Depression, anxiety really bad... and weight gain. Blood work and WTF appointment this week. Hope they have some idea of what to do, because I sure don't.
I'm sorry you're having a tough time. It's great to hear you have an appointment this week. That's the right step for sure. My thoughts will be with you that they will be able to work out a treatment plan that will get you on the road to feeling better.....hang in there!
I feel for you, as I have been down that road myself. There are some good anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds that don't make you put on weight. I hope that you will get the right mix. You're welcome to PM me anytime. Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon!
Just don't give up on finding the right "answer" for YOU. Sometimes that takes a wee bit of time, but you are sooooo worth it. Be kind to yourself. Trust yourself. You'll get through. I promise.