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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Beni

  1. Beni

    VA - Northern VA

    Let me check but I thin its Tuesday
  2. Beni

    VA - Northern VA

    @@amorse5416 Thank you for all your wonderful tips. Sorry it took so long to answer. I had my bypass 10/28 and have been recovering nicely. Today I am actually laying low with my heating pad. I did too much yesterday and used my core muscles more then I should. I plan on going to the Fair Oaks support group. I thin it's next week. My doctor also has one. I look forward to meeting some people who have gone through this. I feel very blessed already as I have met wonderful people on this site. I had my first tuna today and it was wonderful. Chewing was such a treat. How long ago was your surgery?
  3. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    How are you@@kimodell69
  4. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I feel like I just ate a Thanksgiving meal. Wow that can of tuna is going to last for 4 days. I used to eat one can at a time when i made tuna salad. Crazy!
  5. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Having my first solid: 1/4 cup tuna with some low fat maio and one saltine cracker. Food has never tasted better! OMG sooooo happy
  6. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I only drink 4 oz of pre-mixed protein shake 3 times per day. That's 1/2 cup each time. A tiny amount, I don't think I am having too much protein. But I will try to drink a bit more. I just don't get how could I be gaining weight. Desperate!
  7. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I am two weeks past surgery and I have not lost any weight in 3 days. In fact, this morning I had gained 0.6 of a pound. I only eat 2 tablespoons of food 3 times per day and 4oz of protein shakes also 3 times per day. I am moderately active. How is it even possible that my weight loss has come to a halt. I know, I always knew this surgery may not work for me. I will be the only person in WLS history who fails to lose weight. My worst fear is upon me. What do I do?
  8. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@superbariatricbabe Glad you are doing well. 40 lbs gone must make a huge difference. Do you feel it?
  9. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I just came to an important realization. I have to start wearing my best clothes right away because they are going to stop fitting very soon. You know how you settle for the comfortable stuff and kind of save your nicer clothing for special occasions. Time to go grocery shopping in the "good stuff." Yep, stylish clothes to shop at Walmart and Lowes. Watch out housewives of Loudoun County, here I come. Lol.
  10. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Great picture @smiley922. You look fantastic and that smile. Well, now I know why your screen name is smiley.
  11. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I think your food may be too dry. Add some water or broth to keep things even more moist. Mashed potatoes are like yogurt. And chew each tiny bite 20 to 25 times. Hope it helps!
  12. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @ freelyme 35 is a little low but not dangerously low. My suggestion and this is what I did because my first full day home from the hospital I only managed 32oz. 1. I usually wake up once or twice per night. I drink 1 to 2 oz each of those times. 2. As soon as I wake up I start drinking. Little sips all morning long. I have two glasses with 8oz each before lunch plus the 4 oz of Protein shake. That means by noon I have 22 to 24 oz. After lunch aI do the same and have been around 50oz per day. At first I would actually set up my morning and afternoon drinks in glasses in the refrigerator as reminders. I still cannot drink more then 1 to 2 oz per 15 minutes. But I keep at it. It's a struggle but I try varying the drinks to have something to look forward to.
  13. I have lost 26 pounds on pre-surgery diet and post surgery. Not a lot for the WLS world but a huge amount for me. I hate to say it, I do not see any difference. Perhaps my face looks a little thinner but I feel the same. I suppose when people start noticing I will get positive feedback and that will help. I am only 12 days post surgery, I suppose Rome was not conquered in 12 days.
  14. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@Alumace Glad you are home and doing well. Take it easy. The first week is a little hard to get all the fluids in but if you work on it you'll do fine. Sip away!
  15. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Best dinner ever, I made some chicken stock and placed in the freezer for after surgery. It is, of course, delicious homemade stock. I had one single smallish potato cubed and boiled for 30 minutes. Had to search for a pot to place my tiny potato and found one so small I don't think I have ever used before. It came with a set, so there it was. I added enough broth to wisk the whole thing into yogurt consistency. That's a lot runnier then regular mashies. I also added 1/2 a scoop of unflavored GENEPRO Protein (15 gr). One scoop of their protein is like a tablespoon. It's not much at all. OMG, I am in love and my pouch loved it. I want to eat that forever. Warm, yummy deliciousness. I think I need to buy some smaller bowls. My 1/2 cup of mashies looked ridiculous in our regular cereal/soup bowls.
  16. Beni

    My biggest fear!

    I was told to take biotin and make sure I monitor for adequate protein intake. But I may lose some hair anyway. However, it's supposed to be temporary and it will grow back.
  17. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Eating takes forever. After 3 baby spoons I feel like I need to go for a walk. Oh my, this is going to take some getting used to. Yogurt on the other hand, perfect. I'll have to live off that. I did have the unsweetened apple sauce last night with a touch of cinnamon. It wasn't a fave. I think it would be fine if I had something else first and then a couple spoon as "dessert" but all of it was too much sweetness for me. I am doing a mashed potato with chicken broth for dinner. I went out today and ate my lunch in the car. I sat in the car for 30 minutes and I cannot believe how many people eat in their cars. I guess I never sat in a car that long babysitting a tiny cup of oatmeal before. At one point I had a lady across from me and two cars down stuffing her face with a sub. I was a little jealous. All this food everywhere. In every direction I looked was a favorite restaurant. I was getting a little worried and went home taking a country road with not restaurants on the way. I am having a little head hunger. It's not bad but I have to address it before it gets bad.
  18. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Thank for the heads up on the mash potatoes. I will be careful. The apple sauce didn't feel fantastic last night. I think it's still too sweet. I felt a warmth around my belly button that wasn't there before. I went to bed to slow down the passage from stomach to intestines and it worked. I was so scarred that I was developing dumping
  19. Beni

    5 mo out: extreme fatigue

    Your calorie intake is low specially as a teacher as you are on your feet and moving a lot. I think you may have to manage your blood sugar levels more closely. I am not sure if you just do your 3 meals a day. I do 3 meals and an afternoon snack. But I find that diluted unsweetened apple juice (1/3 apple and 2/3 water) helps a lot when I feel a little tired spell coming. Also monitor your protein intake and make sure you are getting the 60 grs. I am not a doctor but you description sounds like low blood sugar.
  20. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I'm not allowed pudding or any product with lactose. Funny how our diets are so different. Are you allowed mashed potatoes? That's what I am having for lunch tomorrow. I was told not to eat anything too liquid at this point because I need to stretch my pouch just a little. It was explained to me this is how you form your pouch and your stoma opening while it's still healing. Yogurt is about as soft as I can go. No soup for me at all. I can drink broth but it's not considered "eating."
  21. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    On my first day week 2. I feel good. Went out today. After 4 hours of shopping I felt like I should go home and not overdo it. Came home grabbed another drink and without thinking I darted to drink it like old me. Fortunately I stopped after two big gulps. How stupid was that, I forgot I had bypass one week ago. Not my brightest moment!
  22. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    My first breakfast post surgery- 1/2 cup cup yoplait Greek 100 Boston Cream pie. It tasted amazing and I am so stuffed. Hopefully it won't disturb my pouch. My goodness after 10 days of liquids it was so nice.
  23. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Hi cindyboo1974 You came to the right place
  24. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    A lot of people are lactose intolerant in the first stages after surgery. My Nut does not introduce milk right away. It could also be the added thickeners in the pudding which are carbs. From what I hear there is not much you can do about dumping but to go through it. But drinking water I would think would flush it out or at least dilute the concentration of what is in your bowel. Now you know pudding is not your thing! But I'm sorry it sounds horrible.

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