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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentylwind

  1. I am in DFW and am paying $9990, which includes all pre-op testing, the surgery, anesthesiologist and facility fees and six fills in the first year after surgery. Not included was the mandatory psych eval ($250) and the cost of the pre-op diet.
  2. gentylwind

    New and questions

    Well, diverticulosis and IBS are, of course, two completely different diagnoses. IBS usually fares very well with a low carb diet, which is what is requird after getting the band. However, diverticulosis usually requires a high Fiber diet, which is difficult to get with the band due to heavily fibered foods tending to get stuck in the stoma. So you will want to talk to your doctor very seriously about this, as you have already had part of your colon removed. You don't want to end up with a colectomy as the ultimate result. I have never heard of an invernal hernia, so I am afraid I have no answers there. You have a lot of co-morbidities. All I would recommend is that you talk very frankly about them with your surgeon before you move forward. I would be concerned about the low fiber diet with your diverticulosis.
  3. gentylwind

    Told to give up coffee

    I was very coffee addicted but did manage to give it up in the last few weeks. I did it by mixing regular coffee with decaf...started with just a dollop of decaf and the rest regular, then slowly started changing the ratios until I was all decaf. I do feel good to have given up a vice and a true addiction. More proof to myself that I can change than anything I suspect.
  4. Did my pre-op pics tonight. Anyone else done them?
  5. If the doc says it is okay, its okay hon. :hug: Have your grits and enjoy them. Just do a small amount to start.
  6. Shake recommendation: Designer Whey vanilla blended with 3 oz of water, a handful of ice cubes and one packet of orange crystal light is seriously yum. Double thumbs up.
  7. gentylwind

    Constipation or the other????

    I have the runs too, just starting day 2! Its pretty normal.
  8. gentylwind

    Anyone cheat on preop diet?

    They are available at every major grocery store.
  9. My doctor was very firm that if you follow what you are supposed to do and get your fills as you need them, you definitely can lose all the weight you need to lose. 50% is a statistic only. You can be 100% or nothing if you make up your mind to do so.
  10. I am on Wellbutrin XL (can't be split) and my surgeon told me it will be fine, just take it with a bit of yogurt or applesauce ot help lubricate it through the stoma. No need to change meds.
  11. Trial by fire on my first day! lol! The clinic I work for has The Olive Garden brought in for catered lunch today. Talk about a challenge. Breadsticks, salad, chicken alfredo and spaghetti. I am so hungry my hands are shaking. It feels good to say "no" though and I feel lighter already just from not having anything solid so far today. Its sure hitting me though how much I am going to have to change in the way I relate to and think about food.
  12. I was disappointed with GNC. I wanted to try the Isopure but they only sell it in these huge tubs that cost nearly $70. :thumbs_up: They do have the protein bullets, which I will use after the surgery but not before. They have 42 grams of protein each. I get my shakes at the grocery store (Kroger usually).
  13. I know it happened to RestlessMonkey on here. There have been others but I don't know if they are around now or not.
  14. I really don't mind the Low Carb Slim Fast. And I like the Atkins drinks a lot...they are higher in fat, which gives greater satiety (you aren't as hungry).
  15. gentylwind

    Calling all self payers! I've got questions.

    I am in the Dallas area, self pay cash, no financing, so I can't help you regarding payments. Both Dr. Castro by himself and TLCEdge in Dallas are offering the band right now at $9990. This includes your pre-op work up (blood tests, EKG and urinalysis), your surgery and your first six fills in the first year. Additional costs are $250 for the pysch evaluation and the cost of your Protein shakes. I am scheduled for surgery on 11/21.
  16. Awww ER :hug :hug::hug: Hang in there, do what you can and know that no matter what you WILL get it done. I know you dont' want to wait. We'll all be cheering and praying for you!
  17. I met with my surgeon this past Wednesday and he did state this himself. He said he is very aggressive with fills the first year, because its far more likely to come off the first 6-8 months than it is later. He doesn't know why but he does see the pattern. So just thought I would throw it in there that my doctor backs this data up.
  18. gentylwind

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    My psych eval was $250. I am not using the Optifast but am buying my own shakes.
  19. gentylwind

    self fill......

    Darwin award waiting to happen. Good grief people, use your heads. You are sticking a foreign object into your belly to try and access another foreign object inside your belly. Ever heard of sepsis? Why would you risk it? If you hit your tubing instead of your port, you are hosed (no pun intended) and looking at another surgery. Leave it to the experts. Don't be foolish.
  20. Listen to the ladies above. If you can't do the pre-op diet now, how are you going to do the postop diet later? You can do this. You really, really can. Catch yourself in your food fantasies and put them aside. Realize this is your chance to have the life you always wanted. You don't want to be turned away from it. You can do this!
  21. Hi Shaun. I got my psych eval from Dottie Claggett 214-797-7221. It was $250 and a very positive experience.

  22. I am appreciating it too! I get banded two weeks from today. :thumbs_up: Started my pre-op diet this morning, so far so good. I get a Protein shake for Breakfast, one for lunch, a low calorie/low carb dinner and all the FF broth, SF Jello and SF popsicles I want. Crystal light and all that too of course. Diet Splash etc. I am SO ready. Taking my "before" pictures tonight!
  23. gentylwind

    Pre Op Testing

    I am self pay. My pre-op testing consisted of: Blood work EKG Urinalysis Psych eval and that's it!
  24. gentylwind

    Infection! :(

    No, that is where they put you in the hospital while you undergo heavy duty I.V. antibiotics and monitoring.
  25. I was at a wedding two weeks ago and saw a cousin of mine whom I have not seen in a while. She is thin and fit, but self-admittedly bulimic. We were dancing at the wedding and I was having a good time. I take belly dance lessons and am relatively graceful. She says to me "You know what I LOVE about you?!", hollering over the music. I said "No, what?" And she said "That you can STILL feel sexy anyway!" I stopped dancing after that. That one stung.

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