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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by karla

  1. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    GraceUtah ~ Thank you very much for the ticker help! That is much easier than what I was trying to do. Just got back from the pool. Swam 1 1/2 miles in an hour. I love the water. Just wish I wasn't allergic to the chlorine. I was seriously red and itchy tonight. Got a lot of questions from the older gals that were there. I won't let a little itching stop me though.
  2. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    This is a stupid question ~ How in the heck do I get a ticker on here? I've tried several times with no success. HELP! Is there a help link somewhere. Thank goodness I don't teach computer!
  3. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Suzzzie ~ Tell me about "Lift like a man look like a goddess". Where did you find it? I'll have to google it because it interests me. Steph ~ I have absolutely no upper arm strength. I'm hoping the swimming will bring some strength back, but I think I need more. I just can't afford a gym at this time and with 3 kids ~ where would I find the time? I do have some small hand weights and resistance bands. Can you give me ideas too? I'll PM you my email if you want to give ideas and kick my booty too. I have no idea how to even text on my phone. I had a small scale victory today. I will be changing my stats because I'm now down to 191. I hope it's the start of a downward slide. Oh yeah ~ my band seems to be a bit less restrictive today. I'm definitely having to watch the amounts and chewing better. It was a HUGE change with this fill.
  4. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi everyone! Thought I'd check in and see how everyone is doing. Steph ~ You have motivated me to exercise too. I use to swim competive for 10 years. When I graduated in 1990 that was pretty much the end of it. I have terrible knees and my treadmill elliptical seemed to be making them worse. Several months back I got back into the pool and started doing laps. Today I swam 112 laps in an hour (a little over a mile and a half). It felt great. I'm now up to swimming 2-3 times a week. I'd be there everyday if my husband were better about watching the 3 kids. His motto "If it doesn't have an engine ~ He don't do it". Yes ~ He could use a lapband! Thank you for all your support!
  5. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I went for a fill last week ~ I'm use to it being tight in the morning, but Damn! I was fine for the first several days and then the past few days it has been tight to drink my protein shake. By afternoon it loosens and by evening I think I can eat anything again (especially the crap foods). I hate to go have an unfill (my doc is 3 hours away). It isn't causing severe pain or anything. I do get discomfort when I eat regular foods, but I think I'm just eating too fast again. I'm trying to stick to soups and easy stuff during the day (at work) and then I eat regular foods at home. I don't want to risk major problems while I'm at work. Any advice? Today I didn't have any problems with my morning protein drink. Does anyone find that stress causes tightening? I'm a high school special ed teacher and I can't wait until June ~ if that tells you anything.
  6. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    bcrazy~ I have tried the caramel ones. They are good, but nothing can beat the peanut butter with chocolate. It truly does taste like a reese peanut butter cup (maybe not as rich, but darn close). While I like the caramel ones, I have to say I prefer the peanut butter ones, but I'm that way with peanut butter in the first place. I'd eat it by the spoonful if I wasn't so afraid of getting stuck. I have shared one with a friend that just had bypass and she is going to order some too. I have to hide them from my kids at home. They love protein bars. My daughter 2 year old won't drink milk, but she'll drink my EAS protein shakes if they are blended with ice cubes to make a shake.
  7. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Steph, I ordered 2 boxes and I think I'll need to order a few more. They are AWESOME! ProSource.com was the lowest price I could find. On sale for $25.96 (reg $41 something). The protein supreme site says they are available at GNC and 7-11, but not in my rinkydink town. The GNC here never even heard of the brand. Sad
