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Lisa Sanborn

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About Lisa Sanborn

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  • Birthday 02/08/1961

About Me

  • Biography
    Single, two grown sons, not employed at the moment.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    art, reading, crafting, antequing
  • Occupation
    mortgage processor
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My name is Lisa, I am 53 years old and I have started the journey but have not had surgery yet, I am having a consultation with the surgeon on 9/16. I am so excited yet a bit scared. My goal is 100lbs. I stand 5'1" and weigh 251 lbs. The weight is affecting my health as well as my life all in a negative way. I am ready to step out of the fat suit and start to live again. I have always had to watch my weight and could manage it pretty well until i was prescribed anti-depressants and then had a total hysterectomy. If I looked at a cookie I would gain weight. I just want to feel normal again.

Age: 63
Height: 0 feet
Starting Weight:
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight:
Goal Weight:
Weight Lost:
Surgery Status: Undecided
First Dr. Visit:
Surgery Date:
Hospital Stay: n/a
Surgery Funding: n/a
Insurance Outcome: n/a

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
