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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carol-WA

  1. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    oh that is awesome.. hope the date is soon.. hang in there girl, it is worth it. down 45 now. yahoo Carol WA
  2. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    see if this works now ...carol
  3. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    sorry you missed it too..great info tonight..Carol
  4. Carol-WA

    my Journey to health

    My journey to health, banded Valentines day 08, off diabetes meds 2-16-08!
  5. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    oh well back to the drawing board...maybe Lisa will have to come help me again..lol
  6. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    I added photos to my album hope they went in ok..Carol WA
  7. hi I added photos to my profile today. my before I was so tired. we were at a stitching seminar and we frogot to program sleep into the schedule so we didn't get any. LOL carol-WA

  8. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    good luck to you both. hope you sail thru your surgeries like I did mine..Carol-WA
  9. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    Maggie what calorie and protein limit did your doctor give you? If you are still not losing and feel hungry you just may need a fill..but your doctor is the best judge of that..good luck, Carol-WA
  10. hi all, well after 2.5 months still don't need a fill..and down to a size 14.. love my band, love my band!!! Carol in Federal Way
  11. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    well I figured out how to do the ticker thing. Several years ago, I needed abdominal surgery, and my doctor believed that if a woman has excess flesh from childbirth deserved a free tummy tuck... but, what he didn't warn me about was that without the JP drain, fluids can build up and at some point burst ...I was lying on the sofa and sneezed and pop! I thought my sutures had burst as there was a warm flud of red (I thought blood) fluid..My hubby called the doctor in a panic and I am in the shower with my tummy running like the red river!, when the doctor said it was normal and I was doing the right thing taking a warm shower until the drainage quit.. what a nightmare for me and my poor hubby! hugs Carol in WA banded 2-14-08 and doing wonderfully..no PB's here
  12. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    I think I got this ticker thing down now..hoping it works ..thanks Lisa
  13. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    give me a call I have her phone #
  14. what is PB? I go for my first fill tomorrow and I too am anxious.. banded 2/14/08 Dr. Bock Redmond WA 25 pounds lost so far Carol in WA
  15. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    Lisa, where are you? carol
  16. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wUAnSPX/] [/url] hoping this will show my progress..
  17. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi I am in Federal Way, 6 weeks post surgery for me and I am down 25 pounds..was in a 22 jeans now the 16's are loose! Carol in WA
  18. Carol-WA


    no,no,no...just because it is fat free doesn't mean it isn't laden with empty calories..defeats the purpose of the valuable tool we were blessed with..Carol WA
  19. Carol-WA

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Hi all, I was banded on Valentines day and I was having trouble eating the 600 calories and 60 proteins, but I found a protein powder at GNC that is tasteless and I can add it to my slim fast, yogurt, and soups and it makes great smoothies.. I am down 18 pounds and 9.5 inches, BUT, the best thing is I AM OFF MY DIABETES MEDS ...! my sugar levels have been between 98 and 110! and I have a 101/65 b/p... I will probably have a fill at 6 weeks, but so far I am not having any cravings or hunger pains...my first "meal" on puree was blending an egg with half oz. of cheese and 2 oz. of sliced ham with 2 tablespoons of milk in my Magic Bullet blender, and scrambled it..Heaven! even without toast it was the best tasting food ever!. Carol aka Froggie in WA
  20. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    well, my band is in and I am so thrilled with it..I am down 21 pounds since I started to explore the band. I am still having trouble getting the water down..but will keep slugging along. I had shoulder pain for six days and boy that was the only pain I had that I can say was unbearable. On Wednesday I will be through my two weeks of liquids will be up and then me and my magic bullet will become best friends. When I had my gall bladder out several years ago, my doctor believed if a woman had excess tummy flesh from childbearing, then she deserved a free tummy tuck..so I have a flat tummy and hopefully with going to Curves again I will keep the rest tighter..but I do suffer from roman shade thighs! :smile2:... but I can live with that cause my blood sugar has been in the normal range and I have not had my diabetes meds or pain pills since 3 days post op. well better close. Carol WA banded 2-14-08
  21. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    trying again..Carol WA
  22. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    I hope I got this right..trying to change my weight on my ticker..url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wpm6iKh/]
  23. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all my lapband was installed at high noon on Valentines day and I came home the next day. The following day I had my last pain pill and metformin and my diabetes sugar levels have been wonderfully low.. I am doing really well and other than the shoulder pain I was warned about and gas and finally having that first BM feel that my recovery is in warp speed.. I know there will be days not so good, and all, but I am very optimistic for the future.. I don't think I will make it to the St.Joes meeting but will look forward to future meetings and making new buddies. Carol -WA
  24. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    yippee..thanks Pinenut.. email me at udefrog@hotmail.com
  25. Carol-WA

    Any one in NW WA

    well here goes. carol well url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wHOnqAQ/] [/url]

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