Hi all,
I am an old bander returning to the forum after having complications. I was banded in 2007 and lost 100 pounds in a years time. I loved the band. I went from 240 pounds size 20 to 140 size 6. It was amazing. As the years passed I started gaining a bit of it back. When I hit 160 I actually leveled off there for a couple years. I thought maybe that was the weight my body was happy at. It was pretty effortless to stay at that weight. I never really thought much about food - I ate what I could, whenever - it wasnt really on my mind. I stopped going to the Dr. - seemed like no need. This past year I have had some issues. I was up to 175, food seemed more important - it was always on my mind, and im so unhappy not fitting in any clothes and just not looking the same. I struggled at night - same symptoms as all of you...coughing, nasty acid reflux that would wake me up with tar-like vomit in my mouth. My husband made me go in for an appt. I did the bariatrics swallow and it showed my band had slipped a bit and I had a pouch above the band. They insisted I remove all the Fluid immediately and go for an endoscopy. I was terrified but listened. I am now 194 in just 8 weeks fluidless - ugh.The endoscopy showed grade B erosion. I am so mad that I didnt control myself better. But I will tell you - all acid reflux is gone as well as cough. Other than feeling fat - I feel good. I now have 3cc's in my band and have not gained anymore but not lost either. I go back Jan 3rd for another cc but I am afraid. I dont want to end up having to have it removed. Any of you have similar situation?My band can''t go as high as some ofthe others I hear. I had 5.8cc in it for like 5 years with no adjustments. I am afraid to go back to that number and end up with worse erosion. Anyone else have erosion that has not gotten worse?