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janice m r

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janice m r

  1. janice m r

    my turn

    hello all, just thought i'd let you all know i'm going in to have my band done tomorrow 18th,:girl_hug::thumbup::tt2::wink2:
  2. janice m r

    Poll: NHS or Private

    hi, i had my band done on nhs but i chose a private hospital to go and have it done at, and i must say what a wonderful place it has been, i also get a years after care there as well. i went for my 1st consultation 5th november and got a yes from the pct 18th january and the surgeon [yes surgeon] phoned and asked when i wanted it done and i chose 18th feb 08 as i was off from work then, and i must say its the best thing i have ever done, since pre op ive lost 2 stone 2lb so far:thumbup:
  3. janice m r

    my turn

    hi lisa, no i didn't have to wait too long at all went to see mr mannur november, pct gave a thumbs up 18th jan then i chose to have it done 18th feb because i had time off of work, im doing really well, i have lost nearly 2 stone now and feeling on top of the world:thumbup: i get my 1st fill in about 4 weeks time:thumbup:
  4. janice m r

    my turn

    doing really well thanks
  5. janice m r

    NHS Referral - What happens next ??

    you need to get you dr to give you a referal then the ball starts rolling
  6. janice m r

    Just found site...

    it's a pleasure,really helpful and friendly www.wlsfriends speak to you over there
  7. janice m r

    New Member - Please Help.

    if you are refered and get a band its not a magic trick you have to work with it , dont just stop taking your anti-depressants if you get a yes you need to cut down then stop, good luck hope you get help from your dr
  8. janice m r

    how long on nhs waiting list

    i got a referal then a consultation and see the dietician befor the pct said yes , im one of the lucky ones i suppose, but although ive got the money from the pct im having it done privately, i wish you luck im sure it will be worth the wait lol:tt1:
  9. janice m r

    how long on nhs waiting list

    i started my journey in september and have just been given funding by my pct to have it done private so just waiting for a date now:lol::wink2:
  10. janice m r

    Just found site...

    hi carrol,its twinkle here from the other site find that one way way way more friendly ,hense im your only reply here lolxxxxxx
  11. janice m r

    American Idol '08

    dont you just love simon,we do here in london [well i do anyway]
  12. janice m r

    My boyfriend proposed!!!

    congratulations, may you both have health,wealth and most important happiness xxxx
  13. janice m r

    Need cheap--non food--Valentine's Day ideas...

    whats he going to be doing for you!
  14. make out you are only going to weigh yourself once a month and you will inform anyone that asks how much then
  15. janice m r

    Damned job!

    sorry to hear about your crappy start to the new year, but im sure something a lot better will come along, if i were you id go work for your folks at least you wont be skint
  16. janice m r


    god i think she needs to get a grip on her life right here right now if she stands any chance of getting her kids back. she is dating [we are led to believe a pap]so he's reported to be telling her where to be what to say etc, no one forced her to sling all the booze and drugs down her throat ,i could go on but im not going to wind myself up about it
  17. i thought this as well i think they have done marvelous what ever way they have lost weight but add me as a doubting thomas:rolleyes
  18. janice m r

    merry christmas everyone

    think you have sent this to wrong person i havent got mrsa xx
  19. ello, its my birthday tomorrow, so im going to be a bit busy as from now so i would just like to take this oppotunity to wish each and everyone of you a very merry christmas and a wonderful new year ,may you all get your wishes granted, have fun and most of all be happy xx:clap2:
  20. janice m r

    Christmas Greed

    would your dad like to adopt me:p
  21. janice m r

    just joined

    hello everyone, what a good website this is:clap2: heres my story so far, i have researched lap banding on the net and i'm desperate to have it done , i went to see my gp ,who admitted that she had never had any dealings with this but would take a look at the bumph i had downloaded from the net , she then had a meeting with my other dr and they decided that they would give me a referal [i want to go to a private hospital] as the waiting list in my area is 3 years:mad: i sent my referal to the private hospital and they are seeing if they can get the funding from the pct for me ,the pct havent said yes yet , but i have got to go to have a consultation and to fill out a form on 5th november so here's hoping. anyone got any answers for me that they might want to hear, i fit the criteria with my bmi and failed dieting , oh and i have just been informed that i have high cholesteral:help:
  22. janice m r


    hello everyone hope you are all ok, i was just wondering if any of you that have been banded have dropped shoe sizes as well as dress sizes:confused:
  23. janice m r

    just joined

    hi , stick with your liquids its not long for you now [green with envy] the hospital emailed me wednesday and said the person dealing with the funding has been on holiday so she is going to get in touch with them again this week as soon as i hear i will let you know xx
  24. janice m r

    Sorry, the sex is bad!

    she didn't know he was going to turn out to be such a waster or im sure she wouldn't have dated him in the first place.:rolleyes
  25. janice m r

    help with husband

    do you still kiss, hold hands, show each other affection in other ways or even still love each other, i dont think i could stay married or in a relationship if none of this were there, i would ask him if he trully loved you and he would want to see you healthy and happy and sexy and slim. its a hard one to call ,but i wish you all the luck in the world and hope you can resolve your problem.

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