good im starting to look now, and if i didnt get the band i would have been prob 10 kgs heavier than waht i was before i got the band. My health has also improved, and i can chase after my kids again, and i can run up a floor of stairs without gasping for breath!!!!!LOL..... This is totally your decision:) Goodluck
  17. fee

    Hey Guys...I got my date..WooHoo

    Hey......yeah im still around:) Congrats on your date....you will be fine....Peter is a fantastic surgeon I hope it all goes well and keep us posted as to how it all goes:) Take care Fee
  18. i had mine taken out 9 years ago.....i was in a heap of pain...it was unbearable...i was very very obese at the time.....more than what i weighed when i got banded
  19. fee

    Throwng up at night

    hmmmmm........i have had this same problem:help: it doesnt happen all the time.....prob twice a week if that i just thought it was a coughing thing i developed at nighttime i just wake up through the night coughing with a yukky taste in my mouth like i want to vomit
  20. fee

    Baby pics

    awwww....they are all so beautiful!!!
  21. Hey jenny are u coming a different way from last time? Cant wait to see you all....and meet the new people:)
  22. hey girls:) we will meet at the rotunda at 11am..its on the esplanande......looking forward to seeing you all there:)
  23. hiya Girlz:) whos interested it another get together? I would like it to be in the next couple of weeks sometime. Any ideas or interseted in coming please post here. Hope theres heaps of interest:) Take care.....fee
  24. fee

    Melbourne Get Together

    other post updated:) welcome Colleen

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