Hey everyone! I'm new to this site but I really need some help! I've been post band since 4/2012 and I've lost 75 lbs I was up to 85 lbs but had a setback.. but I have a problem that happens all the time, my band seems to tighten itself.... it will be fine and then all of a sudden it is hard for me to eat anything... and it doesn't get better even if I baby it - so I'd go get adjusted if I had to. But this time it's different. .. I have the worst acid reflux ever and it's been 2 weeks and it hasn't gotten better despite all my OTC effort (prilosec, Zantac, pepcid, tums...) nothing has helped... I can eat, but it hurts! I have a pressure that radiates from my stomach to my back.... it's a tightening pressure and suffocating feeling. Is this normal? Is my band tightening itself? Any advice?