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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by snowbird

  1. snowbird

    Ladies......I need help with the girls!

    I just went to a LHB outlet and picked up a couple of Bali non-underwire bras that had a tag on them that said "amazing lift". They were right. The style code is 3355 and they are wonderful for me. My boobs are usually down around my waist and pointing at my toes, so I was thrilled to find something to help. They were on sale for $13.99 each. I just found them online too, but they're $18.99. Here's the link: Bali Live It Up Seamless Wirefree Bra - One Hanes Place Lingerie, Hosiery, Casual Clothes ! By the way, I was told by the bra fitters that most women are in a size too large and a cup too small, so I went from a 40D to a 38DD. It was tight for the first 30 minutes or so, but after that it fit great. Hope this helps.
  2. There are also a few of us living in Arizona that were banded in Mexico and who drive down for our fills to Mexicali or Tijuana. Check around; there are several recent threads on this topic. Look at the Arizona forum and the Fills forum.
  3. snowbird


    Yes, as well as high blood sugar, sore joints, hypertension . . . anything that is made worse by obesity.
  4. snowbird

    Did anything change for you?

    I was banded in October, so I don't have a long term perspective on things. But yeah, things have changed. I don't binge like I used to, because I can't. It hurts. But beyond that, I don't want to. I have a cookie or two and I am done, and believe me, that isn't the same as I used to be. The shameful feelings? Those are gone too, because I feel like I have done something to take control of my body. Another thing that has changed is how I look at what other people eat. I am amazed at the amount of food people eat, and amazed at how little I eat now myself and feel "done." I don't want to say "full" or "satisfied" because it isn't really. However, my body tells me I should stop or I will face some unpleasant consequences, and the memory of previous unpleasant consequences is enough to drive away any food cravings I have. Something that is better is that I can have a treat without feeling guilty, because I know I will have a bite or two and won't go overboard. One thing that hasn't changed is the realization that I still have to watch what I eat to continue to lose weight. I don't have to worry so much about how much I will eat, but I have to worry about what kinds of foods I eat. Since I am eating less, I have to make what I eat count towards nutrition. So I can have a bite of pie or ice cream, but I better not have more or I won't be able to eat what I should eat to be healthy. I'm a lot more aware of that. Hope this helps. I remember the doctor telling my mom before I went into first grade that I was too heavy, so I know what you mean about being overweight your whole life. I now feel I have a chance to live my life as a non-overweight person, and it's pretty exciting. The band doesn't work the same for everyone, so anyone who tells you this is the magic cure for obesity isn't telling the real story. But for the first time I don't have the fear that every pound I lose will show back up as soon as I stop dieting.
  5. Oh, Mona, I'm so sorry you had such a terrible time. I was (and am) hoping to meet you at one of the Arizona group lunches. Keep the faith and keep us updated on your progress.
  6. snowbird


    Sometimes it's the skinny ones who are unsupportive because they can't understand why we got fat in the first place. Sometimes it's the fat ones who are unsupportive because they feel pressured by our act to do something about themselves now, or maybe because they are now the "fat one" and we aren't, and they don't like it. I had one of my husband's nieces tell me this weekend that she doesn't think my husband and I should have been banded because we "weren't that big." His weight was near 300 on a 5'9" frame, and he has gout and has been on blood pressure medication for 10 years. His mother died of heart disease at age 65 and his father of a heart attack after diabetes at age 69. So go figure. Do what you feel with your family; there is no rule about telling people or not telling them. You don't owe them either way. If you want to share your experience, great. If you know they will give you a lot of grief you don't need, don't. I like to tell people, because if they are receptive I want to share. If they aren't, well, I'm an argumentative bitch who likes to tell them they're wrong! Whatever you decide, just be happy you have the opportunity to turn your life around and start in a new direction.
  7. snowbird

    Surgery This Friday (Question)

    I had my first fill November 29. I don't need another one yet. My husband, on the other hand, also had his first fill november 29 and has needed another one for the last three weeks. My daughter has been banded 14 months, and has had 4 fills. She has lost 120 lb in that time. You asked if you need a fill "every time" you don't feel restriction or hit a plateau. Some days I don't feel restriction, but I usually do. some days my husband feels restriction, but he usually doesn't. Also, what kind of a plateau? Three days? Three months? If I didn't lose a pound for a month, I would probably figure I had hit a plateau and needed a fill. But I have gone a week at a time without losing, and still don't think I need one. So the moral of this story is that there is no norm. Everyone experiences this differently. Our bodies react differently, and our minds do too. I don't think I need a fill right now partly because I usually have some restriction, but also because I don't feel I will eat uncontrollably even if I don't have great restriction right now. That could change next week, but right now I'm okay. So be prepared for the time and expense of multiple fills, but you may not need more than a few.
  8. snowbird

