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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gabbykittyvsg

  1. gabbykittyvsg

    Bariatric Therapy

    I agree 100% with everything you said!!
  2. gabbykittyvsg

    Liver Shrinkage Diet (No weight loss)

    A really good snack would be 1/2 cup sugar free Greek yogurt with some berries (frozen are usually cheaper-make sure they don't have added sugar). Look up low glycemic fruit and make your choices from fruit lower GI choices.
  3. gabbykittyvsg

    Liver Shrinkage Diet (No weight loss)

    Yes, more protein should help. Also, healthy fats help with satiety (feeling of fullness). If you like avocados adding 1/2 to a full one per day may also help.
  4. gabbykittyvsg

    Liver Shrinkage Diet (No weight loss)

    The carbs are probably too high for a pre-surgery diet. Try decreasing the simple carbs from the fruit and increasing protein. My program's dietitian recommends around 100-120 g of carbs per day, some are a lot less!
  5. gabbykittyvsg

    Liver Shrinkage Diet (No weight loss)

    Looking at your typical intake, I wonder if you're getting in too many carbs and not enough protein? How many grams of carbs and protein are you getting in.
  6. gabbykittyvsg

    January Surgery buddies

    I have 2 distinct parts to my job. With the standard cleaning portion with no heavy mop buckets I can go back to work 2 weeks after surgery. But I also deliver cleaning by supplies and because I need to lift 30-40 pounds the recovery time is around 4 maybe 6 weeks Sent from my Z6201V using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. gabbykittyvsg

    January Surgery buddies

    Covid blows! But January 11th is a very good day to have surgery. I'm hoping for that date as well because it's my birthday!! Sent from my Z6201V using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. gabbykittyvsg

    January Surgery buddies

    I'm crossing my fingers for a January date for my hernia repair and sleeve to bypass revision. Once insurance approves it will only be a few weeks. I'll hear from insurance by Christmas, it will be a very merry Christmas for me! I had my sleeve 7 years ago right before Thanksgiving. Sadly I developed some nasty GERD that has caused severe damage to my esophagus, as well as developed a large hiatal hernia. Sent from my Z6201V using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. My surgeon's experience is that people usually don't have to jump through the hoops again because the revision is necessary for reasons other than weight loss Sent from my Z6201V using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. gabbykittyvsg

    Bariatric Therapy

    IMHO, the most effective therapy takes place with a therapist who you connect with. I've tried specialized therapy and didn't get much out of it because I didn't mesh well with the therapist. Sent from my Z6201V using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. You pay 20% of the medicare allowed amount which is WAY lower than the price the hospital bills for.
  12. gabbykittyvsg

    Stomach gurgling

    I know I'm replying to a post more than a year old but I have to add my experiences with the gurgling. My guts are being super noisy! I even got weird looks from my kitties! The gurgling noises are reassuring sounds, they let me know my gut is alive and doing it's job.
  13. So, I had my last appointment with the dietitian today. She said she'd try to get the note done and sent to the coordinator by the end of the day (or just an email to say the note is in the system). I did some shopping after the appointment (pre-op diet stuff) and when I got home I checked my online patient portal and found that her note was indeed DONE!!! My appointment was at 2:30 and the note was done and in the system by 4pm. So, insurance submission happened today or it will be done first thing in the morning!!!!! Oh, and since I'm a sleeve I don't have a 10 day liquid diet like my surgeon's RNYs do, I have a 10 day low cal high Protein (750-800 cal/day) diet. I'll be on full liquids for 3 weeks after. when the coordinator called me yesterday she said that because my primary insurance is Medicare I may have approval in just a few days!! I thought there was no way my surgery would be before Thanksgiving, but now it's looking like it will be as early as mid-November. I'm not worried at all about being on full liquids or purees during the holiday season. There may be some awkward explanation going on but oh well, that's what we call life.
  14. My pre-op appointment was also 2 hours. 1 hour with the surgeon going over all the risks and benefits and alternatives. Then an hour with the coordinator going over what will happen right before and after surgery.
  15. gabbykittyvsg

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    14 more days till surgery and 4 until I start my non-liquid pre-op diet. It's getting soooo close. I had my pre-op appointments last Friday with the surgeon and coordinator. Today I go visit the licensed vampires to get a baseline of my iron, calcium, D3 and some other things so we know if I need additional supplements and to be able to tell in the future if there is any malabsorption.
  16. gabbykittyvsg

    My sleeve date is December 2nd!

