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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentylwind

  1. Sadly, yes, there are people who go into this surgery thinking it will be a quick fix. We see them all the time on this board in fact. It is great that you are getting your head around it now rather than after. You will do fine.
  2. I was at the surgery center for four hours from arrival to discharge, so no overnight in the hospital at all. I have not returnd to work yet but plan to by Wednesday. I am two days postop now.
  3. Yeah, they moved me to one of the last surgery slots of the day due to being young and having no comorbidities. I was NOT happy about that, but it turned out okay in the end. I just really didn't want to sit around dreading it all morning. I was very anxious. So I went Christmas shopping until it was time to go to the surgery center. I can't imagine having to fly after surgery! My drive home was 30 minutes and I almost up-chucked from that. You poor thing! He will call in Phenargan for you if you want it. I had him do it, only needed it once or twice, but now am glad to have it in case I get a stomach flu this winter or spring. I am feeling pretty good this morning. The port pain is much less upon waking today and my bruising has improved a LOT just overnight. I am going to take my first shower since surgery in a minute here. Still not interested in any kind of food. I tried a couple of bites of SF Jello this morning and bleh. Didn't want it. My tummy is making all kinds of funky noises this morning and I am passing gas like a champ. lol! The bloating of my belly is noticably less. I hope to get Joe to take me out to the store to walk and Christmas shop a little bit if I feel up to it later on.
  4. I am two days postop and am amazed at how good I feel. I have some pain, some gas pressure, but nothing like what I read others are having here on LBT. I feel pretty lucky. I am not 100%, but I am not miserable either.
  5. Not too bad...yesterday got rougher as the day went on, but on the whole I am surprised at how good I feel!

  6. Hi Kijo. I used Dr. Manuel Castro through TLCEdge. I am very pleased with how my surgery went....it was just two days ago, so I am brand new to being banded. But the surgery itself really went smoothly. From arrival to being back home it was just four hours. Good luck on Tuesday!

  7. gentylwind

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    ER, that is GREAT about your meds! I am still doing okay, but in more pain tonight than I was this morning. More gas pain, more port pain. Still nothing awful though. Pain meds help as does walking and resting in alternating pattern. I have been sipping broth all day and Gatorade. I can move to full liquids now but have no desire to. I made some FF pudding and SF jello to have later if I want. I did have one SF popsicle earlier today. Its weird to not want any food.
  8. Me too. They usually put in four squirts of their syrup. That's why I only have them do one. I like my coffee to taste like coffee!
  9. gentylwind

    Pre-Op Liquid Diet Recipes

    Look on www.recipezaar.com. I made a lot of broths from there before my surgery and have had fantastic oxtail broth today (the day after my surgery). I am sure you will find good creamy soups there that you can make with either skim milk or fat free evaporated milk.
  10. See, my port is way down low, not far from my belly button, on my right side. Just above and to the right of it by 2-3 inches. And yes, very swollen, very bruised and SORE. Its the most painful part on me. In fact, the other four incisions I can't even feel. I have kept ice on it a lot of the day today, which has helped some. I love my Lortab though! Dr. Castro and the whole surgery center/team were fantastic. I got there right before you left it sounds like. We probably passed in the pre-post op room. How are you feeling today? I am doing okay...this morning was definitely better than this evening. I have sipped broth in small amounts all day along with Gatorade but I am positive I didn't get the 48-64 oz they say we should in fluids. I think I have only peed once and that was not much.
  11. Joe is here taking care of me, but honestly, getting up and getting my own needs met gets me walking, which helps with the gas pain a LOT. I let him do some for me, but mostly am doing for myself. It helps get me moving.
  12. Decaf nonfat pumpkin spice latte with only one squirt of the pumpkin spice syrup and no whipped cream. Its a nice treat.
  13. I wish I had known the surgery would not be nearly as bad as I thought!
  14. Hi all! Banded yesterday, all went very very well. I was banded and back home in a four hour time period and I feel really quite good. If this is the worst it gets, I have gotten off lucky. I have a little tightness in my chest from gas pain, but very little in my shoulder and it feels much better when I walk. I am taking small sips of Gatorade and homemade chicken broth. Joe is making me homemade oxtail Soup. which we will strain some for me and freeze the rest for when I progress to mushies. It smells wonderful! But its weird...I have NO desire right now to eat, so I am really savoring just the smell and the feeling of comfort and home. That's a first for me. Good smells always make me hungry, but not today! I didn't realize how fearful I was of the surgery until now. Today is the first day I have gotten excited about having this done. I am down two pounds from when they weighed me at the surgery center yesterday, so no gain here. I hope I continue to feel this good. I have incision pain that requires the liquid Lortab, but its bearable. I got SUPER nauseated from the car ride home yesterday, but the doc called me in liquid Phenargan and that kept me from actually hurling. I have not needed it but for two doses yesterday. I am glad to have it on hand now in case I get a stomach bug any time during the winter/spring. I am SO GLAD the surgery itself is over with and SO excited to embark on this new journey. I will be on mushies in a couple of weeks, full fluids tomorrow. And my first fill will be in four weeks!
  15. gentylwind

