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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gabbykittyvsg

  1. gabbykittyvsg

    Insurance Approved !

    It would be awesome if you got sleeved on the 19th, because that's when I'm getting sleeved too.
  2. I've had a lot of the same feelings, even while going through the whole 6+ month process.What mostly settled those feelings was thinking about all the stuff I've been through in the past 6 years. During that time things didn't get better until I accepted help. I wasn't in a healthy state of mind and it took 4 years to finally ask for help in one final area, the psychological weight taken off my shoulders made life so much easier. I had thought about surgery a few years ago but I was not ready and I know it wouldn't have worked for me, I had to get everything else in order first. Earlier this year I started seeing ads for a new program at the hospital near me. My weight had gone back up to my previous high. Just as I had given up the fight in other areas in my life and accepted help I gave up the fight to lose weight on my own and started on the road to get a sleeve. My experiences the past 6 years have been a huge help and without them I wouldn't be the ideal patient my program team says I've been. I'm choosing to think of this pre-op time as a chance to grow and learn more about myself. Yes, there have been periods of doubt but then something would happen to remind me why I need to accept help losing weight and that help is in the form or surgery. I got insurance approval 9 days ago and I'm scheduled to be sleeved on the 19th. Go through the process and take advantage of the resources available to learn more about yourself. In the end you may decide surgery is not right for you at this time and that's ok, just don't waste the time!
  3. gabbykittyvsg

    Anyone else turning into an a-hole

    People don't like it when other people make changes because it forces them to change too. Look at your motivation for saying the things you do and check your tone of voice. If you're telling people how you feel because they really need to know then you don't have a problem, it's them that have the problem.
  4. I had my pre-op on Friday and they told me if I was experiencing those symptoms to call them. So find your surgeon's after hours number and call!
  5. gabbykittyvsg

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Just one week left of "normal" food portions. Next Sunday I start my pre-op diet. Then surgery on the 19th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. gabbykittyvsg

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Get rid of 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. gabbykittyvsg

    Catheter during surgery

    I had my pre-op this past Friday and I found out I'll have a catheter too. I've had surgery before and the getting up every 20-30 minutes to pee was one of the worst parts of the immediate post-op experience. It will feel weird BUT the benifits far outweigh the annoyances!! Although this does means no pajamma pants until the next day.
  8. gabbykittyvsg

    Gas-X strips in Australia?

    I know this is an old thread but I found it while doing a search to help someone from Australia to find the equivalent. So for anyone else who's looking for this in Australia or other parts of the world that don't have the GasX brand look in the baby section for drops that relieve colicky gas pain in babies. Mylicon is a common brand name for the infant gas drops. You can also use Gripe Water if you can find it.
  9. I got "the" phone call Friday morning. I was at work so I couldn't jump around, scream and act all crazy. It was HARD to keep it all in until I got home. Less than 48 hours and I had my approval.
  10. I think my program coordinator used my weight of my first visit with her when she submitted to insurance. My insurance wanted a 6 month diet so if someone lost some weight and went below a bmi of 40 with no co-morbidities I don't think that should be a reason for denial especially if there is a documented history of regain. My insurance allows for a history of minor fluctuations.
  11. I would go to Mexico in a heartbeat if I couldn't get the sleeve at my local hospital. My surgeon said she supports patients going to Mexico if they don't have insurance coverage and will gladly do the follow up with her standard post-op program when they get back. I'd go there over going to some of the horrible programs I've hear some people going through here in the US. I think a big part of doctors not accepting Medical Tourism patients is because of perceived liability issues, not racism. So many people sue for trivial reasons that it scares doctors away from taking on patients they didn't operate on. Many doctors won't do the follow up on patients who had the surgery somewhere else in the US either.
  12. gabbykittyvsg

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    There is a great group on face book called November 2014 Sleevers Everyone Welcome. Join us if you want some active discussions and chat with fellow sleevers about pre and eventually post op life. It's the best group I'm involved with on FB.
  13. gabbykittyvsg

    anyone getting sleeved in DECEMBER?