    My date is November 19th and I promise to make room for you on the losers bench!
  17. Woooo hoooo for the appointment going so well! I was also nervous about bringing the topic up with my PCP and I've been with her for 6+ years. She agreed with me, as long as I was going for the VSG. She though the bypass was too drastic for me and the band was not a possibility due to the high rate of complications, which is why my surgeon will not put them in. I had 2 other people I had to clear surgery with, my therapist and psychiatric nurse practitioner. I have bipolar type 2 and a lot of anxiety, both of which have been stable for a few years. I would not have gone through with the program if I didn't have their approval because I've worked with them long enough that I had total trust in their judgement. They were both very supportive. The nurse practitioner said she wouldn't give her blessing to most of her patients, but she did for me! Having a good professional system of support behind you is essential and I think it will also make people more successful in the long run.
  18. gabbykittyvsg

    I cant stop thinkng about it.

    I think you should call your surgeons office and ask if they can get the ball rolling, especially if you've already met the deductible with your husband's insurance for the year. I don't think insurance companies care when the diet is done as long as it's in the past year or so. I also think they don't care if you started with another insurance company, because that's less they have to pay out. Having to pay your 20% up front or not depends on the hospital's policy. Some hospitals require pre-payment and some don't. You can call the hospital's patient finance department and they can tell you what their policy is. I can tell you that the initial obsession does calm down, eventually. For me it was after I had the first appointment with the dietitian.
  19. That is freaking awesome!!!! and I thought my insurance was fast at around 40 hours. My coordinator rocks too! She had everything filled out and ready to go so after my last appointment with the dietitian she could get everything over to Medicare. Cheers to the awesome coordinators out there!!!
  20. gabbykittyvsg

    Latest appointment freaked me out!

    I think it's a rare person who doesn't have nerves! Have you considered going to Mexico where your cost would be MUCH, as in 50% or more, lower? They will do the hernia repair too. Just something to consider.
  21. gabbykittyvsg


    Medicaid may have switched their policy to be the same as Medicare, which requires a comorbidity for any BMI Medicaid and Medicare are both under the same governing body.
  22. gabbykittyvsg

    Switching Doctors?

    Was it the doctor who messed up the appeal or their office staff. I think knowing who exactly messed up is important in making your decision. Also, what was messed up about it? Was it missing paperwork or something else? If the doctor screwed it up then I'd seriously think about switching. If they mess that up then how careful are they going to be with your surgery? Or how will they treat you after surgery if there is a problem? What has been your feeling about this doctor all along? If you were at any point feeling iffy about them then I'd take that as a major red flag. But if it wasn't the doctor who screwed up and you liked them all along then I'd consider sticking with them. If you switch insurance you might have to start the process all over again.
  23. gabbykittyvsg

    What's Your Surgery Opinion?

    I agree with da50bear, I think you should look into the duodenal switch.
  24. gabbykittyvsg

    Consult jitters!

    I'd be very surprised if you get a date. I went in with a list of questions and they were all answered by the program coordinator (who is also a nurse practitioner) before I had a chance to ask. I personally don't think it's important to ask about the size of the bougie. It is used as a guide for the stapler. One surgeon who uses a 32 can leave a patient with the same size sleeve as another surgeon using a 40. The difference between a 32 and 40 is pretty small. I also believe a once size fits all approach isn't the best way to do things. A surgeon can have a preference but should adjust based on several factors. A short small framed person doesn't need to eat as much as a 6+ foot tall man with a large build. Perhaps a better question is to ask is "how do you decide how big to make a sleeve?"
  25. gabbykittyvsg

    psych eval mmpi2

    Some depression and anxiety are ok. If you're so depressed that you can't get out of bed most days then it's probably not in your best interest to have surgery until the depression is treated. With the MMPI2 they are looking for evidence of severe mental illness that will interfere with a persons ability to follow through with what's needed to be successful after surgery. The test has 250+ questions and seems repetitive but it's designed that way to check for consistency in answers. The test is also designed to detect if people are faking good. I've taken it twice, but not during this process.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
