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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentylwind

  1. Things are going well here. I could eat 12 oz of liquids yesterday, but today can only eat 6. I like only being able to eat 6 oz better! My scale has slowed down but now my body is changing and I am drowning in all my pants. People are starting to notice my weight loss and comment on it. I wasn't prepared for that this soon and wish they wouldn't do that. Frankly, it embarasses me to get all that attention, and women always want to know what you are doing and how much you have lost. I am not a shy person but I get shy about this, maybe because I have yo-yo'd for so long. In all, I am really happy with my progress. I can start blended foods tomorrow and am looking forward to getting more protein.
  2. gentylwind

    Tired of the med crushing.

    Been taking whole, time-release pills since day 1 and have never crushed.
  3. gentylwind

    Does Lap-Band help with emotional eating?

    workingonit, it is good you have things you know you need to address before undergoing this surgery. That is very wise of you. As you know, no surgery is for everyone and there are no guarantees. A few people have had bad results, such as the poster above. I personally know five people in my every day life who have had the band between 2 and 5 years and are doing fantastic, met their weight goals and are maintaining without complications with their band. Its a hard decision. Do a lot of research and definitely do what you need to do to get your head around the changes you will have to make. Its not easy, but I am hopeful. I wish you best of luck.
  4. Sounds like maybe you are ready for a (another?) fill...?
  5. gentylwind

    hair dye anyone?

    I also have never heard such a thing. But if you are worried about it, try henna. No chemicals, all natural, beautiful color...I recommend the henna sold at Lush.
  6. gentylwind

    2nd night

    I only had nausea from the car ride home from the hospital, and the doctor called in some Phenargan for me. You might ask yours for some. It really helps and also aids in sleeping well.
  7. Definitely is, but yeah, its uncomfortable when it happens. I have noticed that letting myself get absolutely starved is not good for me. It makes the whole eat slowly, chew extremely well thing difficult to remember when I am ravenous. I hope the tightness goes away. You may just be a little swollen from having eaten too much and might consider going back to full liquids for a day to give your belly a rest.
  8. It will go away. I had this happen too, mainly from eating too fast due to extreme hunger. You will find it gradually lessen, but you won't forget it. I am more careful since getting a little bit over full one time late last week. It does amuse me how little food it takes to get me full now.
  9. Full liquids for two weeks, then on to mushies/blended foods for two more weeks. Then soft unblended for two weeks, then regular diet.
  10. B: 1/2 cup FF cottage cheese with 1/2 container FF peach Yoplait yogurt Morning snack: same as above. Only staying full about two hours now instead of four. Lunch: 1 1/2 cups V8 tomato herb soup and one slice FF swiss cheese Afternoon snack: 5.5 oz can of V8 juice Dinner: Cup of turkey stock with about four chunks of stuffing mixed in until saturated and completely soft Restriction is definitely going away and I am anxious to start blended meats and things on Friday. I try to stay under 1000 calories. Using MyDailyPlate.com to track my intake and it really helps.
  11. You should probably not be eating solid foods yet. Better call your doctor. He may want to do an Xray and see if you damaged the placement of your band. I would go back to liquids only for several days at the least and let your physician and nutritionist tell you where to go from there. I am also just two weeks out and can't have anything more solid than runny mashed potatoes, which is true for most people postop. Some are even still on just liquids at this stage, as mentioned above. Your band is still healing and the churning that regular digestion can cause along with overeating could pop stitches and cause your band to slip. You are probably fine, but you definitely need to talk to your doctor, especially since you are now not feeling very well.
  12. No, your medical information is private.
  13. It may be helpful to ask her to have a conference call with your insurance with you on the line (a three way call) so you both know exactly what is being said is required.
  14. I work in this field and she is probably telling you the truth. I know its a hassle, but she is trying to get your surgery approved for you. This requires talking to a different division of your insurance than the front line customer service people, usually an R.N. or higher. They may tell you they don't require it but still tell her she needs to submit it in order to get your surgery approved. Since she is working on your side to get your surgery performed, just jump through the hoops and get her what she needs in terms of your medical records. It should not take more than a phone call and a faxed piece of paper with your signature giving them permission to forward your records on. It is not at all uncommon for the customer service "front end" people to tell you one thing, but the people in preauthorizations to tell you another.
  15. I was filled with 3 cc at the time of my surgery. I have a 10 cc band.
  16. gentylwind

    What to tell work?

    Some people have said they are having a hiatal hernia repair. A lot of people getting banded do end up with that anyway.
  17. Yes, it is definitely elective surgery. But he had no place commenting on it at all.
  18. I went back five days after surgery. No problem.
  19. Had my postop today. He said I am way above average in recovery time and amount of weight lost, so that is fantastic. He told me I can start cottage cheese, non-liquid yogurt, very moist tuna salad, things of similar consistency. He wants me to wait another week before blending any meats or casserole type things. Made my first fill appointment for three weeks! Dec 22nd, and I am glad...I get a little bit looser every day.
  20. gentylwind


    I am 38 years old and my highest weight topped out somewhere over 280. I was always a normal weight until after I had children. I am 5'3 and weighed 135 lbs most of my adult life until I got pregnant. In 2004, I looked into the band and gastric bypass and decided I needed to give losing a real personal effort before going that route. I lost over 80 lbs in less than 8 months doing by-the-book Atkins (meaning I ate veggies, limited cheese and cream and I exercised). Then my father died. Then my oldest son got AML (an aggressive leukemia). 18 months later he died, at the age of 13 (www.caringbridge.org/visit/josephmorrison). Slowly through that I started to gain weight back....too much grief, not enough time to cook, not enough time to plan and frankly, it fell pretty low on the priority list as he started to fail. Its been almost two years since his death and I have just now reached a point in my grief that I am okay with the fact that I didn't die right along with him. Going forward with the surgery is a life affirming, self affirming move that has been difficult and yet so empowering. I am ready to consciously live again, bringing all the motivation of my son's courage and dignity with me as I go. Someday I will see him again and we'll have lots to talk about. I know I can stick to a healthy eating plan and eat that way the rest of my life. The band is that little extra tool to help me keep it off for good and to make it a little easier. I weighed 242 the day of my surgery consultation. I had my band a little over a week ago now and am going strong, doing great. I feel very empowered
  21. Back from my postop appt and very pleased! Down 16.5 lbs and way above average in terms of recovery and weight loss both. Cleared to have cottage cheese, very very moist tuna salad, scrambled eggs, non-liquid yogurt and cheese sticks. I get to start mushies "all the way" on Friday...meaning blended foods including meats. He said absolutely no formal exercise for six weeks with the exception of the kind of walking I would do to go shopping. Who would not want that prescription? In particular no elliptical. I am glad he told me...I was going to start back at the gym this week. But I have been having terrible back pain that he says is referred pain from my port and that I need to take it easy. I am thrilled so far. And cottage cheese sure did taste good!
  22. gentylwind

    What can happen?

    As usual, RestlessMonkey is correct about all of it, including those who cheated have no idea yet unless they are a year or two out whether they screwed anything up. Talk to your doctor. That is your best source of advice. Its not popular around here to encourage people to stick to the preop diet, but it really isn't wise to fudge on this. Best of luck to you.
  23. Doing fabulous here! Put up all the holiday stuff yesterday, baked cookies, did housework and helped Joe with the bathroom renovation we are doing. I get a little more "open" every day, but I am not stressing about it. I have my postop appointment today and will make my appointment for my first fill today too. That will happen in three weeks.

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