  8. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Oh Dear God ~ I'm in peanut butter heaven !!!!! That's all I can say about the Peanut Butter Supreme Protein Bars. I just got them today and it truly is like eating a Reese peanut butter cup. YUMMO!
  9. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi everyone! I did get my PB Supreme Protein bars from ProSource. They were on sale for $25.95 (reg. $41.00). Just waiting to get them :cheers2:
  10. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hello everyone! I went for a fill today. Haven't been in for 3 months. I was disappointed that I was only down 6 pounds since Jan. 3. My doc did a very aggressive fill for me. I had actually lost some fill (How does that happen anyway?) I'm now at 3.25cc in my 4 cc band. He has me going back as needed from now on which is nice. Especially since it's a 3 hour drive one way. OMG ~ I'm on liquids and feel as though I could eat my own arm right now. Just had some instant carnation breakfast drink. Hopefully that will satisfy until morning. Steph ~ I ordered 2 boxes of the pb supreme protein bars. They were sent out today. I can hardly wait! YUM! Oh ~ Did I mention I went shopping for jeans today? I fit into a freakin size 14. I nearly messed myself :embaressed_smile: Of course when I look into the mirror all I see is fat. Does that ever change?
  11. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Steph ~ All I can say is "WOW" on the protein bars. They didn't have the peanut butter ones, just the caramel chocolate nut. They are delicious. Thanks for the info on the smoothie too. Right now I'm using the EAS AdvantEdge shakes. I can get them by the case at Sam's Club. Question for everyone ~ Were you given a specific amount of protein to intake each day after surgery. I was told 59 grams a day "No more and No less". At first I thought holy crap that's a lot, but that's when I was on liquids only. Once I started real foods it was hard to stay under it. They said that too much protein can hinder weight loss. Please shed some words of wisdom my way.
  12. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi everyone! I usually just lurk around all the sites without logging in and posting comments. I just wanted to say ~ That I am truly motivated by all of you. Steph ~ I look forward to reading all you responses on supplements. After searching for the past month or so for those "Supreme Protein" bars. I finally for a box. Of course they don't sell them around my town (not even 7-11), but I found them at The Vitamin Shoppe (4 1/2 hours away). I can get them online, but I wanted to try them first. Keep up the good work! I'm struggling right now, but trying to get back on the bandwagon. I think I just need a little fill (going Thursday). Take Care,
  13. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Us Michigan folk have freezing rain today. All the roads and parking lots are like icerinks. I wish I lived somewhere warm! Well, at least I have a snowday tomorrow ~NO SCHOOL :cheers2: Captain Dan ~ Go for it! You're Hot!
  14. I actually had a breast reduction about 3 1/2 years ago (Pre Band). I had gotten down to 200lbs to have it done and went from a 38DDD to a small C cup. Of course 5 months later I found out I was pregnant again. Gained back all that weight plus some. Now after having the band and getting down nearly 70 lbs. I have noticed a big difference in my chest. With the weight loss I'm flat and deflated on the top (before I had "teenager boobies") and the skin is a bit wrinkled, but they are still nicely shaped on the bottom. I don't think I'd consider implants, but I have 30 more pounds to go so I may change my mind. I do plan on having a TT for sure. Besides my band ~ the breast reduction/augmentation was the best thing I ever did. :thumbup:
  15. I agree~ Give it time and it is a tool. I've had 4 fills and I finally have restriction. I'm at 2.75cc in a 4cc band. I had my last fill on Jan 3 and was fine for several weeks. All of a sudden, BAM, I have restriction eating crackers w/pb. Darn that hurts! Good luck and log your food intake. Might I suggest you check out thedailyplate.com if you haven't already. It's an awesome way of keeping track of intake and exercise. :thumbup:
  16. karla


