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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gin765

  1. Approved and surgery scheduled for October, check!!! After being on hold for almost 20 minutes with the insurance company today, I expected to be denied for a third time in three weeks due to paperwork. You could have knocked me over with a feather when the guy came back on and said APPROVED! The Subway "sandwich artist" thought I'd lost my mind when I started jumping up and down midway through applying cucumbers. Hehehe! Their denials were starting to get pretty creative too! I was almost curious to know what the next one would be. For the record, I have hounded the coordinator at my doctor's office and insurance company for a solid three weeks. Seriously people... all the advice is correct... you have got to make yourself a pest to push things through. I have been sugar-sweet nice and appreciative every step of the way, but never allowed myself to hit the bottom of their to-do list. Don't assume anyone is on top of things, because they aren't. Don't wait for the denial paperwork in the mail. Just keep calling and getting the updates so you can tell the doctor's office what they need to do next. Only one of the official denial letters has turned up in the mailbox yet. If I'd waited each time, it would have been Thanksgiving before we got things ironed out. If a low-BMI gal like me can get approved, so can you. If you know you qualify, it's just a matter of endurance! Did I mention I booked a 2016 Disney Cruise today too? And that was before I'd even gotten the surgery news! A very satisfying day!
  2. After nearly a year of preparation, jumping through hoops, setbacks and jumping through more hoops, my "stuff" was submitted to Cigna for approval last Wednesday. As a low BMI gal, I'm hoping my comorbidities are enough to please them. The suspense is killing me! Focusing on giving up my beloved Diet Coke and hydrating. Guess that needs to be done regardless of the insurance outcome. That is all. Have a great night!
  3. So, I've had it with my closet and need suggestions for dealing with clothes. Targeting surgery for Aug / Sept. I'm not worried about having nothing to wear, because I have complete wardrobes in sizes 12 - 22. I even have one pair of jeans in a size 10, with tags still on, from my best weight loss effort many years ago. Even if Calvin Klein is out of style (is it?), I'm still going to wear them just because! All the clothes I do wear won't fit into my closet, because it's full of clothes that are way too small. I was thinking about pulling everything out an putting into tubs by size. Then, as I lose weight, I could donate one size and pull out the tub with the next. Good idea? Other suggestions?
  4. Do you find food is more or less of an issue in your life now that you're banded? I'm wondering if it's more of an issue because of all the preparations needed, or less because you're just not hungry as much. Other thoughts?
  5. gin765

