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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Hastings

  1. Hastings

    What the heck is going on???

    Iced tea gives me horrendous heartburn.
  2. Hi, Ronnfia! Welcome to the board. This is a good place for support and all sorts of information. Make yourself at home.
  3. Hastings

    Instant notifications

    I couldn't stop the forum from sending email notifications to me, so after twice editing and having no luck, I had to block the emails. :rolleyes2:
  4. Hastings

    Way to Go Boo Boo Kitty!

    It's a very pretty picture.
  5. Hastings

    New Picture at the Top

    I see we have a different picture now. I am glad they got rid of the lady holding her boob. :rolleyes2:
  6. Hastings

    Why no Aspirin? Loss of restriction

    Aspirin can irritate your stomach. Can you take pills whole. I think you should talk with your doctor, this is an important issue. :biggrin:
  7. Hastings

    Protein Bullets?

    I thought they were nasty. I have read that you can't really use much more than 30 or 35 grams of protein at a time.
  8. Hastings

    Cost of Shakes and Liquid diet

    Hi, I used the Slim Fast low-carb option (NOT the high Protein which has less protein ). It cost I think about three dollars a day for two shakes a day. Pre surgery I was two shakes a day and a low carb meal. After surgery I was always two shakes a day plus what ever else I was allowed. I liked the slim fast because they were less expensive and more available than lots of the other things. They have appx. 190 cals and 25 gms of protein.
  9. At Sparkpeople.com you can run reports that show graphs for weight and measurements, etc. I find the measurement graphs much more satisfying, for some reason.
  10. Hastings

    Will I be the one for whom the band doesn't work?

    I thought one of the things a properly placed band does is to stop hunger, or at least lessen it. My sure seems to.
  11. Hastings

    Post-Op Threads & Pain Meds

    You're right, it does explain a lot.
  12. Hastings

    bmi of 30 - will any surgeon help me?

    If you can't change or let go of binge eating, I'm not sure the lap band would help. It can help with portion control, but as you can read, many get around it.
  13. I used to walk around saying, "If only I could belch!" It does get better - at least I can belch. I think at the beginning I was too swollen for air to easily traverse the other direction. I was banded on March 5. I think you maybe were banded on April 7?
  14. Hastings

    Online food journal

    One nice feature at sparkrecipe.com you can put in the ingredients using a searchable data base and it will give you the nutrition info per serving. I do that whenever I make meatloaf or whatever.
  15. Hastings

    so frustrated

    I'm glad you are feeling better. Hang in there.
  16. Hastings

    Unfilled for a week! Yikes.

    This is where it is important for you to really realize that YOU are in control - not food, and not appetite. I had an epiphany when I was quitting smoking a year ago. I am terrified of flying (I mean very near phobic about it). I flew to Sweden to see my daughter and her family. I didn't smoke on the way over and I met my granddaughter and daughter in Stockholm and we shopped until we dropped. ) I was taking Chantix to help with the craving for a smoke. I spent a month in Sweden. On the way home back to Texas I was in Stockholm at the airport and had to spend the night. I thought "Well, I should buy a pack of smokes and it will help me be calm before tomorrow's flight." On my way to buy cigarettes, I thought "You know you will never quit unless you committ to it." I committed right then and there and never had another smoke. Let me tell you that I'm flying to Sweden again and I will miss the calming effect of smoking, but I won't need it. You really can do it. Keep your eyes on the prize. :biggrin:)
  17. Hastings

    So, I'll never be 125?

    I have just started so I'm not at goal. There are people here who are at and even, below goal.
  18. Hastings

    Champix without putting on weight

    I used Chantix to quit smoking. It was worth it. I had smoked for 30 years, and I was up to two packs a day. I have been smoke free for nearly a year now and have no interest in taking it up again. One interesting thing with Chantix is that it blocks the nicotine receptors that release dopamine when you smoke, thus making it unrewarding to smoke. I found it pretty much blocked food receptors as well. I got no pleasure from food. Did that stop me gaining weight? Hell no. It was still worth it.
  19. Hastings

    compression shirts

    I searched for compression shirts on the net. Oh yeah, I can just really see all of me in one of these.:smile2:
  20. If you have high blood pressure, you should keep an eye on the sodium content of the frozen dinners.
  21. Hastings

    Anyone in Idaho been banded in Idaho?

    I'm from Idaho, and now living in the fourth largest city in the US (Houston, Tx.). Idaho looks damned good from here.
  22. I would never tell anyone it is ok not to follow their surgeon's directions. I had a long talk with my surgeon and since I wanted to survive the surgery in the best possible shape, I followed his directions. It was only for six weeks and I survived just fine. If you feel you can't survive without your stomach being full, then perhaps you should consider counseling for a while prior to getting a band. It's your health and your responsibility.
  23. Hastings


    My doctor told me that mushies are so the stomach doesn't have to work so hard to break down food, not so that it can be swallowed with ease. Please get back on track until your instructions state you can change phases.
  24. Hastings

    Hunger pangs and nicotine cravings

    I was surprised when I used Chantx to quit smoking how it killed my apetite.
  25. Hastings

    Online food journal

    I use sparkpeople.com so that I can track my exercise, calories, and measurements. You can find lots of good recipes at sparkrecipes.com, I think it is.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
