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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by snowbird

  1. snowbird

    fill doctors in portland, oregon?

    <p><p>I read about one on my doctor's forum. Can't make a recommendation since I know nothing about her other than someone else's statement on the forum. Here is the doctor's website: Home
  2. snowbird

    coffee drinkers?

    I asked the lap band nutritionist and she said coffee was fine, just don't overdo it with cream and sugar. I use creamer and splenda. I used to drink three or four cups in the morning, and now I can barely get two down, so you might find your appetite for it decreasing after your surgery. Of course, I'm only 7 weeks past surgery, so I can't make any long term statements.
  3. snowbird

    dinner out? where do you eat out??

    My husband (both of us bandsters) went to a pizza place to satisfy our cravings a while back, and ordered a large pizza and antipasto salad. We ate the salad and one piece of pizza each, then took the rest of the pizza home. I froze it in zip lock bags, one piece of pizza per bag, and occasionally had a piece for a treat. That pizza lasted us about two weeks, which was a first! PS Thin crust only!
  4. snowbird

    Dr. Gonzalez Support Thread

    The only thing I'm trying to figure out is why all of you think Dr Gonzalez needs a support thread.
  5. snowbird

    Constipation? TMI

    I don't think milk is good for constipation. I'm just going on what I know about cheese. Yes, fiber helps you. It adds bulk to your system to help move things along. Fruit usually helps, and exercise too.
  6. snowbird

    How to handle hunger...

    WABB, I was just going to say the same thing. Go for low carb protein drinks and avoid the milk. Instant breakfast is also full of carbs, I think, though I haven't read the label in a while. I've said this before, but I use Hi Health Ultimate Meal and never had any hunger pains. (They should start paying me for all my advertising of this stuff!) I like the vanilla bean the best and add my own flavorings.
  7. snowbird

    Constipation? TMI

    I take two fiber capsules a day, but they didn't help much until I added a papaya enzyme tablet with every meal. They are chewable and taste good, and they definitely solved my problems.
  8. snowbird

    Do we all have "issues"?

    No, I don't think there is always a psychological reason for obesity. I think it is a physiological thing. I've been fat since I was four years old. I have always had a thing about food, and would sneak it out of the kitchen from the time I was a small kid. My brother is skinny as a rail. I have two kids, one who is a lap bander who has lost over 100 lb, the other a fit and trim son who would have his Halloween candy still in his room at Christmas. If it's all psychological, how come sometimes I can diet very successfully and keep the weight off for several years, and sometimes I can't get started at all? I wasn't any more mentally/emotionally stable during those successful diet times than during the unsuccessful ones. As research continues into functioning of the brain, we find that more and more characteristics that we once felt were grounded in emotional problems have a physical cause. I just read an article the other day that put forth the theory that our political leanings, left or right, were a function of how our brains processed information. I know for me it certainly wasn't something I picked up from my parents!
  9. snowbird

    My Worst Fat Day EVER!

    My most embarrassing experience was when i was sitting in an airplane seat with a vacant seat next to me during boarding. The occupant of the seat walked up the aisle, took one look at the vacant seat next to me and immediately called the flight attendant and demanded a different seat. Yup, we probably all have obesity related awful stories. All we can do is look forward, not back! AAARRRGH!
  10. I would sit down with this man and have a long talk. Why is he sabotaging you? If he just wants some pie, fine, he can keep it in the car and eat it when you are not around. Sugar is my downfall too, and my husband came home with ice cream and candy right after I was banded. I yelled and he either threw it out or hid it somewhere, which is fine with me. He does have this passive-aggressive thing going too, which means he frequently reminds me of what he is giving up for me, but I can't let that get to me. I just smile sweetly and tell him that marriage is always a sacrifice for both people. A lot of us have enabling spouses just like alcoholics, who pretend to be treating us with things we love (booze or sugar), while they really have another agenda entirely.
  11. snowbird

    Airport Security Nightmare

    Did you set off the metal detector, or did he just start that whole deal because of the card? My daughter, husband, and I have all flown post-LB surgery and never set off any alarms. The band doesn't have much metal in it that I know of, so I wouldn't think it would be a problem.
  12. Mine's scheduled for November 29, which is 7 weeks after surgery. I have some restriction now, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to kick in until too late, after I've eaten too much! Then I feel like crap but it's too late to do anything about it. Gee, maybe I'm eating too fast! Do you think??
  13. snowbird

    Anyone Jump On The Trampoline?

