You may want a fill, or maybe not.
Was this an isolated event? Are you still over board on the calories?
I’m in the same boat right now, (my first fill appointment is approaching). It sounds like some major changes in eating habits will come after our first fill. And it also sounds like we are in for some significant complications. Obviously we have to achieve the weight loss goals. My feeling is that the least amount of restriction we can take on, the closest to a normal life we will have.
That said, a buddy told me that (give or take) our bodies require about 10 kCal per pound per day. We are metabolically depressed so we are probably under that, but it is an easy figure for us to do the math. You had 1900 kcalories, enough energy for a 190-pound person (roughly). It seems to me that you were still ahead of the game, even on your worst day.
I did not get to my size by eating 1900 kcals per day. I got this big by eating 4,000, 5,000 some time 6,000 kcalories per day (and I enjoyed it). But our heath dictates that we return to a normal BMI. In conclusion I would not be getting down about a single event, I’d consider the whole process. For the most part are you near the 1,000 kcal per day? Are you able to reduce your weight by 2 to 4 pounds each week?
These systematic questions are good reasons, not holiday events.