    Sharing or not sharing

    Thanks for posting this topic! My husband and I were just discussing this last night. For some reason, the concept of telling everyone about my lap band doesn't bother me. My husband, on the other hand, feels like it would be nobody's business. In the end, it doesn't actually matter to him which route I take. Of greater concern to me is how in the world you would ever, logistically, keep it a secret. I just feel like I'd be lying to everyone all the time and it would come out in the end anyway. Maybe I'm just naive to believe I'd have more support if everyone knew. I think I'm with the guy who posted several months ago that he "told everyone, including the UPS man." That still cracks me up!
  6. All great questions... I share all your same concerns! Thank you for posting and to all the experienced folks who have and will answer. The unknown worries me a lot too, but I've decided it worries me more to know exactly where I'm headed without a lap band. My mother and our relatives are living proof. As a "low BMI" candidate of +/-35 BMI, I've always been the lightest female in my family by an easy 100 - 150 lbs. I have struggled to stay under 300 lbs for the past 10 - 15 years. I came way too close for comfort with the birth of my two children, now 4 and 5 1/2. My mother was well over 430 lbs when she had a gastric bypass 14 years ago. They didn't really know how heavy she was, because that's as high as the scale would register. I firmly believe the procedure saved her life. When I'm dieting, I maintain my weight, and when I'm not, it steadily increases. If know if I don't act on a lap band now, I will become my mother. For me, I feel like a more "radical" bariatric surgery as inevitable, plus knee replacements, hip replacements, etc. As if a lap band isn't radical enough! Based on my research, if I was not a low BMI candidate, I would probably go with a sleeve. However, I am currently comfortable with the slower, steady weight loss of a lap band I also have a job / family that requires shorter recovery. I am pushing towards an August / September surgery date. Fingers crossed. I'm ready to BE BOLD and take charge of my future! Best of success to you too.
  7. Yes, Lauren Baker. A baby, how exciting! Thank you for the comments about Dr. Lucktong. I had a consultation with their female surgeon too, but her and I didn't seem to "click,"so I chose him.
  8. Saw a few gals commenting, but no category for this area... Just started doing research on banding with Dr. Lucktong. Glad to see there have been positive experiences with him at Carilion.
  9. How exciting for you! Glad to hear you're doing so well. I had to put my Lap-Band on hold when my husband lost his job (and awesome health insurance) in December. I've been really bummed, but should be back on track now with a target surgery date of August. Just made an appointment to get things rolling again today. Yippee! Are you happy with Dr. Lucktong? I was sad to hear today my nurse Lauren is out for awhile... not sure why? Hope she'll be back.
  10. My BMI is currently 34 - 36, depending on the chart, with my insurance company requiring a minimum BMI of 35, plus at least 1 co-morbidity. Is there an "official BMI chart" somewhere? The one that keeps coming up when I Google it is a Metlife chart from 1999. Coverage details the insurance company sent me seem a bit nebulous (I imagine that's not an accident). Since I'm right at their 35+ BMI requirement, would they fault me for not losing and/or gaining weight during their required 6-month supervised diet and exercise program? Did I mention how excited I am that the past 22 years of documented Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, etc. failures, with weight steadily increasing is not sufficient??? I've already spent enough money to pay for the surgery myself! But, I digress... Anyway, once you have the insurance company's approval, can you drop below the specified BMI (35), on the pre-op diet, or will that disqualify you? I don't really want to ask the insurance company too many questions yet, so they can start compiling reasons to deny me. I understand all companies/policies are different, but I'm curious what experiences others have had. Specifically, I have Highmark BCBS of PA. Thanks!
  11. Hi All! Looking to start making and freezing high-Protein, lap band friendly Soup recipes. Fingers crossed all is on track for a March 2015 surgery date. Just bought an immersion blender and plan to freeze in silicone ice cube trays. Sounds like you treat early post-op foods just like homemade baby food. Any other tips and suggestions welcome. Thanks! Ginny
  12. Well, there I was, thinking everything was moving along nicely towards a March 2015 surgery date. Then... BAM! My husband lost his job last week and thus our awesome health insurance ends December 31st. Since I left my job last year to be a homemaker, we are now in the market for private family health insurance plans in Virginia. Does anyone have recommendations for private insurance plans that cover bariatric surgery? I'm hoping this rather significant road-bump doesn't set me back more than 4 - 6 months. And obviously, my surgery has now moved down quite a bit on the priority list. Boo-hoo!!! Hope Everyone Had a Merry Christmas! Ginny
  13. Good Evening All! Based on lots of recommendations, I just ordered a sample pack of powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein flavors, unflavored Protein powder and first round of chewable Multivitamins and chewable Calcium citrate / D3. I got it from their "official" website and didn't really see anyone else online carrying it. Is this where everyone is buying it? Also, do they ever have any sales or promo codes available? Thanks! Ginny
  14. As part of my band journey, I decided it was time to tackle my Diet Coke addiction (again). I gave it up about 6 years ago, but here it is back again. We're talking a minimum of 5 cans a day, plus 3 - 6 glasses a day while eating out at lunch and/or dinner. It's a serious matter in my life. I actually believe the aspartame poisoning aspect is worse than the caffeine portion. I know this, but I still guzzle it. Why!?! Not looking forward to my 1 - 2 weeks of detox headaches and other symptoms. Has anyone else successfully tackled this evil? If so, any and all tips are appreciated! According to Merriam-Webster: ad·dic·tion noun \ə-ˈdik-shən, a-\ : a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble) : an unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something Full Definition of ADDICTION 1 : the quality or state of being addicted <addiction to reading> 2 : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful
  15. gin765

    Who did you tell?

