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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Beni

  1. Beni

    Valentine's Day

    Lobster if fine but it depends at what stage you are. I am 3 1/2 months post RNY and I could eat it. I would probably scrape the bread crumbs of off, after having a "one perfect bite" and chew very well every single tiny bite.
  2. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@dc0520 So sorry you are having such a hard time. My NUT once told me for some stages food can be quite stressful because you never know what agrees with you or not. In your case looks like nothing agrees. Time to get some sustenance in you my friend. If shakes is all you can do now, that's what it will take in the short term. However, I don't think having nausea forever is normal either. I do know someone her issue was a stricture. The opening from stomach to intestines had become too small. liquids could go through but not chewed food and that's where the nausea came from. If after a settling down period and I have been there (food processed all my food into baby food for about a week twice in this journey) you may want to check for that. It takes an endoscopy, unfortunately. I also know of someone who had nausea for the first 4 months and then one day it was gone. I know right now it seems like this is the way things are going to be but it will get better. Work at it and with your medical team. There is a way, it may take a bit longer but i know in my heart there is a solution and you will find it. I am sure you will be able to eat and be nausea free. Sending lots of love
  3. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    I have been nausea free for the most part for quite a long period. Thank God, because for a while I thought life was going to be unbearable. However, once in a blue moon, I do get sick and it's ALWAYS for the same reasons. Ate bigger bites then I should, didn't chew really well and ate too much, like a bite too many. The reaction is usually burping at first and the true nausea happens mostly from not chewing properly. I can see the chunks and my understanding is my stomach can't process them and they get stuck in the connection created by my surgery from stomach to intestines. With the bite too many, I think I only did that once in a month. I am beginning to detect my full feeling better. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences because that's what allowed me to listen better to my body. Only then did I realize the, drippy nose, hiccups and so forth were the signs. My full feeling is not the same as before surgery but I can tell when I cannot have another bite. My biggest hurdle is to eat slow and for the 1/2 hour. The only way it works for me is if I pick an activity that I can easily stop a second for another bite. I kid you not, I dust, or vacuum while I take lots of breaks for bites. I am not sure why but sitting for 30 minutes while nursing a tiny meal is my idea of torture. I always end up eating too fast. How are you dealing with eating your meals in a proper "bariatric way"? What works for you?
  4. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Another one is Calcium. I take 2 Citracal petites per day. Bone loss is a serious issue as well for RNY patients. This is specially serious as we age. Even if you drink milk and eat yogurt it's not enough. The good news, because of our weight loss our overall health will improve. I think taking vitamins/ supplements and monitoring our blood is a very small price to pay for the benefits. Hello, at the rate we were going Type 2 diabetes would involve monitoring our blood 24/7. Also, lets not forget the countless surgeries for knees and hip replacements and the decreased quality of life due to high blood pressure and the countless co-morbs that come with morbid/obesity. The use of the electric wheelchair at Walmart/Target was in our future and that's if we were lucky enough to get around.
  5. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Yep, B12 deficiency (others too, I think it's B1 but I can't remember for sure) is very serious stuff. The sad part is people don't realize it until it is too late and irreversible damage to the brain has happened. Early symptoms are not that alarming or obvious. RNY patients are at high risk and that's why we have to monitor our blood for the rest of our lives. I was told at 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. Then every 6 months after that. However, once the supplement/vitamin regimen provided a stable blood situation and I was confident that I wouldn't forget to take my pills. I could go to once a year. If things are up and down getting to the once a year may take a while. Obviously, the goal is to take vitamins/supplements and whatever is needed to maintain a blood sample in the normal stable range. Unfortunately, people forget to take their supplements and assume because they eat fruits and vegetables all is well. Our food absorption is reduced due to the small stomach that can't digest as well and the shorter intestine that can't absorb as much. A good diet does help but we cannot afford to think that's enough. At least not until we have several years of maintenance under our belts. I was specifically asked, are you willing to take supplements and have your blood tested for the rest of your life? If you are not this surgery is not for you.
  6. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@Bronxmerci Wow, amazing, you look sooooo goooood!
  7. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Yes, B12 deficiency is serious stuff.
  8. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@Sherrib4health I am glad you are recovering nicely from your knee surgery. Bummer on the fall. Oh well, at least you got it taken care of. Your weight loss must be helping a lot. I sure can feel the difference. Going up and down stairs is a breeze compared to before. Please share what your doctor says about blood tests. I am of course, waiting patiently (not) for my results. I guess because this is our first blood tests since surgery I am dying to find out any pitfalls and trends. I find it all fascinating. The human body sure is amazing.
  9. For me, the easiest way to eat healthy is to actually freeze several meals into snack sized baggies. If I don't, I find myself up the creek without the proverbial paddle way too much. I cook several veggies and bag them and as Protein leftovers come about during the week, I add then to the baggies later. Example. I have a dozen baggies right now and only 4 have protein but tonight I know I'll have leftover chicken and I'll add that in. These baggies become the "emergency meals" and they are ready to go when cooking is not possible. Because of the mixed bags, it results in a varied diet without much effort. Otherwise, I gravitate to what I feel like eating rather then what I should eat. I add the fruit fresh. A few blueberries, a strawberry, 1/4 of a banana and so forth. A couple nuts and salad as well but for me these are in only in very small amounts.
  10. Beni

