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Stephanie Kandace

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Stephanie Kandace

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 05/16/1981

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    New York

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  1. Stephanie Kandace

    What's the deal with CAFFEINE ?!

    I've read that caffeine dehydrates us and it is hard enough to get all the Fluid in that we are supposed to so if we do drink coffee or tea we would have to increase our Water intake even more. I was a serious Starbucks drinker, at least 2 a day but now it's just not worth it to me. It's hard enough getting down the water I am supposed to. But I cannot lie, I do indulge in a sip or two some days. Just not Starbucks since it's too expensive to throw away a full cup. Good Luck!
  2. Stephanie Kandace

    Sick and tired of explaining myself...

    I like all of your ideas but I will have to go with the adult hissy fit. I was trying to avoid that since I am passive aggressive and let things slide until I snap and was trying to avoid snapping but I don't care at this point. I even went so far to let my passive mother know that the next time someone says something to prepare herself and not be shocked because it's going down. Worst part is this is the season with all the Christmas and New Years parties but I guarantee everyone will shut up and hold their comments and thoughts to themselves in 2015!
  3. No one understands unless they go through this themselves. I am sick and tired of my family and their comments and afraid I will end up blowing up on them. Surgery was 10/29 I lost 25lbs in the first 3 weeks and stalled. Doctor says it's normal but on Thanksgiving a few family members asked my sister why I wasn't losing any weight yet. Then last night at a family gathering there were pork chops, rice, brownies a whole bunch of crap and I didn't have any, just ate my Protein pack and my aunts are telling me I shouldn't be eating cheese and had the nerve to say, 'You know you've been eating this stuff', I was boiling inside so badly but was saved by the doorbell. None of them have a clue about anything regarding this surgery and/or my body. How do I tell them all to shut the hell up and stop watching me in a respectful way because I'm ready to blow up on everyone. And the problem is my family has so many functions, I have to be around them so my daughters can participate also.
  4. Stephanie Kandace

    Normal or not? 6 weeks post op

    I can relate, I return to work tomorrow, 5 weeks post op and only lost 25lbs total. Feeling frustrated but everyone says this is what happens. The weight will fall off in no time, I hope. Good luck!!!
  5. I think you will be fine. I had to cook 6 days post op for my daughter's birthday and it was fine. Just pace yourself and start early enough to give you enough time.
  6. Stephanie Kandace

    Do you enjoy cooking still?

    I am 4 weeks post op and honestly I've never enjoyed cooking so much in my life. My family is so happy but it's just ironic. Before the surgery I would barely cook and would order take out most of the time for me and the kids but now I am cooking daily and good stuff too. I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that I still haven't returned to work yet and I used to fill my days with eating so now it's cooking stuff I can't even eat.
  7. Stephanie Kandace

    First day back at the gym!

    Tomorrow will be 2 weeks post op for me. I went back to the gym last Thursday and walk but hate it, I want to do the elliptical so bad but my surgeon said 6 weeks. Said even though the incision might not hurt he's more concerned about them healing inside. said the twisting of the torso he does not want since that can pop a stitch and that scares me but I still want to do the elliptical so badly. For now I do the treadmill and stair master.
  8. Stephanie Kandace

    Please chime in...

    I am only 2 weeks out and since I can't return to work yet friends are always trying to take me out. i keep a Protein shake on me and plenty of Water. I've also carried yogurt and crystal light with me and keep some in the car so i always have something. For you I would say to just choose from the low cal menu since most restaurants have one or choose anything with fish and greens, any other healthy decisions...Good Luck!
  9. I won't lie, I cheated on the pre op a few times. I managed to lose 11 pounds but I'm not making excuses but I needed this surgery for a reason. Thank God there were no complications but I won't lie and say I didn't cheat.
  10. I broke up with my boyfriend during my post op, he would come by as much as possible and bring me my favorite foods to try and deter me...sometimes you have to pick yourself and your happiness over other people
  11. Stephanie Kandace

    Stomach binder?

    My MD said I could wear a binder soon as I can tolerate it and I am 4 days out. First day home from the hospital I wore a girdle I've had forever that wasn't that tight and continue to wear that or spanx just because I feel more secure. By 4 weeks you should be able to wear a girdle or waist trainer for sure.
  12. Stephanie Kandace

    Puree Stage

    @@Elode yes, I put them both in the nutribullet and it tasted fine to me. I also took the pumpkins inside from the decorations we had outside and tomorrow I will make a pumpkin soup also. I'm actually enjoying this stage.
  13. Stephanie Kandace

    Puree Stage

    Didn't think I would enjoy this part but I actually am. I just made some puree fish and pumpkin and my kids looked at me in horror as I licked the spoon making crazy noises because it tasted so good to me, LOL. Anyhow, I went online doing some research and stumbled across this page with tons of great ideas for the pureed stage. Tomorrow I will make my own hummus and see how that turns out, here you go... http://www.muschealth.com/weightlosssurgery/nutrition/RecipesPureed
  14. Stephanie Kandace

    New Sleever

    Thanks guys. I read so many horror stories and thought everyone has a lot to say when something is negative or not going the way they thought but we never hear the positive. It is still early but it's scary enough without reading about all the negatives.
  15. Ask your surgeon because they might know what it is or they may just tell you it's fine as long as you get the recommended amount of Protein in.

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