    I would, but my boobs would fly up, hit me in the face, and knock my teeth out. (Sorry, this is probably one of those posts some people complain about where the poster has nothing constructive to add to the topic but posts anyway. However, it was painful just thinking about trampoline jumping.)
  14. snowbird

    who is the worst doc in mexico

    Yes, I would. His clinic is very clean and well run; he has a lot of experience, and his assistants and nurses are provide great care. My husband, daughter and I all have had surgery with him. Cost is $8500 which includes van to and from San Diego airport, hotel for the patient for two nights and guests/family members for three nights, all pre op testing, nutritional advice, and fills (he charges $100 for fluoro, so the fills aren't exactly free). All three of us have had good experiences with him.
  15. snowbird

    Changing beliefs to fit behaviors

    I was just over on my doctor's forum, and there's a woman there on day 8 after surgery saying she has been stuffing her face for the last three days and wants to know if she might have stretched her pouch -- "I need advice." I had to back away from the keyboard before I told her she needed a brain transplant, not advice.
  16. snowbird


    I use liquid Vitamins that come mixed with apricot nectar from Hi Health. As long as I hold my breath and don't smell them, they taste fine! For calcium, I found some chocolate calcium chews (Spring Valley brand) at WalMart that taste great, like tootsie rolls. They are 500 mg per piece, with Vitamin D and K.
  17. snowbird

    New in AZ

    Hey, WABB, didn't realize you are an Arizonan! We are headed north for December, but will be back down here in January. I would love to join the lunch group after the holidays. You already have my email address, so please add it to your lunch list! My husband and I (both bandsters) live out west past Surprise.
  18. snowbird


    Since we are on the subject of scars, what did your surgeon use to close up your incisions? Our doctor used glue, and I'm really impressed with the small amount of scarring. Only problem was that I had a reaction to the glue the first couple of days and thought I was developing a raging infection until I realized the problem was "only" a skin reaction. I had a bad reaction last year to Catapres patches, so I did figure it out pretty quickly.
  19. snowbird

    How did everyone do.....

    Waiting for our first fills next week. We went to my mother's assisted living facility and ate there with her, so small portions and no leftovers. Had a good dinner and didn't feel stuffed and bloated. She apologized that the food wasn't that good, but we thought it was great!
  20. snowbird

    Seriously Thinking About Backing Out

    I stated once on another thread that before surgery I felt that one of my best friends (food) was dying. I am six weeks past surgery now, and at this point I feel like I can eat anything, just not that much. I enjoy the first couple of bites, and then it quickly becomes uninteresting to eat. So my best friend isn't dead after all. She's just got some competition from my new friends: the scale, my closet (after I got to throw out all the 2X's) and my bike, which I try to ride every day. Life goes on, and it's better than ever. PS I use Hi Health Ultimate Meal vanilla ( 6 g. carbs, 2 g. sugars per serving). It tastes okay and tastes quite good when you add blueberries, strawberries, etc.
  21. snowbird

    On what basis is polygamy illegal?

    I always tell my husband that you never hear of a woman stupid enough to want TWO husbands . . .
  22. snowbird

    I want it OUT!

    <p><p>This isn't normal, and if you have been throwing up a lot you could have caused your band to slip. Call your doctor now!</p></p> <p> </p> <p>By the way, I am really surprised you have diahhrea, since at this point I wouldn't think you would be eating anything other than liquids. Anyone else have that problem, or is it due to a difference in diet instructions from doctor to doctor? When I was on Clear Liquids for a week after the band, my lower g.i. pretty much shut down business.</p> Makes me wonder if you picked up an infection or something. Don't mean to scare you, but I really don't think your symptoms are just the healing process.
  23. snowbird


    My doctor didn't really say anything about driving, and I only took two pain pills after I left the clinic. I was driving the second day after surgery. BUT, I noticed a real difficulty in concentrating for a couple weeks afterwards, especially if I was tired or driving at night. In fact, three weeks after the surgery I drove off the road. Just lost a few seconds to La La Land and BAM! I have NEVER done that before and so I'm attributing it to the surgical anaesthetic. Either that, or Alzheimer's!
  24. What my psychologist said was he looked for personality disorders that would preclude someone from following lap band post op instructions, especially if they were to the point that they would endanger the health of the patient. He cited an example of a girl who was a drug addict and alcoholic who could not be relied upon to stop drinking or using drugs and might very well kill herself with a band.
  25. snowbird

    Support from Family Members

    Some of us are warm and huggy, and some . . . less so. I would give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she really doesn't know what she can do for you. And any change in a marriage partner is scary, especially if the non-changing partner is not secure in her self-image. So make a list of what she can do to help you. Some of the things I would list are : Don't sabotage me. Don't go out and buy my treats and my favorite foods and then act like you are doing me a favor or doing it out of love--you're not. Do some research on the band so you know what is happening to me and why. Study up on nutrition and, if you are the cook, try to buy and fix good, nutritious food. It will be for both of us, not just me. Believe me, you will feel better and better about yourself too. Don't bitch about your not being able to bake Cookies any more because I can't have them. If you absolutely need to have Snacks that I shouldn't have, store them in your car and don't eat them in front of me. Look at me once in a while and tell me I'm doing well and you are proud of me. I'll try to do the same for you. And hugs are nice too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