    Until today, only my husband and doctors knew I'm perusing a band. Just told my mom on the phone. Figured it was a good time, since she was already distraught by my brother's announcement he's engaged with a March wedding date. Hehehe! She was actually very supportive and now understands why I will not be accompanying her to a popular, local weight loss center on Monday (for the third time). Phew... I feel better now! Not sure how many other folks I'll tell. It's not necessarily a "secret," I just don't want to endure uninformed and unsolicited negative commentary. Then again, nobody has tried to derail my train yet. Maybe I will tell everyone, including the UPS man, like @2muchfun. That cracks me up!!!
  16. My first visit with the surgeon’s office went pretty well today! It was a big, general waiting area feeding all different types of offices, so I was able to avoid the “lightest person in the bariatric waiting room” situation I feared. Also, the horrible nurse I had a run-in with at the information session has indeed retired. Things are looking up! There was clearly a premeditated and coordinated effort by the RN, LPN and surgeon to talk me into gastric sleeve. Very tiring… still don’t understand what’s up with that! The stance they’re taking is lap-band is on its way out due to low success rates and unsatisfied patients. Apparently the office hasn’t done a single lap-band since last year. It’s no wonder, with the full-court press to talk everyone out of it. And, I guess patients just blindly follow along. Kinda sad, actually. It makes me think all you wonderful success stories are either on lap-band’s payroll or a figment of my imagination. You aren’t, are you??? LOL! The really good news is I LOVE the LPN! I’ll see her for pre-op appointments and fills. She’s young, but experienced. Best of all, she doesn’t think I’m out of my tree! She really identifies with me, because our stats are nearly the same, although she hasn’t had bariatric surgery. Apparently she’s considered it though… must be an occupational hazard. Still research to be done on the surgeon front, as I did not like the gal I saw today. I’m requesting a meeting with the surgeon from the information session. He seemed like a really sharp and high-energy guy. Also, last week, my PCP’s nurse recommended him from her time in general surgery. I was happy to receive the message I’m in control of the situation. Both the surgeon and procedure are MY choice to make and they’ll be happy to care for me regardless. I left with the nickname “borderline” from the staff. They were really cute about it and I've certainly been called worse! Yes, as suspected, my BMI and other factors are just barely in the qualifying range. But, that’s my whole point! I’m tendering here on the brink of disaster! I feel blessed to be smart enough to realize it and have the resources to make a change. Personally, I would like to choose surgery under my terms instead of waiting for my health to deteriorate. I am too young for the rapid health down spiral that’s already begun. P.S. Thanks for the pre-appointment tips! I’m now proudly 5’ 7”... no more rounding up to 5’ 8”! Plus, first time I've left a doctor’s office and been ordered NOT to lose weight. That was kinda fun.
  17. I have my first appointment with the surgeon's office tomorrow morning... yippee!!! Glad to have read all these great suggestions before then, so I have something intelligent to say next time someone is rude to (or thinks they're complimenting) me. I just know a larger patient in the waiting room is going to ask me how life is post-op. Fingers crossed that the ignorant nurse who suggested I leave the information session has already retired! I was assured she was about to when I called to complain about my experience (two days later - after I'd composed myself and stopped crying). I will be kind to friends, acquaintances and other patients, but the next uninformed healthcare professional is going to get a piece of my mind!
  18. I am glad (and not glad at the same time) to hear I’m not the only person dealing with this issue. I too was publically embarrassed by a nurse at my mandatory information session for being a “lightweight.” She didn’t tell anyone they were too big, too old or too sick to leave so they wouldn’t “waste their time,” just me. Why are naturally thin people allowed to be happy and healthy, super obese people allowed to choose bariatric surgery and be happy and healthy, but the rest of us in the middle, with ONLY 80 - 100 pounds (or less) to lose are just supposed to suck it up? The more research I do and low-BMI success stories I read, the more confident and excited I am about my decision. My PCP, orthopedic surgeon and husband all support me and that’s enough. This is the first time I’ve felt hopeful in a long time. Be strong everyone… we deserve to be happy and healthy too!!!
  19. gin765

    Green Juicing?

