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LAP-BAND Patients
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About DKaye

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/07/1956
  1. Happy 56th Birthday DKaye!

  2. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary DKaye!

  3. DKaye

    One day out...

    Today is my third day and I am very pleased. So far no problems at all. I am being very careful to be sure not to overload. I'm having a hard time getting all the fluid and protein recommended, but doing the best I can. I don't think I am going to ever regret this. Losing weight and keeping it off, while not feeling severe hunger pains... what could be better! Merry Christmas to myself!
  4. Thanks to all that responded, I really appreciate the support and look forward to being of assistance to new beginners once I am out of that stage. Longhorn, did you do a two week liquid diet and what do your meals consist of now? I know I will learn a lot about this from the nutritionist, but it is especially interesting to me to hear it from people actually experiencing this. Thanks in advance!
  5. DKaye

    Not Banded Yet

    My surgery is scheduled and I am pretty nervous about it too.
  6. DKaye

    I'm 35 today and down 50 pounds!

    This is inspriring. Congrats Lori.
  7. I just received my surgery date - December 5th. I am excited but nervous. It helps so much to read about other's experiences. I'm scheduled for pre-op November 21 in the morning then classes with nutritionists that afternoon. What all will pre-op consist of? Reading the success stories of others on this borad is very encouraging. My doctor is David Elliott in Richmond, Virginia. Any other Dr Elliott patients? I'm not excited about the liquid diet, which I have to endure for two whole weeks! :confused:
  8. :wave:Hi I'm DKaye and I am just beginning my journey to improved health and lifted self-esteem. My doctor is David Elliott and I will be banded at Henrico Doctors Parham Road. I'm awaiting notice of insurance approval and then a date! I have BC/BS Cova Care so anticipate a fairly quick approval. I also understand that there will be a few informative classes that I will need to attend. I'm excited but, still, a bit nervous.

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