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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carol-WA

  1. Carol-WA

    Me now june 28th

    From the album: My journey 2

    After getting back on track
  2. Carol-WA

    My journey 2

  3. Carol-WA


  4. Carol-WA


    From the album: Carol-WA

  5. Carol-WA


    From the album: Carol-WA

  6. Carol-WA

    In one year I....

    Hi all, well my bandiversary will be on Valentines day.. yes my Valentine was with Dr Bock, and he gave me the best gift, the wonderful tool Lapband! ..I lost my weight without fills..and at 10 months I was down to 25 BMI and 135#..I got a little afraid of all the goodies at Christmas and paniced..but he put in 1/2 cc .. I now know I could have done it without the fill. I have been asked to speak on my journey at the next orientation on 2-13-09 and I am really looking forward to hopefully inspire the next group to get this great lifesaving tool.. it got me off all diabetes and bloodpressure meds..and I am happy in my skin..I look and feel so much younger and happy,,not bad for a 68 yr. young "widow woman"..I will be celebrating at the ocean with a wonderful gentleman who came into my life last June. something I never would have had when I was wallowing in my "poor me" pity party.. I am able to volunteer working with my local foodbank and give back to the community..life is good! Carol-WA
  7. Carol-WA

    Couldnt' Find the Port

    my sister had her first fill done using the flouroscope, if you have lots of belly fat sometimes it is hard to find the port...and I got to watch her get hers done..so hang in there Coingirl, it will get easier..carol-WA
  8. Carol-WA

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    thanks, where is this site for the bandiversary? I have been so busy having fun, I haven't been posting or reading like I should..carol
  9. Carol-WA

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Hi all, well I am down from 210 to 135, and from a sz 22 to an 8..took me 10 months and didn't need a fill. but I started to panic when Christmas came and went and Dr Bock did a 1/2 cc fill... I did great over the holidays, and have managed to maintain my loss ...just got anxious about all the holiday foods ..
  10. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    are you doing the 600 cal/60 protein? you should be losing..are you bound up? that could be a factor..hugs Carol
  11. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    gotta update my ticker..carol
  12. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    hey gal, glad you are over the hump and on your way downwards.. I am home from my 5 week vacation..had a blast and still was able to stay on program.. yahoo Carol-WA
  13. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    the reason for no caffeine is it can slow down your rate of losing..and increase hunger.. I just use decaf Gevalia mocha and tell myself it is for my own good and viola' I psyc myself into thinking it is just as good..Carol-WA
  14. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    you got it friend.. and I would like to go to the Gig Harbor group to meet them too..game to go? take care all
  15. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all, been busy getting ready for a 5 week vacation, so haven't been here for a while..all is well..still no fills needed and down 60 pounds..woowhoo.. I will be having fun at the crazy quilt retreat in Omaha and then on for 4 weeks at my sisters in West Virginia.carol-WA
  16. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    Dawn, first of all, call your doctor, you may need to have a fill. you need to get a grip..don't count yourself a drop-out. just pick yourself up and get back on the program..monitor what goes into your mouth and do sitting exercises.. you can do weights and isometric exercises.. you "Can Do It" do you go to a support group? they make a lot of difference in how you succeed. we are here to help too.. we have faith in you.. where are you located? maybe if you are close enoug we can meet and talk it over.. Carol in Federal Way
  17. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    welcome to the "Losers" club...and that is a great club to belong to..I was banded on Valentines day and have never looked back! off my diabetes meds and on my way to a new longer life..will be thinking of you on the 10th..good luck..Carol in Federal Way:biggrin2:
  18. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    will remind you Lisa..yes it is coming off nicely.. my kids are so happy and I sure surprised my sister last weekend..she hadn't seen me since before surgery..Carol aka froggie
  19. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    congratulations on your pregnancy, is this your first? I am sure you will be back on track when you deliver..Carol
  20. Carol-WA

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    when I had my lapband my doctor said 600 cal. or less and at least 60 grams of protein..and to get dense proteins in first..and I had a hard time getting the 600 in and I got protein shakes from Costco that had 160 cal and 30 gr of protein..and believe it or not they taste great! :thumbup:I love them. carol:smile:
  21. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi I am in Federal Way..good luck
  22. Carol-WA

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Yes, exercise, exercise, exercise...that gets the fat to moving outta town..lol froggie
  23. Carol-WA

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    I found a protein drink at Costco called "Protein" it is 160 cal and 30 gr of protein, and it is actually delicious:thumbup: my banding was on Valentines day and to date I have lost 46pounds.. with no fills. Carol -WA
  24. Carol-WA

    I need some support/inspriation

    He is awesome! the staff are caring and friendly..you will have a super experience..congrats on making this move to a healthier you.. Carol WA
  25. Carol-WA

    I need some support/inspriation

    I was banded on 2-14-08 and have had no problem sticking to the 600 cal/60 protein limits..and haven't felt hungry and still haven't needed a fill. guess I am one of the lucky ones.. be sure you drink before you eat and not for 60 minutes after or you will flush it all down and will be hungry..another thing,exercise is very important..I am in Federal Way..is your Newcastle in Renton? take care, Carol WA

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
