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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentylwind

  1. gentylwind

    Sugar Addict

    I am allergic to sugar. It makes me break out in fat.
  2. gentylwind


    I was not told 1/2 cup. I was told to eat 1 cup 6 times a day.
  3. gentylwind

    I'm Psyched!

    I get my first fill on Monday. I am very ready.
  4. My doc does not do the bypass, only LB, and he gives the same instructions as the ones you suspected were a mix up.
  5. I am only four weeks pre-op so goodness only knows how things might change, but my hair is thicker, fuller, shinier than it has been in years.
  6. You didn't leave an option for "had it before surgery but no longer have it afterward"
  7. WannaB, I am curious if you are able to go in today with all the ice on the roads! You have to fly in, yes?? Its an ugly wintry day here ...mild compared to some parts of the country, but we are not equiped to deal with winter weather...we only get it a couple of times a year! Lots of schools and gov't offices are closed!
  8. We have the same physician...he is very in favor of losing hard and fast the first year to take advantage....weight loss on the band slows significantly after 12 months. So he will let us get fills as often as we need them, even once a week, after the first fill. He has an excellent reputation here in Dallas and a very high success rate. I already have 3 cc in my band from surgery and get my first fill at exactly 4 weeks. WannaB and I were banded the same day. I am envious...I am still waiting until Monday. Maybe I will see if I can bump to this week too...Monday is an inconvenient day for me.
  9. gentylwind

    Having some PAIN!!!

    Could be adhesions (scar tissue) that has formed. Would not show up on Xray, only visible with exploratory surgery usually. I hope that's not the case though. I hope you get relief soon!
  10. gentylwind

    What foods are considered mushies?

    Yep, that was the definition given to me in my paperwork. Full liquids only extended to creamed Soups, FF pudding and plain FF yogurt along with everything on clear liquids. My doc considers soft foods to be a separate category all together.
  11. gentylwind

    What foods are considered mushies?

    Mushies are anything you can blend to a baby food consistency.
  12. If you have a 10 cc band you have a long way to go before you peak your fill level. Some of it is still going to come down to your choices of what you put in your mouth, how long you chew, how big of bites you take, how long you take to eat a meal, whether you drink with meals etc. The rest is getting adequate medical care. You said you are working out five hours a day? What are you doing for exercise and how do you have time for five hours of working out?
  13. gentylwind

    inquiring minds want to know.......

    No problems whatsoever here.
  14. gentylwind

    Chinese food

    I just started back on soft solids and had egg foo young this weekend. Tasted great, went down fine.
  15. I have 6 free fills in the first year with my surgery cost. AFter that he will bill my insurance for an office visit and I will pay a $25 co-pay and that's it.
  16. gentylwind

    Single bandsters - Don't you wish they...

    Its mostly just practice. Even as a heavy girl I have had no problem with meeting people, getting dates, having relationships. Go slow...its hard and its scary...but practice making yourself hold eye contact with a man and smiling. That's all. Just a smile. You will be amazed at the energy it gives you when they smile back. And something in you will feel the "zing" when he is smiling at you as an attractive woman. You will just know. When you are ready you can bump it up to saying hello or asking them a question. But try just holding eye contact and smiling first....that's the hardest part.
  17. gentylwind

    Second Guessing Myself

    Yup, I am in my fourth week and get my first fill a week from today. I am very ready. I am using a certain size of rubbermaid type container to eat out of to help me recognize when it is time to quit eating. Usually within 10 minutes of stopping eating, the desire to eat more goes away. I never feel "full" but am getting to where I recognize real hunger. I look forward to the fill hopefully making this easier. I have 3 cc now, left in at surgery (10 cc band).
  18. Only surprised it is on the right side instead of the left. I always assumed for some reason it would be on the left. I don't mind where mine is at. I am grossly unaware of it 99.9% of the time.
  19. When I transitioned into more solid foods, I jumped up nine pounds. I have since dropped down six of those again, so I am up just three pounds. I get filled on the 22nd as well and look forward to it. I am using special rubbermaid type cups to eat out of so that I don't go over the amount i am supposed to eat at one sitting. Often I find I want to keep eating even though I am honestly not hungry anymore....just not stuffed. The little cups help me know when its time to stop..and usually within 10 minutes the craving for more food stops as well, especially if I brush my teeth right away.
  20. gentylwind

    Very depressed

    Medicare does not cover it. It was one of the first things they announced at my seminar. I am so sorry.
  21. Call right away ER. My doctor was super packed booked and had no further openings before Christmas. I think pretty much EVERYONE wants that extra help to get past the holiday. Hopefully you can get an appointment!
  22. gentylwind

    Why is banding so frowned upon?

    I just want to thank everyone for talking about this here and giving their opinions. This is very valuable information to process for those of us who are graduating into the "real world" of "regular food" now.
  23. Ok, good to know...they do not do fills on Fridays. Guess I will keep my appointment where it is!
  24. I am back where I was...I think I am just bouncing around a bit as my body adjusts to eating more solid foods again. But yeah, I am ready for my fill. My appt is at 1 PM, but I need to call and see if I can get in earlier in the day or maybe even this Friday instead....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
