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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@Babbs I went in for a full Tummy Tuck but once she got under the skin she realized I didn't need the MR part so she didn't do that part of the procedure. It's rare that that happens. I guess I'm considered "lucky" because it made the process far less painful and my recovery is practically over as far as any pain. I will show you my boobs! Inbox!
  2. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    I would show you guys my lift because she did an amazing job with it, it took her the longest to do but I don't think I'm allowed to show that much on here.
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Day 3 before and after! I'm completely off the pain pills and in my own bed!! I'm extremely swollen all the way down my legs but the results are absolutely amazing to me! I still can't believe it. I have curves and definition already even with all the swelling. I wanted curvy! I took her a picture and told her I wanted curves not just flat. She did exactly what I asked for and made my curves!! Think belly dancer. I'm going to be working on those legs once I'm healed!

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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    I would also like to point out yet again that I didn't have to have muscle repair so my recovery is much faster and less painful because of that. If you have to have muscle repair its going to more than likely hurt a lot more. Just remember that!
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@Babbs Well since she didn't have to do muscle repair after all that's what I have. Plus my lift. I had to do mine separate to have the best results. Trying to do them together with my thin sagging skin could be disastrous. I kinda like my new lifted ones. I'm surprised they turned out so well I didn't think I would have anything but I look like I have little implants in there. Everything is lifted and in the perfect areas. It's like I have teenager boobs again lol! I will wait for everything to heal before I decide for positive on what I'm going to do. The breast took her the longest time. 2 1/2 hours for my breast and 1 1/2 hours for my tummy.
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@Daisee68 Yay congratulations! I'm 17 months post op but have been at a steady weight for months. I couldn't wait any longer either. I'm sure you will have wonderful results! Just find a good reputable surgeon. Do all your research. I just got done with my shower. I took my time this time and didn't run all over. My daughter was with me the whole time she's 15. I sat with the binder off for awhile before I got on my shower chair and my daughter practically sat at the back of the shower with me. She refused to leave me in there alone. She's been such a blessing and taking excellent care of me. She makes sure I have my meds, food, rubs oil on my belly and cleans my belly button for me. She even drains my JP drain and writes it down. My husband is great too but she's just better at this. I can't wait to see how your appointment goes!
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    Chrystee reacted to Babbs in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Be careful there, Missy! Take it easy and don't go walking around by yourself yet!
    Okay, now that I'm done scolding you, I had my first consult today. It was weird. The office and the surgeon were terrible, but kind of a long story to even begin to explain the red flags I got there. I will be seeking several more consults, but here's what I learned today:
    Apparently, I don't need a Tummy Tuck, just a panniculectomy. He poked around my stomach and said "You excersise, don't you?" (Made me feel good) My stomach muscles are fine. But my pannus is another story. But I'm concerned about how the stomach would look with just a panni and not a tuck with it?
    Then to my boobies. He said that I didn't have enough tissue for just a lift, so I needed a lift with an implant. Then they (him and his nurse) decided that a 500cc implant would be best because I'm "broad across the front" and a smaller one may look funny. 500 cc's seem big to me? They said it would make me a D or DD, which is basically what I am now, but pointing downward
    Lastly, I'm looking at around $10,000 for both procedures. Better than I thought, actually.
    Anyway, that was that. Like I said, I'm doing a few more with different surgeons to be as educated as possible.
    To be continued.....
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    I am thrilled. I did have a episode earlier though. I decided I wanted to have a shower so I took my binder off and was heading to the shower. I stared getting light headed so I yelled for my husband and the next thing I knew I fainted and was laying on the floor. Naked. Scared my husband to death. I won't be taking a shower today. That kinda hurt but I'm more worried about being naked on the dirty floor. Now I really want to sanitize myself but I'll just wait it out and sponge off.
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Thanks everyone. I'm trying to share as much as I can with you all without grossing anyone out. I love seeing before and afters and the true process.
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    And as promised here is a before and after. One day difference. It's amazing!!! I can't wait for my 6 months when all the swelling is gone and I'm healed.

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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Now that I have that out of the way, I went to my surgeons today and we took the bandages off. Here's my very first glimpse of my new belly! Amazingly enough she didn't have to repair my muscles, she said they were shocked that they were fine. That's why my pain hasn't been so bad!

