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    Chrystee reacted to deadmanwalking in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    @@Chrystee I wish we shared the same gym!!!!!
  2. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from KindaFamiliar in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Women are probably way less aggressive at the gym, but I can assure you, I am checking out most guys at the gym. LOL
  3. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from KindaFamiliar in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Women are probably way less aggressive at the gym, but I can assure you, I am checking out most guys at the gym. LOL
  4. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from KindaFamiliar in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Women are probably way less aggressive at the gym, but I can assure you, I am checking out most guys at the gym. LOL
  5. Like
    Chrystee reacted to deadmanwalking in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    I can see why you are being checked out/stalked in the gym @@Steph0625 id be guilty of checking you out too! you too @@jenn1! beautiful ladies catch eyes wherever they go! after all we deal with to get to this point in our journey we all deserve to be checked out and hit on but not by creepy mccreeperson lol. just go in the gym and do your thing! keep smiling knowing you are being checked out and enjoy it! you deserve it!
  6. Like
    Chrystee reacted to goblue9280 in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Are you implying that is a negative or a positive? FYI, I don't have a single friend that has ever said he prefers a flat/small butt.
  7. Like
    Chrystee reacted to KindaFamiliar in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Oh what I'd give to have a weird woman acting creepy..
    I'd wife her in a heartbeat...
    You're so sweet...
    And creepy...
    But sweet...
    And creepy...
  8. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Healthy_life2 in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    You have been checked out and stalked by me. Start curling dumbbells while you text. We can consider it the gym
  9. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Steph0625 in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    @@KindaFamiliar I haven't actually been hit on, unless you count the weird guy acting creepy lol You may be getting looks and just not notice it
  10. Like
    Chrystee reacted to KindaFamiliar in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Why aren't I getting hit on at the gym??
    Everyone else is!!!