    Strained Cream Soup question

    I was told not to eat soup unless strained. Only the chunky stuff is eaten. I am supposed to eat and drink at separate times. Soup, of course, has both combined and it goes through the stomach too fast.
  11. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@Luna222 To slow down dumping such as when we eat too much sugar or fat, the goal is to slow down the emptying of the pouch onto the intestinal track. Given the plumbing it maybe laying in different positions. For me it's laying on the right but for some others is on the left. Trial and error, I suppose. But what I was told was that this only works if you do it immediately after symptoms develop.
  12. My collar bones. Forgot I had them, but now I see them again and they look awesome.
  13. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    3 Months post surgery 8 inches lost on my waist = seriously, no more pants, again. The "smaller pants" that were kind of small when I bought them, not even one month ago, are falling off. I need a toga that I can wrap smaller as I go. What? They were the height of fashion in old Rome and Greece. Those people were smart! WLS problem #504 - Holy camel toe. Has anyone noticed selecting pants is a bit tricky in that department?
  14. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@smiley922 My goodness from size 24 to size 4 in 10 months is a miracle. No wonder your size 12 jeans looked too big. Well done!
  15. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Sherri, how was the knee surgery? Very interested because my left knee makes the strangest sounds. It used to hurt before surgery. Now not so much but the noises are freaking me out. I kind of look around wondering if people can hear it. Geez.
  16. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    OMG, I am busy for a couple days and everyone posts. It's going to take a little while to read all your posts. Looks like lots of us are suffering from my new favorite term "estacamiento de peso" (aka stall, aka feeling pinned to the stake). I have lost the same pound 3 times in the last 8 days. 205 seems to want to hang around for a bit.
  17. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @ammylynns So excited for your trip to Hawaii. It will provide the motivation to get in shape. It will be nice to have a little extra energy to walk on the beach and sightsee. Where are you going. I lived in Honolulu for a year about 14 years ago. I also visited a couple of the other islands, Kauai and the Big Island. It was fantastic. Year around shorts and flip flops. It's very casual over there. food is expensive because it's all flown in but I would move there in a heartbeat. Is there another class at your gym you could take? If find that exercise on my own only works part of the time. I have that lazy gene that keeps saying I'll do it in a little bit and I never get there. I am such a procrastinator. But when I do it I feel great. What's up with that, why can't I get myself there when I know it's good for me and I even like it. I find going up and down stairs not such a chore anymore. I used to horrible with stairs. One knee hurt and the ankle on the other foot as well. It was a gamble as to which leg should lead the way. But now I actually make a point of walking up and down the stairs. My knee makes strange sounds but doesn't hurt and the ankle hardly hurts. I think you probably can wear boots. I am 205 and you are 190. I had not been able to wear boots since College in 1991 as my calves were too big and I was too big. Now I can. I had to try a few pairs and I did go with the 9 instead of 8 1/2 for the width but I figure you need to wear socks that are a little thicker then the footies at the shoe store anyway. Besides I found out there are boots for wider calves as well. I didn't even need those. If not this winter get some next winter for sure but you may be able to pick up a pair at a huge discount now. I did at Macys.
  18. Beni

    Help/Scared! Possible ulcer!

    oops, just noticed this thread is several months old, my bad!
  19. Beni

    Help/Scared! Possible ulcer!