    How would "green juice" do with the lap-band? Wondering if that might be a good way to get nutrients in without being able to eat a large volume of fruits and veggies? My typical green juice amounts to about a 12 oz glass and consists of (1) green apple, (2) celery stalks, (1) handful of baby spinach (1) kale leaf, (1) cucumber, (1) lemon and (1) tablespoon Bragg's apple cider vinegar. During a health kick, I usually make one daily and it actually provides a nice jolt of energy. Adds up to 60 calories... less than eating everything individually, since you're pulling out the Fiber. Good idea or bad idea with the lap-band? Trying to get a plan together for my 4 - 6 month wait for approval and beyond.
  20. gin765

    The Big Book On The Lap-Band!

    Got my copy in the mail yesterday... ordered it from an eBay seller. Already learned a few things I didn't know. It's definitely worth the small investment and nice to have all the details in one place. I've even caught my husband reading it too!
  21. @BrownEyes82... your height, weight and age are nearly identical to mine. Very excited to hear about your success as I continue to research and go through approval process. Best of luck to you!!!
  22. I have my first appointment with a local surgeon and his office next week. Any suggestions on what I should ask??? Maybe things you wish you would have asked, but didn't? Making a list, because I know it will all be a blur when I get there. They said to prepare for 1 1/2 - 2 hrs, including labs and conversations with surgery coordinator, insurance coordinator, nurse and surgeon. I've already attended their mandatory information session and submitted all advance paperwork and insurance forms. Thank you!
  23. Hello All! I've been researching bariatric surgery for awhile. Today, I scheduled my first appointment with a surgeon for a couple weeks from now... yippee! Pretty sure I can work through all the surgical pain/recovery, "rules" and lifestyle changes I've read about. However, there is one question that keeps eating away at me. Can you feel the band squeezing your stomach, connecting tube and/or port inside your body on a regular basis? For some reason, the possibility of that really freaks me out! If so, do you eventually just get used to having a foreign object in your body? How long does it take to get used to it? Also... thank you to the veterans who humor all the silly questions posted by us newbies! You all are an inspiration and sooooo helpful!
  24. You guys are the best!!! Yeah, I felt a little ridiculous asking, but since it's been bothering me, just decided to put it out there. Thank you so much... feeling calmer already! Didn't want an unfounded fear to stand in the way of a better life.
  25. Well, I went to a bariatric surgery seminar at my local hospital last week. The surgeons require attending one before they'll allow you to schedule a consultation. As I headed out the door, I told my husband I felt awkward, because I knew I'd be one of the smallest people in the room. “Don’t worry,” he said. After checking in and taking a seat, a nurse took it upon herself to come over and speak with me, because I “looked like a lightweight.” She didn’t want me to “waste my time,” by staying for the seminar, since I “probably didn’t qualify.” Mind you, I was the only person she singled out, we’d never met and she had none of my medical information. Even though she continued to quiz me on what obesity comorbidities I have, I stayed. During the presentation, they focused heavily on gastric bypass and sleeve and glossed over banding. When I asked a question about it, the surgeon said he’d still consider it, depending on the patient, but it was on its way out. Embarrassed and disappointed, I cried all the way home. So, what’s a 38 year old girl with a BMI of 36 to do? My mother had gastric bypass 13 years ago. She was well over 400 lbs, but they really didn’t know, because that’s as high as the scale went. I’ve always been the smallest female in my family by at least 100 lbs. I can see where I’m headed and just don’t want to participate. I have two children under the age of 5 and feel like I’m missing out on their lives. I’m tired, grouchy, my joints hurt and there’s not a single picture of me with them. The more research I do, it seems like banding may actually be a good choice for people like me. I was amazed to find there’s actually a “Low BMI Bandsters” board! Earlier today, I made a list of the dozens of diet plans I’ve been unsuccessful at since high school. My husband and PCP are supportive. I’m pretty confident my insurance will approve me, based on my orthopedic issues. This is not a whim; it’s been on my mind for years. It just doesn’t seem intelligent to me to wait until I get even heavier and my health deteriorates to get banded. Why not do it now, while I’m healthy enough to withstand surgery and enjoy life? Am I nuts to be considering this???

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