  11. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Healthy_life2 in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    I have made friends with the regulars at my gym. The older guys keep the young guy's in check. (Oh to be young and full of testosterone ). When we get an influx of new people..(usually after new years) We have each others back when we get a creeper.
    The eye candy is a great motivator to get to the gym. The other motivator is to identify these types 0f people at the gym.
    The Creeping Gym Creeper Workout goal(s): be surrounded by spandex
    Post-workout ritual: re-applying cologne, asking if you come here often
    Wants to know: if you need a spot
    . The Barely-Moving Ellipti-Reader Workout goal(s): improve GPA, crush to-do list
    Post-workout ritual: finals
    Favorite time to work out: reading week
    The Couple on a Fitness Date Workout goal(s): get more quality time with their boo
    Post-workout ritual: sipping a single Protein shake from two straws
    Wedding guests, please save the following date: leg day
    The Toughest Man You’ve Ever Seen Workout goal(s): establish dominance
    Post-workout ritual: wrestle a grizzly bear
    All: blood, sweat. No: tears
    The Mansplainer Workout goal(s): explain to you how you’re doing that wrong, little lady
    Post-workout ritual: approaching women mid-workout to tell them they’d be prettier if they smiled
    Catch phrase: “Actually, sweetie…”
    9. The Photo Documentarian
    Workout goal(s): get ripped, show self getting ripped
    Post-workout ritual: Choosing filters and captions
    Favorite hashtags: #sickabs #nofilter #sunsoutgunsout
    11. The running newbie Workout goal(s): get in shape, improve cardiovascular fitness, finish the 5K they were pressured into signing up for
    Post-workout ritual: swearing anew to never run again
    Motivational phrase: “Make it stop.”
  12. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from mngreeneyes in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Yea, I understand! I get that sometimes.. I'm only used to seeing people I'm with getting checked out.. I really like the attention too.
  13. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from mngreeneyes in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Yea, I understand! I get that sometimes.. I'm only used to seeing people I'm with getting checked out.. I really like the attention too.
  14. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from mngreeneyes in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Yea, I understand! I get that sometimes.. I'm only used to seeing people I'm with getting checked out.. I really like the attention too.
  15. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from mngreeneyes in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Yea, I understand! I get that sometimes.. I'm only used to seeing people I'm with getting checked out.. I really like the attention too.
  16. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from mngreeneyes in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Yea, I understand! I get that sometimes.. I'm only used to seeing people I'm with getting checked out.. I really like the attention too.
  17. Like
    Chrystee reacted to JamieLogical in Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?   
    This is a tough one. I think that everyone should have the right to feel good in their skin. And I think that society as a whole should be more accepting and accommodating of all body types. But I agree that a line needs to be drawn when it comes to the medical side of the issue. I think it helps to put it in the frame of reference of any other medical disorder or disability. It's not acceptable for people in society to make fun of or look down on those with disabilities, but it's perfectly acceptable for doctors to try to TREAT those disabilities.
  18. Like
    Chrystee reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    I have had guys try and hit on me at the gym regardless of my weight. A lot of those meathead, bodybuilder guys love fluffy chicks and they will be all over a big girl in the gym.
    Then some guys in the gym like to see any female in the gym trying.
    Then some guys are watching you to make sure you aren't doing anything wrong and they are willing to offer advice.
  19. Like
    Chrystee reacted to BigViffer in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    In all seriousness; that is not only rude, but it's f_cking creepy as hell. I'd have got up in his face to find out what his issue is. Good looking man/woman doesn't excuse it either. When I say I check someone out, it's a simple up and down look and then back to what I was doing. I don't go to the gym to make friends or pick up chicks. Of course, my wife would have my head if I tried to pick up women...
  20. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Steph0625 in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Well hell yeah I'm checking them out! lol It's sad, but thats somewhat of a motivator to go as often as I do. I'm also loving the results that I'm getting, but a little eye candy never hurts
    @@Pillar2butterfly Haha I'm not confident enough yet to ask for a spotter. Maybe I'll get to that eventually! And I hope you're right about the sweat because I had an "incident" the other day. I usually work out at night so the gym isn't so hot. I wore under armor compression shorts under my maurices brand yoga pants. The UA wicks the sweat away, but when I was sitting or kneeling on the bench, my yoga pants just soaked it all up lol It was a bit embarrassing because I do workout in the free weight section and there was a lot of people there that day. I kinda just said F-it, but thats why I mentioned the staring. I'm just going to embrace it from now on lol
    Thank you! @@KristenLe @@BigViffer @@jane13
  21. Like
    Chrystee reacted to BigViffer in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    Well I'd sure as hell be checking you out!
  22. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Steph0625 in Are guys actually checking me out at the gym?   
    So I've been overweight since I was a child, and lets just say I'm not used to guys looking at me - at least without thinking that it was just because I was overweight or they were disgusted. But now I feel like a lot of guys are looking at me in the gym and I have no clue if its because I'm attractive, I have sweat marks on my clothes (gross but it is the gym... lol), or whatever reason I come up with (such as my butt is too big) .
    I get that a lot of my problem is with my self image, but how do I know if its because they find me attractive, or for a whole other reason. I'm just very inexperienced with male attention and how to react to it Guys, what is your input on this? Ladies, have you dealt with this before? Any advice is appreciated!
    And its not like I'm wearing anything revealing, at least not in my opinion.
  23. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Boujie in VSG with Dr. Alejandro Lopez in Puerto Vallarta 12 May 16   
    Good day everyone!
    I've heard so many good things about Dr. Lopez-Ortega. I don't have a LOT of weight to lose compared to some (about 60 lbs), but I need to. I'm on 3 different blood pressure meds, and on Metformin for high blood sugars.

    I'm 51 and a bit terrified and excited all at the same time! I'm hoping to glean lots of information from VSG veterans
  24. Like
    Chrystee reacted to helen 1959 in VSG with Dr. Alejandro Lopez in Puerto Vallarta 12 May 16   
    Hi Bougie
    So interested to read your post. I am also hoping to have VSG in P V with Dr. Lopez. Am a failed lap-bander and have approx 50 pounds to lose.
    Wishing you all the best and would love to hear of your experience.
  25. Like
    Chrystee got a reaction from Boujie in VSG with Dr. Alejandro Lopez in Puerto Vallarta 12 May 16   
    Welcome Bouj!

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