I was banded on unlucky Friday July 13th
I didn't believe it was unlucky, I do now.
My lap band/becameinfected and I wound up with 2 weeks in the hospital/multiple Cat scans(yucky drink and all)- two drains put in,intraveneous IV antibiotics. Then because of my insurance Medicare - I spent 4 weeks in a rehab facility receiving the IV treatments 4 times a day [thoughI escaped and went home fo rseveral hours each day).
The good news is that I am now on oral antibiotics, feel great, and I have
LOST 60 POUNDS [i'm shouting!]. My Dr. says that oncemy weight stabalizes the lap-band will have to come out, because"onceinfected itcannever bestablalize."
Isanyone else copingwithan infectedlap-band? How long haveyou had it? ect.
PS -Miralax for constipation is a Miracle Laxative http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/smile.gif