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About mom2knk

  • Rank
    Newbie to Banding
  • Birthday 06/06/1980
  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, mom2knk!

  2. Happy 33rd Birthday mom2knk!

  3. Happy 32nd Birthday mom2knk!

  4. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary mom2knk!

  5. mom2knk

    Ready to be thin

    No I haven't been banded yet. We are both in the same boat. I am trying to get as much info and research done as possible. I want to make a good solid choice and not turn back. I hear a lot about a lot of different doctors in Mexico. Some I listen to and others I don't. Sometimes you can read between the lines and see that someone has a grudge against a particular doctor. Then other times I read ligitiamate causes to stay away. I guess you are I should feed off of each other and learn who and who not. Have you decided on anyone yet?
  6. mom2knk

    Beware of BElighter!!! No kidding.

    Wow. Everyone is giving two thumbs up to Dr Garza. I want to know more. I have honestly know nothing about him. Anyone? Thoughts??? I have contacted Belite though and they are nt the same as Beliter. I asked... The names are so close. It is really confusing.
  7. mom2knk

    Ready to be thin

    I have talked to Belite a few times. I am happy with them. If I ever have any questions they step up to the plate and answer them, or get back to me right away with an answer. They too told me all about Dr Lopez. He sounds like a great doctor. He is on my top list but I haven't made a definete decision. Its a great price... can't beat 7250 for the Johnson & Johnson Band.
  8. mom2knk

    banding over Thanksgiving week

    I too am looking into getting banded by Dr Rodriguez. I keep hearing (reading) these great comments about him and his staff. I haven't really heard any complaints. Annie: I am so happy for you. Aubrey: Who are you getting banded by? I have been doing a lot of research, but haven't made any final decisions. Please let me know how you are doing and how that new facility is. K?
  9. mom2knk

    Lap-Band Doctors in Sonora Mexico

    I ran into the same problem. I heard about Dr Rodriguez through Belite but couldn't find out a lot about him on their website. I believe it's a work in progress. I did find out more info on him by visiting mylapbandsurgery.com It helped me, maybe it will help you.
  10. mom2knk

    Mexico ?

    I have been reading and researching a lot about Dr Lopez. From what I see he is highly qualified and has a tremendous amount of experience and credentials. Though I haven't decided who I am going to have surgery with he is high on my list. I don't know exact number but I read somewhere that Dr Lopez has been doing surgerys for like 10 plus years or something. Do you have any proof or reason to not go with him? What about this Dr Ortiz? Is he good, don't know much about him. And what about a Dr Rodriguez? In Juarez I believe or something. Anybody???
  11. mom2knk

    Mexico vs. US

    I too was looking into going to Dr Rodriquez in Juarez. He seems like a very good doctor from what I hear and with a lot of experience. If I go I arrive the morning of surgery, have pre-op testing and surgery that afternoon, stay that night and the following night then can go home on day 3. Is that she same for you? As far as fills, I don't think you have to go back to Mexico. You can go to any doctor in your area who does fills. I would probably go to some place here in California, not there. If you live in TX it might be convienent for you to go there and get your fills and cheaper. Hope I helped.
  12. I don't have Medicare, but I know someone who does and was banded at some place in Detroit, MI. As far as I know she had to have some testing done before hand (not sure what) but I know she didn't need a letter documenting her weightloss journey. I think she needed a letter from her doctor saying that it was medically necessary, and some other stuff. I do know that once she had all her paperwork in, she had her band done within a month. From what I read, thats awesome. I can find out more from her if any one would like.
  13. Hi Everyone, I am wanting to get the lap band and have done what feels like a tremendous amount of research. I know this is what I want, and what I need. I have three small kids and I want to live to see them grow up. I want to address my weight before it's too late. I have been looking at going to Mexico and the US. Can anybody recommend any really good doctors. Can anybody tell me who to stear away from? I don't want to put my life in the palms of someones hands who I can't trust. Thank you for any feedback. PS. Also, do you have any tips for a newbie. I have been reading on this forum and so far I think its great.

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