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About ksmanatee

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  1. ksmanatee

    No One In The Sixties?

    Sorry got interrupted ed before I got to
  2. ksmanatee

    No One In The Sixties?

    Had bypass on 29 sept. 1 month out but I am getting tired of eating lunch meat veggies and getting enough protein with
  3. ksmanatee

    Protein powder

    Some told me a way to put flavor you take two teaspoons or tablespoons of sugar free jello powder you know before you make it. It adds great flavor and it's sugar free. Just an idea
  4. ksmanatee

    Protein powder

    You should be getting at least 50-60 from food and shakes.
  5. ksmanatee

    Protein powder

    You can put flavor in it just watch the sugar amounts. I drank vanilla protein shakes but I made it thru it. I am still drinking protein shakes 2 now until I eat enough protein . Just drink lots I am having trouble getting enough liquids. I am making sure today though pushing it thru. I am 17 days out and one thing I am working on is getting stamina back seem to get tired easy, I use to go forever hope once I go back to work it comes back fast. I will never be sorry I did this I feel better.
  6. I don't know about garlic but I am eating deli chicken and turkey, wrapped in cheese and I dab it in mustard, that helps a lot to be able to taste food. Makes it easier not to get board.
  7. ksmanatee

    REVISION to Bypass

    Hi all am down about 20 lbs from my 242 two weeks before surgery I am having trouble getting enough fluids down when it's warm out no problem but now it's cool and I am just not as thirsty now it's cool and suggestions.
  8. ksmanatee

    REVISION to Bypass

    How are you doing ? I had surgery came out find Except I am allergic to the clear bandages they put on to cover the stitches got that healing up but I am having trouble getting my strength back, out doing errands and two hours I am really pooped, hopefully I will get better I an going back to work on the 20th of Oct need the money. Starting to ride my stationary bike need to build up my strength. Hope you all are doing well. Let me know how all are.
  9. ksmanatee

    Bandage Allergy?

    I am allergic also the welts are just going away yesterday is the first I have not had to use Meds on all the welts, that is two weeks.
  10. ksmanatee

    Bandage Allergy?

    Yes had surgery om 29 sept went into get staples the nurse said on you are kind of red. That was 6 Oct yoga I have big welts when they took off bandages it got worse I am now telling anyone when I have any surgery I am allergic. My stomach is so sore and red it hurts.
  11. Hi survived surgery just having issues need to taste something tired of your art cottage cheese need some flavor, but Dr said no so I will be good.
  12. ksmanatee

    No One In The Sixties?

    Sorry my fingers got messed up bur I think a positive group would be great!
  13. ksmanatee

    No One In The Sixties?

    I like the idea of a healthy granny group. That close to the reasons I want to be healthy and line ling. My grandson ins 14 I plan on dancing at his wedding and seeing my great grand child.
  14. ksmanatee

    4 days out

    I am 5 days out so far so good had two days of taking pain Meds because I needed them. I take at night to get in a comfortable position the worst part is I am board, my husband is going to help me did out criss stitch items to work on sat. I got to eat cream soup 2 test and it pretty much filled me up. Worse part is stitches are healing and they itch hopefully I won't scratch in my sleep. Any one there wants to talk I am hear
  15. ksmanatee

    4 days out

    I am 60 years old and weigh about 80 lbs more than I 2 ant to. I had trouble with my band sliding so we my do and I to have me do the bypass revision. I am doing good no problem getting enough protein or water, see the Dr Monday for 1 week check up. Little worried about hair loss. Anyone got ideas to prevent it

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