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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentylwind

  1. gentylwind

    First Fill - not bad at all

    I had my first fill yesterday with a very similar experience. He had to stick me a few times, had trouble getting the needle to penetrate the port...lots of poking, lots of pressure. The needle finally went in when I tightened up my abs and pushed back against the needle. I had 3 cc in from my surgery and he gave me another 2 cc for a total of 5 cc in my 10 cc band. I go back in two weeks for my next fill.
  2. gentylwind

    NO GAIN over the HOLIDAYS

    Good job! You must feel fantastic! A lot of people do have more than 5 cc in their 10 cc band. Most people need more than that to hit their sweet spot. I just got my first fill yesterday. I had 3 cc in from surgery and he put another 2 cc in, so I am at 5 cc now. Still on liquids, so I am not sure about restriction, but even liquids are making me feel more satisfied again.
  3. gentylwind

    first fill tomorrow

    Got mine done. Wasn't painful but wasn't a walk in the park. He had to stick me about six times, but I was numb, so no pain, just a lot of pressure. He put in 2 cc and I already had 3 cc from surgery, so I now have 5 cc in a 10 cc band. We'll see how it goes! Good luck to you!
  4. I am curious why you don't use skim milk? It would cut the fat and calories significantly without really affecting the protein level.
  5. Yeah, its not even been a week yet....I felt pretty good after a few days, but it seems a lot of people need 2-3 weeks to start feeling better. Tell her to hang in there and to walk a lot.
  6. Heather, if you are satisfied at 3-3.5 oz of food, it sounds to me like you are in a good place! Just let him know you may go back to see him in a couple of weeks if you start to find it inadequate maybe? I just got back from my first fill. Not a piece of cake, but not horrible. He had a little trouble getting the needle lined up right to access my port. No pain though, just a lot of pressure. Finally he got it in, and gave me 2 cc, which gives me 5 cc in my 10 cc band. He said the way he judges if its "enough" of a fill is when he lets go of the plunger on the syringe, it "pushing back" and kicked some of the Fluid back out (about .2 cc). That happened for me at 2 cc added and I had 3 cc still in there from the surgery itself. I am on fluids for 24 hours now...sipping a chocolate Protein shake and feeling fine. He had me make an appointment for two weeks, told me I can cancel it if I have good restriction and am losing, but to come in at that time for another fill if not. And he said to come back in four weeks no matter what just for a follow up visit, even if I don't need a fill.
  7. gentylwind

    first fill tomorrow

    First fill today for me too...I too am a little nervous. I have instructions for AFTER the fill, but are we supposed to be doing liquids or fasting BEFORE it?
  8. I get my first fill today. They didn't tell me to do anything to prepare for it...is there anything I should know? I have 24 hours of liquids after then back to a soft food diet for one day, then normal diet again. I am kinda nervous! The scale is steady, my clothes are loose, life is good. I am ready for this fill. I am pleased to say I have never yet had a PB, stuck episode or vomited. I hope I keep that up!
  9. gentylwind


    My band has been nothing like taking phentermine at all.
  10. Hi all...glad to hear you are all doing so well. Me, not so much. I am hungry all the time and having trouble making good choices. My first fill is Monday...will help a lot with the ability to eat I hope, but the poor choices thing is up to me. I miss my restriction!
  11. You do sound like you have your hands full. I am new to this journey and have no answers for you, but wanted to extend you some sympathy and that I hope things turn around for you soon.
  12. I don't know why but I thought you flew to Dallas for your surgery! I must be thinking of another poster...sorry!
  13. gentylwind

    Two Big Goals in One Day - Let's Celebrate!

    Steve, that is freaking fantastic!
  14. gentylwind

    now what

    I can't say why it is taking so long, only that it does. It looks like the average time for someone using insurance for surgery is 4-6 months of waiting and jumping through hoops.
  15. How awesome is that?! Congratulations!
  16. gentylwind

    First Post Op Problem

    Mindy, it is well known that every surgeon has their own set of guidelines. If she was told by her surgeon and nutritionist she could try new foods, who are we to question it? If she was told it was okay, how would she know it was not??There's no need to get uppity about it. Obviously chicken didn't work for her and I doubt she'll be eating it for dinner tonight. One can help someone make better choices without three posts of being flabbergast.
  17. Oh...and I could have had a surgery appt within 2 weeks if I had wanted to, being self pay.
  18. I am in DFW...had my surgery with Dr. Manuel Castro through TLCEdge. I am dealing exclusively with Dr. Castro now though and not TLCEdge. He is honoring the same deal/price TLCEdge offers, so no loss. He will do my fills after my initial 6 free ones are used up at just the cost of my office visit co-pay by billing my insurance for an office visit. He's a great surgeon and I love him and his office staff. I was banded on 11/21/2008 and am doing well. I get my first fill this coming Monday (12/22). All basic pre-op testing other than the psych eval is included in the TLCEdge price (blood work, EKG, urinalysis). Presumably if you need a sleep study or something like that, your insurance should cover it, but msot insurances do not cover a bariatric surgery preop psych eval (and you probably dont' want them to know you are having bariatric surgery). Feel free to PM me with questions.
  19. gentylwind

    Banded 12/12 in DFW

    Banded 11/21/2008 here in DFW too. Congratulations and good luck!
  20. gentylwind

    Carbonated Beverages

    Best to give up the bad habits now...good to see your mind is open about that. I have had a little wine since my surgery, very limited. I don't seem to get tipsy any faster, at least not yet.
  21. gentylwind

    Some guidance please....

    My doc is aggressive with fills, has an excellent success rate and an A+ reputation here in Dallas. He has said once we start the fill process, I can see him every week if need be to get to good restriction. You'll hear all kinds of stories here. Since you presumably researched your physician beforehand, trust his judgement and do what feels right to you.
  22. Ahh, you are not flying into Dallas to see Dr. Castro for your fills then, are you? I thought you would be for some reason. I am super anxious to get filled too. In the evenings in particular I am able to eat more. I loved getting full on five bites and miss that.
  23. I have had pumpkin pie filling with no problems at all. It may just be a trigger food for you. I have not thrown up, gotten stuck or PB'd anything at all yet. Hopefully I never will.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