    Fat Free Half & Half

    My doctor's nutritionist said we could drink regular coffee even during our Clear liquids phase right after surgery. The way I've heard it, some doctors advise against it because coffee is a diuretic, and a bandster can have difficulty avoiding dehydration. The half and half should be perfectly okay. Generally speaking, there are no specific foods that are "unacceptable" other than carbonated drinks. It's a matter of calorie intake and getting enough nutrients on a greatly reduced amount of food. As long as you aren't drinking it straight from the carton it should be fine!
  9. First of all, you don't have to worry about drinking Water until you are eating solids. Right now you should be drinking water fairly frequently. At least for my doctor, the rule wasn't "no drinking water", it is "no liquids while eating a meal" so that you don't wash down your food. At this point you should just be drinking liquids anyway, I would think, so the warning against liquids is irrelevant. All that said, every doctor has different rules, so while I am familiar with mine, I can't know what yours told you. If you have questions, call your surgeon's office and get advice. Otherwise we can just tell you our own surgeon's advice, which may be different from yours.
  10. snowbird

    BMI and Approval?

    The only way you are going to know for sure is to apply. Check your coverage; if your insurance flat out doesn't pay for bariatric surgery, then you will have trouble with them. Mine had coverage for BMIs over 40 or over 35 with co-morbidities.
  11. snowbird

    Hi! I'm in N. Glendale & going to Mexico

    Hi- my husband and I live 15 miles west of Surprise. We were both banded in October in Tijuana by Dr. Ortiz. We have been very pleased with the clinic there, and also get dental work done at his clinic. We plan on driving back to Tijuana for our fills--about a 5 hour drive for us. Mexicali is closer, however, and there are also Arizonans that drive there for fills.
  12. snowbird

    Thin liquid stage question

    Every doctor is different. Mine said only clear liquids for 4-7 days after surgery, then full liquids until the 22nd day after surgery. That meant no protein shakes, creamy soups, milk, anything other than broth and crystal lite type stuff until day 5.
  13. snowbird

    Driving home after surgery

    I would not advise driving home. The anaesthetics can do stuff to you that make you easily distracted and not alert, even if you feel fine.
  14. snowbird

    Peanut Butter Issue

    I would put some instant mashed potatoes in some chicken or beef broth to give it body and make me full. I threw out an almost full jar of Peanut Butter pre-surgery and haven't bought any more. Too much of a temptation. I have had a little at my Mom's though, I have to admit.
  15. Whoa, the reservoir on my band is 4 cc. My first fill four weeks ago was 1.7 and I have decent restriction with that. My husband, on the other hand, got the VG band with a 10 cc reservoir, and with 4 cc he has almost no restiction. The bands themselves are 10 or 11 centimeters in length, which makes all these metric numbers confusing as they are sometimes referred to by their lengths.
  16. snowbird

    The reality of pictures

    Pictures really do make you look larger; it's the two dimension view that doesn't let you see depth. But I still know what you mean; I never see myself as large as I am, and am shocked to see photos of myself no matter what I weigh at the time. Just remember that 32 lb is a fantastic start on a journey of a lifetime. I don't have much in the way of "before" pictures either because I hate having my picture taken since it reminds me of how big I really am (was). I'm just hoping by the time summer rolls around I will feel a whole lot better about it!
  17. I had surgery October 10. I was 207 and 5'5".
  18. Okay, first of all, 1000 calories a day is fine. You can't really maintain day to day living on 500 calories and feel good. Secondly, yes, it's very normal to not lose or even gain a couple of pounds until your first fill. Read the thread on "how the lap band really works" at the top of the main page of this forum to see what is happening to you. Third, relax. Think back to what you used to eat before the band, and realize how well you are doing. You may not lose much weight until your first fill; have you scheduled it yet?
  19. snowbird

    Band Removed Due To Erosion

    So, TD, I assume from your post that you ARE a lap band surgeon who is qualified to speak for everyone who has ever been banded? Considering that each surgeon has different ideas about every phase of lap band surgery, from pre op diet to treatments of complications, I would say it is presumptuous of you to speak for all surgeons and all patients. Please share your experiences, by all means. Even tell us what your surgeons' opinions are. They are educated, trained, informed opinions, but opinions nevertheless. My surgeon may disagree. I see no need to attack anyone who disagrees with you. Using phrases like "paranoid delusional narcissist is rude and an indication that the phrase applies to you more than to anyone else.
  20. snowbird

    Protein/Meal Replacement Bars

    I like the South Beach bars because they don't have a ton of sugar like some of them do. That keeps the hunger pangs down.
  21. The advice your RN gave you was right. You don't have any restriction now that the swelling has gone down from your surgery. You will feel different after you start getting fills. Don't worry about it.
  22. snowbird

    Not doing good......at all!

