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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentylwind

  1. gentylwind

    How much is too much?

    I was allowed unlimited broth, SF jello and SF popsicles. I am one week postop, doing well, losing great. I would not worry about it unless your doc tells you to.
  2. Not at all weird. I am one week post surgery today, and had my first lunch at a restaurant since surgery. I had a small cup of La Madeleine's tomato basil Soup, and I could only finish half of it. I found myself absolutely giddy and laughing because I was full with basically 1/4 a cup of the most delicious soup in the world and I had NO desire to try to stuff in the rest of it. Normally I would order a bowl of it (not a cup), eat all of that, have strawberries romanoff as well and of course the bread, butter, jams. It sounds like you are going to do very well. Don't expect that peace to be 100% of the time, but if you can remember how you feel right now, you can tap into it and feel very empowered when old habits beckon. Good luck!
  3. gentylwind

    Nov 24, 2008 my date

    Louise, I am tremendously sorry for your loss. You are very courageous and I am sure your husband is so happy you honored his wish. May life cradle you gently through this difficult time and may you find moments of peace.
  4. Lol! It feels tight and full at the top, and empty and growly and hungry for a while at the bottom. At least for me. My tummy still wants more but my band says NO!:grouphug:
  5. Not sure if it goes away, but I am just taking the attitude that learning to live with it is appropriate and the way to go. lol! It reminds me of when I was a slender early 20something and didn't eat much. I have not felt this kind of hunger in years, which is probably how I wound up as big as I did. I just try to sip on something with some Protein and/or a little fat four or five times a day. It helps keep me stable blood sugar-wise. I do know the painful constriction that I had in my chest for the first few days after surgery is gone now...felt like I was having a heart attack for a while there. That is better now and I only feel tight when I eat. I'm just glad its working! My surgeon is pretty great...I have my first fill in three weeks.
  6. 10 cc band here, five days postop, no idea yet how much he put in during surgery, though I know he does some. I have very good, intense restriction and am dropping weight hard and fast. Its weird, I am full at the top of my stomach and hungry at the bottom. I am coping well though.
  7. gentylwind

    Day Two and Miserable

    I am on day 5...it gets better rapidly, so hang in there. If you are still nauseated, call for some liquid phenargan from your surgeon. I did...helped me sleep and really got rid of the nausea. The more up and around you are, truly the better you will feel the next day, so do try to move around, even if it hurts. Don't worry too much yet about intake I think. It will come in good time. It WILL get better. :hug:
  8. I am so sorry. It happens. Unfortunately a lot of those tests are very accurate and can reveal things about ourselves that are hard to look at or admit. Rather than get angry, perhaps you could consider investing in his (or another weight specialist's) services...if you don't really need it, you'll get cleared for surgery faster, and if you do, you'll be getting the resources you need to be ready to make this incredibly difficult change. I know its hard to hear, but the band really isn't a fresh start. You have to start before its in place...the results afterward can be disasterous if you discover you can't make the necessary changes. You sound SO motivated hon. Hang in there, get some help doing this and you will be on your way to being banded before you know it. If your surgery does get delayed, its only for a little while. :hug: You can do this. The other option of course is to start over with a different surgeon. But I would encourage you to see this as a way to get you ready for the band, not a way to keep you from it. We are all here to help you.
  9. Aw, that sucks about your friends sistasassy. You'd think they would be there for you. I am so sorry. I am doing okay today. I have this weird feeling like I need to burp really bad or like something is stuck in my band. But I am on fluids, so I don't know how anything could be stuck. I just wish it would go one way or the other. Shoulder pain is not nearly as bad today.
  10. gentylwind

    Trying to not be bummed out!

    I have no idea...my doc is the opposite. He wants us in there at four weeks on the dot for the first fill due to the advantage the first year after banding gives for losing weight. He is very focused on getting off most or all of the weight in the first year. He has said after that four week mark, I can be filled every week if that is what is needed. So far though I have restriction just from the surgery. I know most of it is swelling, but he does put some in the band when he places it as well.
  11. gentylwind

    2 days post-op

    I am five days postop...hunger really returned with a vengeance for me yesterday, but I am still satisfied with a very small amount of liquids, three to four times a day. I just do need to get them in now, where before yesterday I could take it or leave it.
  12. Well, I had plenty of warning and never soiled anything, thank goodness...you poor thing! I just had to go a lot! Thankfully it seems to be settling down today. Nothing like yesterday!
  13. No, creamed soups and FF pudding are on the list for liquid phase with my surgeon. But I am also definitely not lactose intolerant. Its from the anesthesia wearing off according to my doc. But thanks for the suggestions!
  14. gentylwind

    Backsliding, but still determined!