    I thought for sure I'd be a December sleever, but insurance approval happened faster than expected and I'll be sleeved in November instead. I promise to make room on the losers bench!
  14. gabbykittyvsg

    November dates

    YAY I have a surgery buddy!!!!!!
  15. gabbykittyvsg

    November dates

    Well, it's official, I'll be sleeved in November, the 19th to be more precise! I got the call from my coordinator this morning. She said when she got to work this morning the notification of my approval was in her email. I was at work when I got the call so I could jump up and down and act all excited when I got the call. Geeze, it's hard to hold all that energy in!!
  16. Does the program you're using have a nutritionist you can speak to or email? Use the support that's included in your package deal. Let them know you're struggling. I don't think some skinless chicken breast is going to hurt you, but I think honesty is the best policy. They should be helping you through this pre-op period.
  17. gabbykittyvsg

    How did you prepare yourself for surgery?

    I had my final visit with the dietitian today and got my pre-op diet menu and the menu for the full liquid stage when I get home. Because I want to be ready to start the pre-op diet the moment my coordinator calls me with the approval (I'm taking first available slot!!) I have everything I need. Since you are a few months out I'd be trying Protein powders. Find a few you like and don't buy a ton of one thing. But most of all work on the head game. Make peace with the issues that caused you to turn to food for comfort.
  18. gabbykittyvsg

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    I thought for sure I'd be sleeved in December but after a phone call with my coordinator yesterday it looks like I could be sleeved in November!!! She said since my primary insurance is Medicare I could get a reply in just a few days!! (Medicare at 36 years old isn't what I'd call a great thing though). After approval she said it's about 3 weeks until surgery.
  19. Muscle Milk Cookies and Cream really is the best tasting Protein powder out there!! My local WalMart used to have it but they don't now so I'll be ordering it online!!! My surgeon requires the 6 month supervised diet to be done with the program dietitian and I had my last pre-op appointment with her this afternoon! They may have already submitted to insurance, if not it will be done tomorrow morning.
  20. I have an unique final straw: The straw that broke the camels back for me was learning that obesity increases a persons risk for Alzheimer's disease. My grandpa, his sister and one of my aunts have Alzheimer's. My dad and two of his siblings died before the typical age for developing the disease so we don't know if they would have developed it. The first memories I have of my grandpa is my dad getting phone calls and having to go search for him.I work with a man who has Alzheimer's. The disease has taken this once hard working man and made him unable to take care of the basic household necessities. He was a computer programmer and can no longer do basic things on the computer. Not long after doing that research I saw an ad for the newish bariatric surgery program associated with the medical group I use.
  21. gabbykittyvsg


    As long as you feel fine you don't need to worry. The stool softeners and laxatives can sometimes take a few days to really start working.
  22. I've had times when I've felt very very very overwhelmed at all the changes I need to make. So what I've been doing is practicing not drinking with meals, taking small bites, chewing food to pureed consistency and have even started crushing my medications that I'll need to crush after surgery. I know it will still be overwhelming after the surgery but I'm hoping that the steps I'm taking now will make things somewhat easier. Edit to add: I've also had to work with the program psychologist to start working on the head game.
  23. gabbykittyvsg

    ARRRGGGGHHHHH! my mother #$)&(*U#)(*

    When I had my gall bladder out the only reason I let my mom come down is because I had to have someone take me home and stay with me for 24 hours. I had had 2 previous surgeries and had done just fine after so I sent my mom home after a few hours. I couldn't rest with her here. I'll probably end up telling her about my VSG after I get insurance approval and have a date. But I am going to be firm and not let her come visit me in the hospital until the day of discharge. I will call her or have my friend call after I'm out of surgery. She was with me when I had my breast reduction and attempted to stay in the room with me for a few hours and I sent her home then too. I don't really want to tell her about the VSG but one way or another she'll probably find out and I think dealing with her before surgery will be easier than dealing with her if she doesn't find out until after.
  24. gabbykittyvsg

    ARRRGGGGHHHHH! my mother #$)&(*U#)(*

    I take care of a man with Alzheimer's and it's hard for me to watch him struggle. I've only known him for 6 months so I can't imagine the magnitude of the grief you feel over the loss of who your mom was.
  25. gabbykittyvsg

    anyone getting sleeved in DECEMBER?

    It looks like I'll be getting sleeved the first part of December as well. They submit to insurance after my final nut appointment on the 22nd. The coordinator said it takes 204 weeks to hear back from insurance then it's 2-3 weeks until surgery takes place. Thanksgiving was going to be my biggest hurdle. I am keeping very quiet about the surgery just because that's the way I am and I didn't want to deal with all the questions over Thanksgiving dinner. I'm not worried about Christmas because it's done in a casual buffet style where nobody pays attention to what anyone else is eating or not eating.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
