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Mrs. Reid

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Reid

  1. Mrs. Reid

    Smooth move tea help

    I have used the tea for several years when I needed to 'move things along.' How strong did you make the tea? If you used one teabag and let it sit for 15 minutes or so before drinking it, you might have to get up early tomorrow morning to empty out. If you drank it hot without letting it sit at all you really shouldn't have much of a problem. If you used more than one teabag or you let it sit for 20 minutes or more you might get ready for a lot of gas and cramps and (ahem) some explosive clearing out of your entire intestines - large and small. I don't know about drinking it when you are not blocked up. It truly does work.
  2. Congrats and let us know how it goes!
  3. I use Vega One nutritional shakes. They taste great and have 15g Protein with a lot of Vitamins, minerals, Fiber Omega 3, antioxidants etc. Expensive but great. I buy them at the food coop I work at so I get a discount on them.
  4. Mrs. Reid

    Gained a pound and a half:(((

    When I read threads like this one it reinforces my decision not to weigh myself for the first 4 months.
  5. Mrs. Reid

    Food Industry Vets, Identity, and WLS

    Hey there. I know what you mean. I work in a food coop and have most of my life. I have actually decided to leave the coop after my surgery and work in a non-food environment. I have always been the modern day hippie, only eating organic...grass fed...ethically treated...minimaly processed...uncured.. ...screaming for food justice....all of that. Now, I'm going to leave all of it. It is hard because my friends are all in the same business. I don't know how things will change for me. Sometimes I think this is just my test and if I can make friends with food and be in this environment without overeating that would surely be a true sign of success. On the other hand, I've been obese since I was 9 years old and I so want to give myself a break and remove the temptation from my life. I want to stop telling myself to buck up and resist and feeling bad when I can't. For me, leaving the foodie life is part of my determination to be good to myself. I have other talents I can develop. This WLS is the start of a whole new life for me...and I am determined to make this new life better.
  6. Mrs. Reid


    There are also a couple of good books out there with plenty of advice. 'Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies' is one that I have because it came highly recommended. It has a lot of diet and nutrition advice and pretty much walks you through the first two years after surgery.
  7. Mrs. Reid

    Is this wrong? Workplace fun!

    So very funny! I may have to use it sometime!
  8. Mrs. Reid

    Pre op weight loss

    Yes, I know what you are talking about. I have to show weight loss in two consecutive NUT appointments to be released for surgery. I put on about 10 pounds! It was a lot of anxiety eating, food funerals and just plain nervous eating about the process of preparing for such a life changing event. Well, before my last NUT appointment I went on a Protein shake diet for 3 days before the appointment and was down 6 pounds when I weighed in. Now I have an appointment on the 22nd and I am going to start the liquid diet on the 17th to make sure I show weight loss. Before you think I am a total cheat, let me tell you that I have changed my ways. I eat 3 meal a day plus two Protein shakes as Snacks per day. I walk as much as I can in a cold and frosty climate, and I'm doing a good job staying away from sugar. The thing is I just don't lose weight! My body hangs on for dear life to every ounce of fat. If I had to lose weight with diet and exercise alone, I would never qualify for surgery! Besides, the liquid diets are practice for when I have to go the full 2 weeks pre-op.
  9. As I am getting closer to my surgery, I've noticed a lot of fears starting to bubble up to the surface. Like the other night I was leaving this place that I volunteer at and I had to cross a very dark parking lot to get to the light rail station. I have done this a thousand times as I have been a volunteer at this organization for a couple decades. As I walked I started to notice that I was all alone in a very dark place in a somewhat sketchy part of town. Now I live in Minnesota so it was freezing cold out and not much chance of muggers hiding in the shadows, but still. I started to think about next summer when I leave this place and walked across this same parking lot. I am not going to be large and intimidating to the bad guys. Suddenly I was so afraid of being attacked. I work in a very public place and there was a guy giving me a hard time for a while. I was not afraid of him because I knew if I ran into him outside of work I could 'puff up' and start giving him my 'don't f**k with me' voice and that is usually enough to make anyone back off. If I am small and thin I don't think that voice will put anyone off, and flexing my arms out is not going to make me look big and tough. I just seem to be having a lot of thoughts like these. It's not enough to make me want to quit surgery, I'm still going to do it. But wow...I have no skinny girl coping skills. I am going to have to relearn how to function in the world.....as well as relearn how to eat.
  10. Mrs. Reid

    Surgery TOMORROW!

    Good luck to you! Let us know how it goes. I just can't wait to be in your shoes!
  11. How about "I think you're losing to much weight."
  12. I have decided that my standard answer will be "I'm following a medically supervised intensive weight loss program." If anyone asks me how much weight I've lost I'm going to tell them that I don't know because I am not weighing myself....which will be true. I will only be weighed at my followup doctor's appointments for the first 3-4 months. I work in an environment that is very anti-medical/pharmaceutical. When some of my co-workers found out I was taking prescription drugs for my hypertension they freaked out! I know I will hit a landslide of negativity if they find out about my WLS! I am not ashamed, I just don't want to deal with the negative vibes. I want to start my new life with positives!
  13. I was thinking about this doctor, but eliminated him because I could not find much info on him. Thanks for posting.
  14. Mrs. Reid

    LapBand Forum going away?

    My hospital does not even do lap band anymore. They say the sleeve is much more effective and they have so many of their lap band patients come back for the sleeve that they have made the lap band obsolete. Even if I wanted one I could not have one at my hospital.
  15. I had a NUT appointment today. I needed to show some weight loss and Bammm! I lost 6 pounds since my visit last month She said I just needed one more appointment with a couple pounds of weight loss and if I could do that she would approve me for surgery and I would get a date!!!! It does look like it will be in January, because my next appointment is on December 22nd. I am sooo psyched! I am getting so close!
  16. Congrats! I hope I can say the same things soon!
  17. I am not going to tell anyone at work. When they see my weight loss, I am going to tell them that I am following a medically supervised weight loss program. I am going to be changing jobs after I have my 3/4 month post op appointment, so I will be out of the situation. The people in my new job will have never seen me at my top weight so no worries there.
  18. Congrats! Hope it all goes well for you!
  19. Mrs. Reid

    Does everyone experience hairloss?

    Yea, I've got locs too. I am worried because if my hair thins I know they will start to break off and then I will have to cut them. I've had them for 15 years and it would be a drag to have to start all over again. I am hoping I am one who does not get the hairloss.
  20. Mrs. Reid

    Telling about surgery

    Bullying deserves consequences. Yes, block them, but also report them. I am entitled to my response and you are entitled to yours.
  21. Mrs. Reid

    Telling about surgery

    OK, I think the only proper response in this situation is to report Steve and thesus2000 to the administrators of this board. I have already done so and the more people who do the more likely they will be to get kicked off. Secondly, I suspect that both of them are getting off on fighting the fight. They are drawing energy from the conflict. Therefore, it is best to ignore such people. Let them say whatever they have to say and don't respond. Don't let them make you lower your emotional vibration down to their level. If they make any more posts DON'T RESPOND, simply report them as being abusive and maintain your positive supportive attitude.
  22. Mrs. Reid

    How do we flag a member....

    Thanks...got it.
  23. who is being rude and shaming towards others in the forum? Is their a procedure to remove members who are being mean to others?
  24. Mrs. Reid

    Telling about surgery

    I think that the people on this board who insist that their way is the only true way...and make rude and shaming comments to others who do not share their point of view should be flagged. This forum is about SUPPORT! It's not about projecting your own attitudes on other people.
  25. Stay positive and let us know how it goes!

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