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Lynn B

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Lynn B

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 07/18/1973

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About Me

  • Biography
    Mom of two almost adult children and married to my high school sweet heart for over 20 years now
  • Interests
    Hiking, reading, flowers
  • Occupation
    Customer Service
  • City
    South of Boston
  • State
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  1. Happy 40th Birthday Lynn B!

  2. Happy 39th Birthday Lynn B!

  3. 6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary Lynn B!

  4. Found the "life after band removal forum" thanks! Boy has it been a while!
  5. Pouch dilation - revised to VSG at year 5.
  6. Hey all, its been a couple of months and a lot has happened. I just had a quick question. When I was researching the band back in 2005 there was a rash of band removals going on here (maybe I should have paid more attention). Is there anyone around still from that time frame and do you still have your bands? I had mine removed 6 weeks ago and converted to VSG, just wondering how many old times are still on the boards?
  7. Wow, I guess this is why my recovery is taking a little longer. My surgery took just about 5 hours. :thumbup:
  8. Lynn B

    Post Op ? - Muscle Spasms

    Thanks all for the responses. I'm still on liquids and have zero issues with eating/drinking. No pain in any other part of my body, I've thrown my back out before and that is exactly what it feels like. Luckily I haven't had a twitch since Sunday morning but I'm still moving a bit cautiously - I will discuss with my doctor when I see him Wednesday. Thanks!
  9. Lynn B

    Post Op ? - Muscle Spasms

    thanks - I see him this Wednesday and I'll be sure to ask.
  10. Lynn B

    Band to sleeve acid reflux?

    The last 6 before I was totally unfilled I had the same problem. Filling my band over half way caused reflux and vomiting in my sleep. When my band was unfilled the reflux went away completely. I've only been sleeved for 12 days and I'm on liquid Xantac for a month - don't know if that changes to a regular pill after that or if they take you off but I've had no problems yet. Good luck!
  11. Lynn B

    Band to Sleeve question

    Sharilynn, the research I did pointed to the fact that once you have a band problem it tends to repeat. There are people here that had a second band surgery only to have the new one do the same as the old. There are people on OH that have had multiple band corrective surgeries and the same problem comes back again and again. That is why I switched to the sleeve, I knew once the band went south it was more likely to do it again. Good luck!
  12. Hi all - so I'm 12 days post op and kinda surprised that I am not feeling better than I do. My sleeve is great but it feels like my body had decided to fall apart on me. Day five I started with real bad itching around my incisions, by day 10 it was unbearable - I peeled off the steri stips and had big welts under them. The incisions were fine, dry healing well but it appears that now I'm allergic to steri strips as the itching stopped as soon as they were off and the welts are slowly fading (I've been putting benedryl cream on them). One crisis averted now I've started with muscle spasms. I don't know if anyone else has had this happen. I can't tell if I did something to throw out my back or if its related to the port site but I had the first episode Thursday morning - the pain shoots from my back to front (or front to back?) right at the old port site. I can breath, I tense up and wave after wave of contracting muscle just consumes my left side. Friday it happened once in the morning and twice in a row at night - this forced me to open the pain killer that the hospital prescribed which helps immensely. Did anyone else have spasms and how long did they last. I can't lie in bed or recline to far in a chair or it sets them off so I've been sleeping practically upright for two nights (glad I have a comfy chair). Thanks
  13. Alls well. I am home, showered and catching up on life.
  14. I had my successful revision on 9/7. My doctor did perform the surgery lap. I went in at 8am and was out at 1pm. I haven't talked in detail to my surgeon yet as he left town the day after but I spoke to one of his partners who said they did remove some adhesions and part of my liver was encapsulated which they corrected also. I've been in the hospital since (its now Friday) everything went well and I had an upper gi yesterday that showed no leaks. I have been running a low grade fever of between 99-100.8 so they don't want to release me until it resolves. PITA. My temp has been fine all day long 98.7 but I got so bored that I took a nap. The nurse just woke me from my nap to take my temp 99.3 WTF they better not say I can't go home tomorrow because of it - I'm going out of my mind here. I woke up from surgery with an NG tube and a JP drain. I was freaked when I was told that I would have a drain well guess what? Give me 10 JP drains over on NG tube any day - nasty little buggers. That came out yesterday and my throat still kills every time I swallow. JP is still in but they will remove it right before I leave....which I'm hoping in tomorrow. I cried when I found out I had to stay another night...WAAAAAA
  15. Lynn B

    September sleevers wanted!

    Just got back from preop testing - so now the nerves are really kicking in - 2 more days of work - a long weekend and then I'm sleeved (hopefully) I'm still kinda nervous that my band will have its revenge and will be so F'd up that I'll wake up with nothing - I would be so devistated. Fingers crossed!

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