    I bought one and it would have been great if my computer would have accepted the darn thing. I returned it to 24 hour fitness on Nov. 26 and I'm still waiting for my refund. Going on 3 months and try to talk to a real life human when you call to find out why. OMG!:thumbup:
  17. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Suzzzie ~ I have noticed a big differene with restriction with my cycle. A week or two prior I seem to be able to eat anything and everything, but the past two days I am getting stuck on crackers and chicken salad. I just haven't even wanted to eat. I've only had 4 fills and I'm at 2.75cc in a 4 cc band.
  18. karla

    Fill Doctors in Northern Michigan

    Hi, this is Karla from the Alpena support group. I noticed you called on the caller ID, but hadn't had a chance to call you back. I just transferred over to Munson Bariatric Center in Traverse City. I see Dr. Kam and I know he's accepting new patients. That's the closest place that I've found in our neck of the woods. Roselie ~ How are you doing? Did everything go okay with your surgery? How's Pike doing? Hope to see you both on Feb 2nd at the meeting. Meanwhile, if you have any questions you have my number. I'm kinda hard to get a hold of, but leave a message and I'll call back. I'm not real good with checking the caller ID. Take Care, Karla:redface:
  19. I really enjoy coming to this site and seeing everyone's progress. These are my before pic (June 18th - 260lbs) and current pic (195lbs). I still have about 35 lbs to reach my realistic goal of 160, but my long range goal is 140. I just don't want to look sickly thin. Hope this works!
  20. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Thanks for the advice everyone! I am loving "The Daily Plate"! It is really helping me keep on track and exercise more. I'm up to 240 crunches every morning, I'm back in the pool swimming laps (used to swim competive in H.S. - haven't been in a pool since 1990 and the beach is out of the question), I'm even walking at an indoor track. I did do my measurements and I guess I'm losing inches rather than pounds so I can't complain too much. I just want the numbers to be smaller. I want this fat to melt off! The lowest I've ever been since H.S. is 180 (in 1999) when I did Weight Watchers. I want to get below that. My biggest goal ~ weigh less than my little sister and my mother.
  21. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I'm struggling right now and need some advice ~ My scale doesn't seem to be moving and I'm working my butt off. Granted I sneak a few sweets here and there, but then I feel guilty and do more exercise. My main question is ~ My doc said count protein and not worry about calories. I'm suppose to eat 59 grams of protein a day, which at first seemed like a lot since they told me to only eat 1/2 cup of food at a time. Now they're saying 1 cup at a time and it seems like I'm going over that protein count (3 meals and 3 snacks a day). They said if I go over the 59 grams it will hinder my weight loss. Well I've only lost 10 pounds since Oct. 22 and I'm getting frustrated. Does anyone have a set protein intake goal or calorie limit? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I started logging my food intake on Daily plate. It set me at a calorie intake of something like 1,400 calories but that seems like a lot to me. HELP!
  22. karla

    New forum

    Hi everyone :wink: I'm 35 ~ married (2nd time) 3 kids (10 and 5 year old boys and 2 year old daughter), 1 english bulldog, and 1 cat. I live in Alpena, Michigan and was banded on June 19th, 2007 in Ypsilanti, MI. I just transferred over to Traverse City because my surgeon moved and I wanted to stay under his care. So far I'm down 65 pounds, but things have really slowed down and I'm getting frustrated. My DH was not supportive of my decision to be banded, but I did it anyways. In fact ~ he could use a band! (He doesn't think he needs to lose weight :welldoneclap:).
  23. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Way to go Suzzie! Go with the first weigh in :smile: I'm having a hard time with the sweets too. I was never a sweets person, but lately all I want is chocolate and salty stuff. I'm managing to stay the same and not put the weight back on, but I'm disappointed in myself. This morning I even ate a half of a raspberry filled donut that my daughter didn't finish. I hate jelly filled donuts ! Then I felt guilty and jogged in place for 5 minutes. At 1pm I'm going to the pool to swim a mile and then taking my son to hockey so I can walk 2miles around the indoor track. QUILT IS A WONDERFUL THING!
  24. karla

    Lost my willpower and motivation

    Most of us have made mistakes even with the band. No one is perfect! The important thing is you understand you've made the mistake. Now you have to fix your way of thinking and make this band work for you. I agree that you need to get in for an aggressive fill. I'm 6 months out and just now have the feeling of restriction with my band (2.75cc in a 4 cc band). I'm not the greatest with the exercise either, but I try to get some kind of workout in a few days a week. Best of luck ! This really is a tool and you have to be disciplined and really want it to work.
  25. karla

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I am so happy the holiday's are over ! I am finally getting back on track and following my protein intake. I was finally able to get in for a fill. My surgeon moved closer to my hometown and I transferred there to stay under his care. If I can cut 1 1/2 hours off my 4 hour drive time I'll do anything. I've waited almost 2 1/2 months to see him and was in terrible need of a fill. He was aggressive with this one since I was having NO restriction. I am now at 2.75 cc's in my 4cc band. For the first time in 6 months I actually can feel fullness. It has made a huge difference already. I've even dropped 4 pounds since Wednesday. I'm so proud of everyone on this site. You are amazing! I have a NSV I'd like to share. A few years back I loaned a nice dressy black suit to my younger sister (5 years younger). This Christmas I asked her to bring it back for me. Her response ~ "It's a size 14 - you won't be able to wear it." After getting it home I tried it on and "BITE ME! It fits and it may be snug, but it fits!" The topper is ~ I only weigh about 15 pounds more than she does. Ooh I can't wait until I get past her. I won't rub it in her face, but there was a day I was skinner than her. THEN MY TAPEWORM DIED! Have I mentioned ~ I LOVE MY BAND TOO! :whoo: Just to update - I'm now down to 195. I started my journey on June 19th, 2007 and weighed in at 260 prior to surgery. OH HAPPY DAYS!

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