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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by laurenella82

  1. laurenella82

    Got My Date & Ponderings

    Congratulations!!! My date is Feb 10! I have to agree with @@Elode (who gives great advice!) You don't have to explain yourself to anyone! That rude, nosey lady on your job, I have one at my church and just yesterday she said something about me to someone thinking it wouldn't get back to me...WRONG! Anywho, she will be the one who will try me and when she asks ne what I'm doing (cuz she will) ny reply will simply be "loving myself".... So Congrats again!! See you on the losers bench soon!!!
  2. Bug the HELL out of them! Between the approval call and the date slthe admin called to schedule was about a week but that was only because the admin was on vacation.
  3. laurenella82

    Holy love of measurements!

  4. December 29th I got the call that my insurance approved me. I don't know what day they sent it to them because on December 19th or 22nd (Friday or Monday) I was told that the surgeon had to sign off on it before they sent it to insurance. so, minus the holiday it took maybe 3 or 4 days. These insurance companies need to get on it. They should rather pay for this surgery than risk having to pay for all the stuff we could need done if we didn't get it! This is sort of preventative care for us.
  5. laurenella82

    Holy love of measurements!

  6. I know I probably shouldn't compare but I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what the recovery and pain is like in comparison to a c section?
  7. laurenella82

    Too quick?

    Sounds quick to me but then my insurance required 3 months supervised "diet". I guess if they had not required that then it could have been that fast. But I don't see why you can't do all the labs and things within that timeframe.
  8. laurenella82

    Panic! 1/8/15

    I've read that what you are feeling is pretty normal. Once I got my surgery date I started feeling a little anxiety but I know it's all in my head. I have a friend who had surgery about 10 months ago and she has an occasional drink. Usually it's just one and she doesn't finish it. So it's possible you might be able to have one every now and then. It's also possible that when you decide to have one, your taste won't be the same and you won't like it. But it's better to be healthy and have no pizza and margaritas than to die early from something that could have been prevented!
  9. laurenella82

    Our son popped the question!

    Congratulations! My mother didn't wear beige when my brother got married!! Wear your color and be more fabulous!
  10. laurenella82

    Support groups other than WLS groups

    My pleasure!
  11. I know a lot of people see therapists to deal with different issues, including food addiction. I attended an FA meeting today with my mom and I have to say, some of their stories were EXTREME!! One lady told me that she used to go get fast food (a lot of it) then wait outside in her car for a shift change and then go back for more. There were others more extreme but her story stood out to me most because I can sort of relate. I used to hide fast food bags in my car so my mom wouldn't see....a behavior I learned from her when she didn't want my dad to know we didn't bring him anything to eat lol! What I didn't really think about is the addiction part of it. I would never have considered calling myself an addict until today. Also there is a book (Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous) that tells stories. I have only read excerpts from the book but there is a surgeon who started recommending this program for her WLS patients. In her experience, the patients who are in the FA program have a higher success rate than those who are not. I was wondering if any WLS patient has benefited from going to FA or FAA meetings?
  12. I FINALLY got my date! February 10 is the day! I'm so excited!!! I start my 4 WEEK pre-op diet on 13 January!
  13. laurenella82

    Support groups other than WLS groups

    I had not heard of it either. My father is in a 12 step program and FA is another one. My guess is he found out through one of his meetings. It was very helpful to me today. I told my mom I was kind of nervous about the surgery and allowing myself to think I would mess it up but after the meeting I realized that it was another tool to help me on my journey. It may not be for everyone, and that's fine but I think it's worth looking into. the website is www.foodaddicts.org if you are interested in learning more.
  14. laurenella82

    Premier Protein

    Is it the protein2.0 or something like that? I live in DC to I'll see if one near me has it.
  15. 37 Days to go!!!!!

    1. BeagleLover


      Surgery day will come quickly, you'll see!

    2. laurenella82


      I'm hoping so! lol! I'm ready!

    3. Fatdiva14


      Congratulations @laurenella82. So happy you finally got your date.

  16. laurenella82

    Premier Protein

    @@Essence46 Protein water??
  17. laurenella82

    Premier Protein

    Okay, Thanks! I like chocolate milk. That's the one I was gonna get. I'll pick it up tomorrow. I have never liked vanilla Protein powders and strawberry flavored anything except strawberries is a turn off for me. lol
  18. laurenella82

    Countdown to a new me!

    That's good news! My knees and back have been hurting worse and worse the last month or so. Not sure why but losing weight will surely help!
  19. laurenella82

    29 year old ladies - skin bounce back?

    I used to promote products by itworks global and they have a product called defining gel. I was on pinterest the other day and saw a pin where a lady who had WLS used the defining gel (and their wraps) and that helped her not have as much saggy skin. She was an older woman, maybe close to 60. I plan to go back to using those products post op as well. The products are not really for weight loss but promote tightening, timing and firming.
  20. laurenella82

    Comparison: VSG to C section?

    Ugh!! Lol
  21. laurenella82

    Comparison: VSG to C section?

    @@Elode lol!! What's a JP drain??
  22. Where are you located? I applied for an expedited passport in April for a cruise and I got it in about 6 business days but it can take up to 2 weeks. Just to cover yourself I would suggest getting another birth certifications but I think you'll be ok.
  23. laurenella82

    Peanut Butter

    Have you tried the PB2 chocolate? Tastes like Reece cup!
  24. laurenella82

    Hopefully getting sleeved in January

    An expedited passport should take no more than 2 weeks if you're not in a remote location where mail takes forever. I'm in DC and got mine in about 6 business days.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