    A brave and wonderful post...thank you. Those of us just starting out can learn from what you have said as well as join in cheering you onward. You sound to be grounded in reality and ready to face your demons. Way to go!
  15. I didn't know this, but apparently estrogen is stored in large amounts in body fat, so losing weight quickly releases it into the blood stream and can play all kinds of havoc with one's cycle. I have not missed a period yet, but would not mind if I did! ha! Zero chance of pregnancy here, so a missed period is just a vacation from it.
  16. Yeah, that would be a weird place to put the port. You might call and ask your doc if that is really where it is. You may just be most sore in that spot? My port is down about a inch or two below my rib cage, an inch or two above my navel and about three inches to the right.
  17. I am not there yet, but have heard also it depends on what kind of solid. Some people just can't tolerate chicken no matter what or when. Definitely do wait until you are cleared for solids by your physician, then start with softer stuff, as suggested above....soft white fish is a good place to start I would think, maybe tenderloin or dark meats (moister) in very small bites...
  18. gentylwind

    need a confidance boost.....

    I am 38 and never had surgery before either going into this. I am five days postop now and had alllll the anxiety you are having. I was petrified! I can only reassure you, its a piece of cake. Really not at all bad. I was home just four hours from start to finish! We are relatively young, which helps a lot with pain, mobility and healing. It was nowhere near as bad as I built it up in my head. Don't hesitate to ask for anxiety meds and own up to the nurses that you are scared. They are very sympathetic and will help you through. Good luck and congratulations on taking charge of your life! Remember, the definition of courage is not an absence of fear, but rather taking action despite the presence of fear. This is a very courageous step you are taking.
  19. Lap band is placed laparoscopically on the vast majority of people. Some do have to be opened up, but its rare. I was home four hours after my lap band surgery. I was back to work four days later. Some people need more time than that. The most I have seen someone take was two weeks to return to work. Some docs keep their lap band patients overnight at the hospital, some don't. Gastric bypass is, from what I understand, much more invasive and does require more down time...about six weeks on average I think before returning to work from what I read. Its also, again, from what I read, several days in the hospital.
  20. gentylwind

    To much protien a to little protien???

    No worries, everything I am eating is in the food list my surgeon gave me for the first two weeks after surgery. I am on full liquids until a week from this Friday, then two weeks of mushies, then on to a normal diet. Full liquids on his list include FF pudding, FF creamed soups (thinned and strained), FF yogurt with no fruit pieces, thin oatmeal, thin cream of wheat, thin applesauce, skim milk, plus all the Clear Liquids and probably other stuff I am not remembering at the moment due to not having chosen to eat them thus far.
  21. Oh, and just to share the unique joy...I am now the not-so-proud owner of an ass-hose. Holy diarrhea Batman.
  22. No help here on the protein shakes. Ever since surgery I can't stomach the smell of them, let alone drink them. I am trying to drink skim milk, make creamed soups with skim milk, pudding with skim milk...all in an effort to get in the protein. My appetite returned today..wowie. Painful! But I am still satisfied with a small amount of food, just very aware when its time for more.
  23. gentylwind

    To much protien a to little protien???

    I have to confess, I can't bring myself to drink the protein shakes now. I am sticking to broth, creamed soups made with skim milk or FF yogurt and vitamins. I probably am not getting quite enough protein right now, but hope I will be able to pick that up when I can blend down meats.
  24. gentylwind

    Soft stop

    That really is vague, isn't it? I think sistasassy is probably right, that it means stopping when satisfied but not "full" feeling. Probably if you feel uncomfortable you went too far. That's my best guess too.
  25. gentylwind

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Day four here. I am pretty bruised up, bit it is getting better, starting to turn that ugly yellow that signals healing. I think three of my incision are already healed, including the one in my navel. I am back at work today, a little worn out but nothing too bad. Apparently my colon has woke up though...been in the potty four times since getting here. Lovely. The scale continues to move downward and I am happy with my progress. I am starting to definitely get HUNGRY, but all it takes is something with some protein in it to fill me up for a nice long time, even though its still just liquids. I have my postop the Monday after Thanksgiving and my first fill three weeks after that.

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