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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentylwind

  1. Yeah, this is why I made sure I was the first or second person on the schedule for the date of my surgery. That doesn't sound very fun.
  2. gentylwind


    Hi all. I am having my surgery this Friday. I hear a lot of people talking about getting Gas-X strips etc. and I have to admit, this makes no sense to me, as the gas that comes after surgery is not in the digestive system. Did you use Gas-X and did it help you? I am trying to decide whether to buy any or not.
  3. I get banded on Friday (day after tomorrow) and am having similar cold feet. I just keep reminding myself that happy people aren't generally online that much telling their story. They are out living their lives. However, unhappy people are online a LOT, looking for help, information, commiseration or even just a place to complain. It is disproportionate. I addressed all my concerns wtih my surgeon. He says if I do what i am supposed to do, there is no reason I will not lose ALL the weight I need to lose. 100% chance of success if I am compliant. So that goes for you too. We can do this!
  4. Leaks. Sepsis. No doctor wanting to touch you after you do this due to the liability issues of a noncompliant patient. Darwin award waiting to happen. Its a very stupid idea.
  5. gentylwind

    Help Please

    I don't have good answers for how much to drink and when, but the tightness in the morning my surgeon told me is related to the esophagus still being paralyzed from sleep. It is one of the slower muscles of the body to "wake up" and its normal for restriction to be higher early in the day and to ease up as the day goes on.
  6. gentylwind

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    I am doing okay...I am hungry a lot of the time but not starving, and i think a lot of it is head hunger. I am not having a growly tummy or anything, no symptoms of low blood sugar. Just not full the way I prefer to be. Its been a challenge, but I am almost there. Surgery is Friday and I have lost 6.6 lbs in the last 10 days, which thrills me!
  7. gentylwind

    preop diet

    Without knowing your personal scenario and insurance requirements and surgeon, it is impossible to answer you in anything but a personal anecdotal way. Most insurances consider anything over a 40 BMI to be morbidly obese. You do realize this band is NOT a magic solution and you will have to do all of this and more AFTER the band is placed and for the rest of your life? That you will continue to feel hunger for some time after the band is placed? If you are not prepared to suffer some and push past the unpleasantness, you really need to examine if you are ready to do this! You sound like you are kind of freaking out. Take deep breaths, have some patience, have some faith in yourself and know that your surgeon will tell you all you need to know. But determine here and now you will do whatever it takes to make this surgery successful for you. The band itself will change nothing. It is just a way to help you change yourself.
  8. Down 6.6 in 10 days on the pre-op, and I don't even have a super strict one! yeehaw! Surgery is Friday. I am fretting.
  9. A week from tomorrow! :thumbup: One week from today will be clear fluids only. I am strugglin' along on my pre-op, making it okay with a shake at lunch and breakfast and a normal, low carb dinner. Not droppingtons of weight but I am dropping and my pants are loose. I am ready to have this DONE. EbonyRose, I am so glad your anemia got solved!
  10. gentylwind

    I'm afraid to be totally honest on the questionnaire

    I had some of the same concerns you do before all my eval. stuff. But when I met with my psychologist for that part, it became clear that all of this is not to weed people out from the surgery, but to identify where YOU might need help so that your surgery will be a success for you. It was about helping you not to fail on the band! So yes, be honest! It will only do you good.
  11. gentylwind

    Small or large band?

    I am 5'3 and already know I am getting a 10 cc band.
  12. gentylwind

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    You proceed forward like it is going to happen and put that expectation out into the universe. STart the pre-op diet...it can only help you even if you don't have the surgery. Also have you called the insurance company yourself? Many to most people have had to follow up on this on their own to get answers. Don't let them do the surgery if you don't have approval. You will be liable for the cost, as it is standard to have you sign a form that states you understand that anything your insurance does not cover, you pay for.
  13. I have less than 1000 per day, currently in my pre-op phase too.
  14. gentylwind

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Hungry today, not nearly as perky. The scale is up 1.5 lbs, hopefully that is because I started my cycle. :laugh: I find myself today very anxious and worried whether any of this is going to work. Still seems like a long way off.
  15. gentylwind

    Surgery in the Morning (Nov. 11)!

    Thinking of you and hoping it all goes well! Congratulations!
  16. gentylwind


    If you don't have ADHD where are you getting the Adderall? You should not be taking it if you don't have the medical condition requiring it. You do need to own up to your doc. Sounds like you may have traded one addiction for others.
  17. LOVE reading the success stories. Way to go!
  18. gentylwind

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Day 4 of my pre-op diet and I feel WONDERFUL. Surgery is on the 21st. yay!
  19. gentylwind

    Slimfast Anyone???

    I use only the low carb Slim Fast. I also use Atkins shakes and Designer Whey.
  20. This just seems weird to me. Too many details. I am thinking this may be a very detailed spam to dredge up business for this other weight loss plan.
  21. gentylwind

    caffeine and lapband

    :thumbup: This is very very wise advice. Enough doctors have recommended giving up caffeine for it to be a credible recommendation.
  22. gentylwind

    caffeine and lapband

    Carbonation is a no-no after surgery for most doctors. It causes pain and can stretch your pouch. Best to break the bad habit now. Caffeine is known to prompt insulin production, which in turn prompts sugar cravings and increasing appetite. That is why they want you to give it up.
  23. Yes, the first amt of weight you lose is fluid. Don't expect to continue losing 10 lbs a week! 14 lbs in two weeks is amazing, but after the band expect 1-2 lbs per week.
  24. Most of the people in this forum just got their bands and are still hopeful for success and intending to follow the recommended diet. You will probably get more response in the forum intended for people with band complications.
  25. gentylwind

    Medifast preop diet

    Yeah, I am in the pre-op hell too. Hang in there. There IS light at the end of the tunnel and you will be so happy postop for the weight you lost pre-op.

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