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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    My boobs haven't hurt at all really, sometimes I feel a small ache but nothing to speak of.
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@bayougirlmrsc Girl that's because every waking moment I wasn't at work or sleeping I was researching everything I could. Good for somethings but bad for stress. 98% of what I read was how horrible and painful it was. How they would "rather have died" than be In that much pain ect.... So I as freaking out. I had to pay in advance thank god because if not I'm pretty sure I would have backed out. They made it sound like it was the worst pain imaginable. One lady write worse than child birth ect.. It may have been really bad for them but I'm flying right through it as of now. It's crazy how each persons experience can be so different to that extreme. I really think it's this dilaudid though. It's a very strong narcotic. I feel normal on it. I still function just fine but with no pain. I would be afraid to go without it but after tomorrow I'm going to try to switch to over the counter pain relief
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    I'm taking the Arnica Montana dissolvable tablets for bruising and swelling. I can't tell if the are working or not at this point since I'm all bandaged up.
  15. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    I could literally walk straight right now if I wanted to. I'm not though because I don't want to put any tension on my scar and have a ugly one. I never got to use my fancy walker..sad but I'm donating it to the clinic for one of my patients so not a loss. I just don't need it. I have an appointment at11 with her so I'm excited about her taking off the bandages so I can get a full look. My belly button looks so cute from what I can see. That poor baby has been hidden in fat for YEARS. Cute little innie! I can't see the whole picture of everything yet because me has me all taped and gauzed up under there but I'm hoping to snap a picture today in the office.
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Well it's 5am and still not in any pain. I am so incredibly thankful! I thought this was going to be horrific and stressed over it for a full month, every stinking day! It's almost scary how well it's going. I have a bit of a achy sensation but that's it. I've stayed on my Dilaudid only taking one instead of two every 4 hours. It's a miracle drug for sure. I didn't have any other pain methods such as the pain pump or exparel (the 3 day lasting lidocaine) what she did use was Maracaine a shot 3-ish hour acting numbing injections in the muscle repair. It's worn off by now and I'm still pain free for the most part. My c-sections were way worse as was the VSG surgery. We will see how today goes. I've read where people have more pain on day 2/3. I'm eating and drinking just fine. No problems there. No nausea. I eat graham crackers before I take my meds and push the fluids. It actually feels good to get up out of this chair and walk around my house. I do that every time I go to the bathroom for some "exercise'. My husband and daughter (15) have been the perfect nurses! My daughter took over the night shift and made sure I got up and took my pills ect... This last time my husband snuck in and held my hand and rubbed my cheek. He was checking on me I guess but I was awake so he helped me with everything and I shut my daughters alarm off so she could sleep. School for her tomorrow. Ok, well that's probably more than anyone cared to know but I'm updating while I'm awake. So far I couldn't ask for a better experience.
  17. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@bayougirlmrsc My kitty IS flat!! Lol I sneaked a peak and that's the first thing I checked ha!!! I will try to get some good pictures tomorrow! This is soooooo cool! My husband said " Holy sh*t you are flat! The roll is gone!" And he doesn't even cuss!
  18. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    I'm home!! They did a FANTASTIC job. I woke up in zero pain and still not having any as of now. I'm including a picture and I look like absolute death BUT I'm keeping everything real!

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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Fixing to go back...

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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    That's just me.....checking out this whole chair set up thing with the pillows and props. It's actually nice right now. We will see how I feel about it later........ I'm assuming the "beach chair" position. I'm not so sure this should ever be considered anything like a "beach" maybe another word that sounds like beach?!

  21. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Here's a little handy piece of advice I learned today. DO NOT under any circumstances go to Walmart the day before surgery. Had I not left at the precise moment I got to I would have ended up Losing my ENTIRE sh*t! I don't know if someone sent out a memo and informed everyone that If they'd like to see a live rendition of the exorcist with the whole head spinning and whatnots to head on over to the Walmart and get in my way.....continuously...as in non-stop. That's whole trip was a shit-show! Normally I don't get all worked up but today was NOT the day to stop instantly in front of me, block the entire isle so that you can talk to neighbor "Cathy" about her precious little unique snowflake of a child and their school projects, argue with the customer service lady for 20 minutes about how you were overcharged 3 cents per can on your 15 cans of tuna while there are 15 more people standing behind you with real world problems, then after FINALLY making it up to the counter the customer service girl decides it's time for her to take a break, whips out her "closed lane" sign and walks off. I could literally envision myself beating her to death with it. I just needed to sign a flipping paper. That's all, a paper! Soooo I went through the regular line and waited yet again. As soon as it was my turn I told the checkout girl "look lady" I'm not normally like this but if you would like me to not come out of character I would suggest you tell the manager to bring me that nifty little black book from customer service and I will sign it right here. I'm not going back through that line again so I'm just going to stand right here in your line until it's signed.....blank stares. So she did, I did, and it was over. I wasn't sure if I was going to scream or start crying. I think I was on the border of a nervous breakdown and then it hit me.....oh, surgery tomorrow. That's why I'm acting like a psycho! Once I figured that out I felt like I had to explain my whole life to "Monica" the cashier girl. Wether she wanted to hear it or not. I couldn't leave there with her thinking I was truly nuts now could I?! This stuff is stressful. Think I'll just lock myself in the house for the remainder of my time.....and breathe.....
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    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    Thank you all! Today is FLYING by! I got the call from the surgery center and I'm to be there at 10 am with surgery scheduled for 11:45-ish. She has me down for 275 mins. Geez! I'm ready for this to be over with!
  23. Like
    Chrystee reacted to kranky813 in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@Elode I will trade you!! I am going in for the TT and a lift and reduction. Even with the weight loss I am sitting at a DDD... Ugh the only problem is that those big beauties look directly at my toes!
    Figured I need the new Tatas to go with the flat tummy and kitty
  24. Like
    Chrystee reacted to KindaFamiliar in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    "Flat kitty"...
    That is all....
  25. Like
    Chrystee reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    @@kranky813 Oh I guess I should have elaborated on the "breast stuff" I was originally going to get implants but after researching I (we) decided for the best results I would do a lift now and in 6 months augmentation if I feel I want them bigger....and I will because once she takes off the skin I'm not going to have much left. I can't live like that but we shall see.

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