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Sydney Little Merlette

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sydney Little Merlette

  1. I was sleeved on the 22nd. I'm only now feeling more human and actually showered! Lots of nausea and hunger!!! I wasn't really prepared for how hungry I would be. I am so glad to hear people doing well with no problems but I am struggling some. How are people getting their Protein (since I know this is what will help the hunger) without Protein shakes. My surgeon doesn't want us using them. Thanks and congrats to all who are doing well.

  2. I have BCBS Federal and after my deb has been met (which it has) they pay 85% leaving my co-insurance15% just like any doctor visit. That 15% equals aprox $750 left for me to cover. My surgeon's office wants that money upfront paid in full before surgery. Also, my copay for the hospital is $250 which the hospital will bill me for. It's not uncommon for surgeon's officers to request payment of your co-insurance up front.

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