Hi all - so I'm 12 days post op and kinda surprised that I am not feeling better than I do. My sleeve is great but it feels like my body had decided to fall apart on me. Day five I started with real bad itching around my incisions, by day 10 it was unbearable - I peeled off the steri stips and had big welts under them. The incisions were fine, dry healing well but it appears that now I'm allergic to steri strips as the itching stopped as soon as they were off and the welts are slowly fading (I've been putting benedryl cream on them).
One crisis averted now I've started with muscle spasms. I don't know if anyone else has had this happen. I can't tell if I did something to throw out my back or if its related to the port site but I had the first episode Thursday morning - the pain shoots from my back to front (or front to back?) right at the old port site. I can breath, I tense up and wave after wave of contracting muscle just consumes my left side. Friday it happened once in the morning and twice in a row at night - this forced me to open the pain killer that the hospital prescribed which helps immensely.
Did anyone else have spasms and how long did they last. I can't lie in bed or recline to far in a chair or it sets them off so I've been sleeping practically upright for two nights (glad I have a comfy chair).