    This is serious. My mother nearly died from a very similar situation. Internal bleeding is not a situation for wait and see. She was not in a lot of pain either and I think that's why she waited a whole day before going in. Please don't wait.
  20. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    On a funny note, someone posted a topic in Spanish: Estacamiento de peso (weight loss stall). I don't speak much Spanish but the word estacamiento to me sounds like being pinned at the stake=estaca. Yep, exactly how it feels. Hope I am not offending anyone but sometimes words have such good imagery and this one was just perfect. Another example: a favorite word is "Slothful." You know how sloths move super slow. Full of sloth just about explains how I felt at the peak of my weight.
  21. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@amylynns Glad to hear all is well and yes those close hugs sure are nice. You are doing great on weight loss my friend. Mine has slowed down a lot but it's inching away. I am 5 lbs away from onederland and can't wait. I am trying to move more and I do but I wish I could be a 5 days per week workout fiend. Take classes and all but even though I have lots more energy I would have to have a nap after a full on class and I just can't devote my life to just me, my workouts and naps. Though that does sound really nice. After my third child was born and in the middle of sleep deprivation and being seriously outnumbered my dream vacation was to stay in a padded room where I imagine they keep mentally disturbed patients. You know the ones you see in movies that are absolute silence and soft everywhere. I could just lay there in peace. I want one of those with a gym in the next door (no need to go out in the cold) with fun classes and instructors who are just super friendly and positive and tell you everyday how good you are doing. A girl can dream, right? I am so glad you will be doing blood tests. With your weight loss I think you should be feeling lots more energy. Maybe it's because you have to build some muscle. I tell you, I have lost some muscle too but i am getting it back now. I am finally able to wear leather boots as my calves are small enough but after a week of walking and lots of moving I was having trouble pulling the zipper yesterday. Too bad, that's not where I wanted my muscle.
  22. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@Bronxmerci I can certainly understand your frustration. Eating with the consequence of nausea sure is not fun. I did have that for a while but patience is key. Please make sure you are taking your supplements. The vitamins are crucial or you will develop deficiencies and some of those are very serious and irreversible. There are some B vitamin deficiencies which will basically make you go crazy (no joke.) You have to eat some to live but if all you can do is eat some blended stuff, well, that's all you can do. Go slow and steady, It's like figuring it out a little bit at a time. There were days all I could do was a couple bites per meal or a saltine cracker. Now My favorite thing is a overcooked chicken thigh and some overcooked veggies: a cube of sweet potato, 2 snap peas and fruit (5 blueberries or one strawberry). The chicken is very moist because I boil it for over an hour with just salt and pepper. I also let it cool a bit in the water it cooked because I don't want it to dry out. Yoplait 100 Greek Apple Pie flavor is so nice and has a good amount of protein. Give it a try. You have to eat even if it's soft stuff. Once you start working it's even more important or you won't have the energy needed. Wishing you good luck!
  23. 3 months post RNY: Nope, did great. My only complication was constipation and it was the worst part of my surgery. Wish I had gotten in front of that. I still take a Peri-Colace everyday and lots of other stuff to be sure. Drinking enough is always a struggle. Would do it over again in a heartbeat.
  24. I am 3 months post and I eat steak. I have for a month now. I love it. All I have to do is chew it well. It's easier if I cut it into tiny bites. I don't eat any fat or gristle.
  25. Beni

    Motion sickness?

    I noticed I am a little more dizzy when I go up the stairs too quickly and going up a ladder makes me kind of motion sick, a bit like vertigo. I avoid eating just before getting in the car. Yes, I have a sensitivity to motion but I have not noticed an improvement in the past 3 months

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