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    I am wondering, is this the worst it gets? If so, I have gotten off pretty easy from the sound of it *knocks wood*. Of course, its not even been 24 hours since my surgery yet, but right now, I am happy, content, excited and not at all miserable. I have some pain, some gas pressure, fatigue and weakness, but nothing unmanageable or horrific. What day after surgery is usually the worst? I have no frame of reference. I have never had surgery before.
  16. gentylwind

    Liquid diet Blahs!!!

    I was not perfect on my pre-op but for the last two days before surgery. Prior to that I was perfect about 90% of the time. Stick with it. You can do it! And don't beat yourself up too hard. Just do what you are supposed to and don't give yourself permission to slip, but if you do, don't beat the crap out of yourself. Just learn from it and move onward. I was banded yesterday, no complications.
  17. gentylwind

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Banded yesterday. I am so glad it is OVER. I didn't realize how much my fear of the surgery was keeping me from getting excited about having it done. Now that it is over I feel wonderful. Having mid chest pain from gas and swelling and, of course, incision pain. But not too bad in terms of gas pain. Doing my spirometry regularly (the little breathing gadget) and walking around every half hour or so. I slept like a rock last night, in my own bed and not on the couch or in a recliner. I had severe nausea from the car ride home, but phenargan got that under control before I actually hurled. I have homemade chicken broth and GAtorade to sip on and Joe (my SO) is making oxtail Soup, which he will strain for me. I start full liquids any time after 24 hours, but the way I feel right now I will probably wait until tomrrow or so. Not at all hungry, even though the soup smells fantastic. I can actually enjoy the smell and have no desire to eat. That's a first!
  18. gentylwind

    looking for a cheaper lap band surgery

    DFW - Dr. Manuel Castro is $9990. So is TLCEDge in DFW
  19. gentylwind

    Self-Pay Surgeon Requirement

    Self pay here. All I had to do was pre-op blood work, urinalysis, EKG and psych eval. Came to less than $250. Banded yesterday and doing pretty good.
  20. gentylwind

    Nov 20th people

    Good luck today everyone!
  21. gentylwind

    Help! Why Aren't the Scales Moving

    Most people experience a lull in loss around week 3-5 from what I have read. This is due to healing, your body having to readjust to solids, constipation (as you mentioned) etc. Just keep doing what you are supposed to be doing and have faith. It WILL work if you don't decide to start "testing" your band to see if things you aren't supposed to have will go through anyway and if you don't give up! Just be patient. The band does not work the way RNY/gastric bypass does. It gives a much slower weight loss. The lull in loss at week 3 is why my surgeon does not do the Optifast pre-op he said. The body gets kind of shocked by the reintroduction of solids.
  22. WTG!:eek: I am glad you are doing well and were able to move past your fears.
  23. 8:00 AM Baby!! Gah, I am nervous!

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