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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Spicy06

  1. Hey fellow sleevers! I had my procedure done on 3/9. Day 1 was rough. Every I took a sip of Water I dry heaved, if I stood up I got dizzy, tried to take the oral pain meds and puked them back up. They kept me on my IV to keep me hydrated. I was there for 2 nights, 3 days. Found out my stomach cannot handle the liquid pain meds so they ended up just giving me pills and I have been fine. I can drink water and my Protein Drinks, I burp all the time, but I have never had gas pains. I did the 1 incision in my belly button and that is sore but the pain is almost gone. I slept for probably the first 5 days. I went back to work 1/2 days this week. I am also eating unsweetened applesauce and instant mashed potatoes. I was getting so hungry and weak I thought I was going to pass out of I tried the potatoes and they do the trick. I take very small bites and eat them slowly. I too have been emotional since my surgery.

  2. @ I am post opt 1 week and 2 days!! I thought I would be in and out. I was there for 2 nights. Honestly I am glad I was. As much as I wanted to be home, it gave me time to get my fluids in, time for them to monitor me, get blood work, and for me to have help walking around.

    I had visitors. My best friend and boyfriend were with me the day I had surgery and hung out after.The next day my parents and boyfriend came up to see me and my sister picked me up. It was nice to have people to hang out with that were not poking you with needles.

    I actually only took a week off. I went back to work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 1/2 days. If you can take 2 weeks off, I say go for it. The one thing I did not expect was my energy and strength to be so low. It gets better everyday. Good luck to you!

  3. @@Jill_Icardi I really have nothing to compare it to, so I am not sure if it is less painful with one incision vs 5. All of it is right in my belly button so sitting up can be a bitch..lol My doctor told me I could have a couple bites when I was comfortable. That is all I am doing. I have a couple bites of well chewed cottage cheese or unsweetened apple sauce, but the rest of the time it is shakes, broth, and Jello. I still have some pain, but luckily no more nausea. I hit my first 20lb lost so I am pretty excited!

  4. Hey March Sleevers! Post Op day 4 and I am feeling pretty good. Still a little sore at my incision site. My doctor actually asked me if I wanted to have 5 incisions or 1 that you can hide in your belly button. I went for the belly button incision. Has anyone else had this offered to them? I am doing great keeping down my shakes and Water. I had a couple bites of apple sauce and cottage cheese today. Not too much, want to gradually get back into things. Hope everyone else is doing well!

  5. I think a lot of doctors do it to be safe, or to get our bodies ready to eat less food. Honestly this week will fly by. I am post op day 3 and I am just now feeling like drinking a shake much less eat anything. I know it will come back and the days go by. Just remember your doctor knows what he is doing. Don't cheat, push through the hungry days, and you will be getting surgery in a week!!! That is super exciting!!

  6. Hey Jill,

    I appreciate the worrying! Yes I have been very lucky and blessed that I have not gotten the gas pains. Yesterday I was able to take small sips of Water and a little Jello. The problem is I'm not hungry. At all. today I'm going to try a shake and see how that goes. As for pain I get up and walk around and my pain meds are keeping everything manageable. It's all worth it in the end!

  7. Hi Everyone. I apologize I have not been on. I had my surgery on Monday and had my IV's in for my liquids and pain meds. Day 2 was rough for me. I could not handle sips of Water or oral pain meds. Every time I sipped on water, took oral pain meds, or stood up I would get nauseaous and drive heave. Let me tell you, dry heaving after stomach surgery is pretty rotten. BUT today I was able to take fluids, they found out that the taste of the liquid pain killers were making me gag so they adjusted it to a pill and now I am home in my own bed. I am sore, but I am so happy to be home. I have been up and walking, I have not really had any of the gas pain yet. Sorry if I worried anyone, I got ya'lls private messages and I appreciate everyone looking out for me. I am doing well. Sitting up straight is a little rough, but I didn't want to make anyone worry. I will log on later :)

  8. This year is for me! This year I am taking care of myself. Today is my birthday and in 3 days I am getting surgery to change my life! This is my birthday gift to myself! We all should be so proud of the choice we have made! Don't let people tear you down or make you feel like you are "taking the easy way out!" Believe in yourself!! I look forward to taking this journey with all of you!

  9. @@Jill_Icardi Good luck to you, that is really a bummer though. That is one thing I have to say I am pretty blessed about. My boyfriend and I work opposite schedules so no one is home with me at night so I have no one there eating around me. On the weekends he "leaves the house" three times a day to eat. He is really trying to help. If he does eat at home I just leave the room and wait until he is done. It helps. You are going to do great!! Keep up the good fight!!

  10. So I have surgery in 6 days! I had my pre-op yesterday and they did blood testing to figure out what my blood type was and a urine test to make sure I am not pregnant. I figured since I am on my period this week that it would be a pretty straight answer, but I understand them wanting to be sure. Which let me tell you.. The universe is getting back at you for something if you go on your period the same time you are on a liquid diet. I seriously do not know how I am able to interact with people without losing it!!

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