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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by laurenella82

  1. Colonoscopies are usually done for certain age ranges and/or if there is family history of colon cancer. I wonder if that still applies with WLS.
  2. laurenella82

    Hair today, gone tomorrow

    While my hair falling out scares me, I find great comfort in knowing some pretty great wig shops and wig makers in my area! I used to wear a different wig everyday just because I could lol
  3. laurenella82

    All hoops have been jumped through!

    Me toooo!!! I got the call today that they have all my paperwork and that the surgeon has to approve it. It should be sent to the insurance company for approval within a week!!! We're one step closer!!
  4. laurenella82

    Storebought meatballs?

    Just curious, does store bought ground chicken have more carbs than if you did it yourself? Not that a meat grinder doesn't sound like a fun toy, but I'm lazy and would rather cut that process out lol
  5. laurenella82

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Mercy! I'm tired for you!!! But who needs a gym when you've got a farm? Keep up the good work!
  6. laurenella82

    When did your hair loss start?

    Wow! I'm sorry
  7. laurenella82

    I think I can see the light ...

    Yes! I have Amerihealth DC which is a medicaid managed care program. They paid for a friend of mine to have gastric bypass some years ago so I knew they would pay for it for me too.
  8. ...at the end of the tunnel. So yesterday I finally got fed up with this whole psychologist mess and sent an email to the patient navigator for some advice. Thank God she doesn't mind my ranting! So she wanted to speak with the psych doc and asked for his number. An hour or so later she emails me back asking me to call her. And just like I said....she found him just as weird as I did! Lol!! She said the whole situation was very strange but she helped him understand what was needed from him. What she found more strange was that he wanted to talk to my nutritionist....okaaaayyy... So prayerfully he will have his part in by Friday so they can submit me for approval.
  9. laurenella82

    When did your hair loss start?

    Has anyone used prenatal vitamins for the hair loss? My NUT told me that I can take them for my multivitamin. I used them after I had my son when I started to lose locs (I had locs until march of this year when I combed them out). I know some people can't stomach them but they may be of some help.
  10. laurenella82

    I think I can see the light ...

    UPDATE!!!! I went BACK today to see the psych doctor and FINALLY he will be sending in the evaluation with his "stamp of approval" today. I also got an email from my primary care provider. She is resending her approval today. Apparently she sent it at our last appointment but it didn't get to the right person. All of my test results are in the system and I know that for sure because I can actually see them in the patient portal. Now I'm just waiting on confirmation that my cardiologist sent her part in and I'm good to go for insurance approval. Whooohooo!
  11. laurenella82

    Starting the process

    Good morning. What insurance do you have? I thought that usually insurance will require a co morbidity if your BMI is under a certain number like 40 (mine does). Check to make sure that's the case because I thought the same thing. Good luck on your journey and congrats on your loss thus far!
  12. laurenella82

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    First, you look amazing!! And u like the sparkly top in the before pic too! Second, I love that you thought out your costume a year in advance and rocked it!!! I love Halloween but I never dress up because of my weight. I'm going to start thinking about ny costume for next year now! You inspired it! Lol
  13. laurenella82

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    First, you look amazing!! And u like the sparkly top in the before pic too! Second, I love that you thought out your costume a year in advance and rocked it!!! I love Halloween but I never dress up because of my weight. I'm going to start thinking about ny costume for next year now! You inspired it! Lol
  14. laurenella82

    I think I can see the light ...

    I chose him because he's covered by my insurance and since I'm unemployed I could not afford the other doc. The issue is not that I chose the cheaper option but that, in my eagerness to get it done I didn't ask the right questions before I made a choice. Apparently I gave him too much credit when I thought he would understand what was needed when I handed hum the paper that gave him the script. Hell, I understood it and could have just given myself the evaluate! LOL
  15. laurenella82

    I think I can see the light ...

    I wanted to use their psych too but I would have had to pay $400 up font and try to get reimbursed from insurance....I don't have it and if I did I can't see myself paying it with out knowing for sure I'm getting it back. But thanks! I hope so too!
  16. laurenella82

    I think I can see the light ...

    I think that's what the lady wanted to say after she talked to him. Lol! He is nuts! I'm glad someone had the chance to see that too. I was starting to think it was me!
  17. laurenella82

    I think I can see the light ...

    Lol!!! Me too!
  18. laurenella82

    I think I can see the light ...

    This is not at all typical. The patient navigator (love her to pieces!) Even said that it was a very odd situation. Yes, you have to tell them. I was given a letter that listed, in detail, what was needed. He still didn't get it. My advice, if you haven't found a psych doc yet, is to make sure the one you chose has done evaluations for WLS. What I believe made this more painful than just the doctor's weirdness is the fact that he had never done this kind of eval.
  19. laurenella82

    Scared dad!

    I'm having the surgery, not my dad. He's afraid for me going under the knife.
  20. laurenella82

    Scared dad!

    So today my mom tells me that my dad is afraid to have the surgery. He won't tell me because he knows I'm gonna do what I feel is best for me. He's never been one to tell me how he really feels about things because he respects my ability to make my own decision. Has anyone ever had this problem? What do you say to someone who cares so much about you and will support you no matter what to help them know that it's gonna be fine? I think he's afraid because we know some people who had bypass and had a lot of problems after....almost died kind of problems.
  21. laurenella82

    Everyone keeps asking what I want for Christmas...

  22. laurenella82


    Just curious to know if I'm alone in this. I'm 32 and I've not, in my adult life, had a boyfriend. I had this conversation with my psych doc and with a close girlfriend who knows I'm on the path to surgery. (PS, she's a phenomenal chef and is super considerate and supportive!) Anywho, the last time I called a guy my bf I was 12-13... I think this mostly stems from me not wanting.to be judged for my size and from me being afraid of rejection. But, I really want to be in a relationship headed toward marraige. I would like at least one more child...... Am I alone in that?
  23. laurenella82


    You all give great advice. Thanks!
  24. laurenella82


    Lol! What is it about old men and young girls lol! I used to be really attracted to older men (not 60 though). My son's donor is 18 years older than me. He killed the older man thing for me because mentally he's 15 and I couldn't deal Smh. So I get what you mean wanting someone closer to your age....with all of his teeth!! Lol
  25. I've not had surgery yet but I know more than a few who have had WLS and what disturbs me most is how people sag they have changed and want to dismiss them. What I notice is that there is a change.but its only a negative change if it doesn't fit someone's ideal perception of that person. It's hard to get used to change for some but the most sincere friend or lover will be pleased with whatever you decide to do for yourself. It's sad to hear/see that someone is mistreated for being kind to themselves or taking themselves seriously and making themselves first. Especially because we can't take care of someone else if we can't take care of ourselves.

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