    I don't have a volume amount of food I eat, either. After all, a cup of lettuce and a cup of mac and cheese are quite different. I do count calories, just so I can't lie to myself about how much I have eaten. I try to stay under 1200 a day, and aim for about 900. I eat Breakfast religiously; usually it's 1/3 cup of oatmeal, dressed up with frozen blueberries and walnuts cut very small. I sweeten it with some sugar free pancake syrup, and really enjoy it. If I'm in a hurry, I will have a South Beach breakfast bar. For lunch I have a spinach salad or a lean cuisine. dinner is lean cuisine/smart ones meal or a home cooked meal of 1/2 of a fish fillet or chicken, sometimes a quarter pound ground beef patty, and vegies. I like cooked vegies, while my husband prefers salad. I cut up some broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, onions, yellow peppers, zucchini, or whatever I have, toss the mixture with a little olive oil, and roast it in the oven for about 20 minutes. Seasoned with some seasoning salt or Italian seasoning, this is really yummy. I don't eat potatoes, rice, or Pasta unless it is a special occasion like Christmas dinner. High calorie liquids are out for me: no fruit juices or sugared drinks. I do have a couple of cups of coffee with creamer and splenda every day, and the rest of the time it is either Crystal Light or Water. I do have Snacks, like a couple Sugar Free Chocolates or a South Beach bar, or a bag of 100 calories popcorn. That's where I really have to watch myself, because I love to eat in the evenings. If you are pbing a lot, you are either not chewing enough, eating too fast, or are filled too tight. Also, there are some foods I just have trouble with anyway, so I have to stop eating them. I have pb'ed three times since my fill on November 29, and it has been because I have done something stupid every time: grabbed a bite of food on the run and swallowed it without thinking, or overeaten even when I was getting signals I was full or that the particular food wasn't going to go down. The band doesn't really work for me the way I dreamed it would; it doesn't make me feel satiated the way a big meal would. The word "full" has a different meaning now; now it means a slightly sick feeling that tells me I will be in the bathroom pbing if I don't stop, so I try not to eat so much I am "full." My band also doesn't make me stop snacking more than I should, and of course it doesn't make me choose to eat good nutritious foods instead of junk. I have to do those things on my own, just like before, and sometimes I don't, just like before. But it does stop me from stuffing myself so fast I don't even realize how much I eat, or from binging like crazy. It cuts down on meal sizes because I am afraid of getting sick. It makes me think about every bite I put in my mouth, because if I don't I will suffer. It makes me get so bored with chewing thoroughly that sometimes I just spit the mouthful of food into the garbage rather than keep working on it. Right now I am satisfied with that. I definitely wouldn't get another fill if you are pbing and getting stuck a lot. And just eating soft foods is "eating around the band" and not letting it do its job. Try chewing more and taking more time to eat a meal; my daughter sometimes spends an hour or two eating dinner with her band. You've had more experience with this than I have, so maybe I'm just repeating stuff you already know. Anyway, good luck with your band in the new year, and I hope we both have some success with it.
  23. snowbird

    The Golden Compass or Enchanted?

    We're going to see The Golden Compass because my daughter and I have both read the books and are fantasy freaks. Atonement sounds like a downer to me, especially for Christmas. I've read good reviews for Enchanted; and Juno is supposed to be wonderful. I guess Sweeney Todd isn't really a Christmas movie, now, is it?? I'd probably vote for Juno as the best movie out right now.
  24. snowbird

    disappointed - need my first fill

    Relax, don't beat yourself over the head and feel like a failure. This is how it goes for most of us. I lost 17 lb on the liquid diet and only two pounds during the next four weeks. Plus the only reason I lost even the two pounds was willpower and a determination not to let my husband outdo me, not the band. Then I got my first fill and dropped 7 pounds in about a week. That's when you really find out what being banded is all about. Now I need another fill (scheduled for January 10) so I know I won't be losing much between now and then.
  25. Once you get stuck a time or two, the fear from not chewing enough outweighs the boredom of doing so. Sometimes I chew up something tough so much that it loses all its flavor and therefore all the pleasure of eating it disappears, and I end up spitting it out in the garbage. Happens a lot with chicken and meat. I tried chewing thoroughly before I was banded to see what it was like, and failed at it too. But when it becomes a necessity, like everybody else said, it's different. I get a big stab of fear when I swallow too soon, because I am afraid of what might happen. A lot of people who haven't been banded might not think that's a great way to live, but I'll take the fear over the fat any day.

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