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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by snowbird

  1. snowbird

    Dr just recommended Bypass

    Really, do your homework. There are pluses and minuses to both procedures. Obviously, since I have the band that was what I decided was the right choice for me; in fact, I never would even consider bypass. If my BMI had been higher and I had more severe co-morbidities, I might have felt differently. Just be careful that your doctor isn't recommending the gb surgery because that is what she is more comfortable and familiar with. I would ask her specifically why she feels gb is better than lap band for you, and if there were any patients that she has recommended lap band for. If she is just dead set against lap band for anyone, I would look for a second opinion and evaluate with two opinions to consider. If she has good reasons why she feels you should have gb and they agree with accepted medical opinion, that would put a different light on the situation. As with most things, there is no "one size fits all" answer.
  2. snowbird

    No fill yet!

    There is no "track." It's whatever works for you. I would say 10 pounds a month is great for the first few months after surgery, and 15 would be fantastic for me. After that I expect to slow way down. I look at my band as a safety net. I know from previous experience that I can key into a diet and lose weight, but then several months in I hit a plateau, hold it for a couple of years, then gain everything back. My band will stop me from doing that. I'm not looking for it to make me lose 10 lb a month indefinitely, and I can stick to a low calorie way of life for a while without it. Just a note off topic, somewhat: I went in for my second fill this week, and the doctor had trouble getting through to my port. He asked me, "Have you lost too much weight?" When I asked him what he meant, he said that with rapid weight loss the scar tissue from my incision can shift and cover the port, making it difficult to get the needle through. After bending that needle all around, he gave up and said he had to get a bigger needle. I had visions of a stake and hammer! He was able to access the port with the thicker needle, but I was pretty sore the day afterwards. Anyone else have the problem?
  3. snowbird

    Please put me straight on my diet...

    Oh, and while borcht is a vegie, it's a very high carb high sugar one. I read an article about "8 foods you should eat every day" and try to include at least a few each day. I'll try to remember what they are: oats blueberries carrots walnuts tomatoes spinach black Beans yogurt Hope that helps.
  4. snowbird

    Please put me straight on my diet...

    Try roasting your vegies in the oven with a little bit of olive oil and seasoned with whatever you like--basil and oregano, or rosemary, parsley, whatever. I don't need sauces when I cook them like that. I try to cut out rice, Pasta, and potatoes from my meals. They are pretty much empty calories. It is better to have a bit more meat and vegies than to eat the high carb stuff which will just make you hungrier in a short time.
  5. snowbird

    Don't Waste Your Money!

    My husband has been hypothyroid and on medication for the past 30 years. He got his band in October and is down 45 lb. He would be the last to say the band doesn't work.
  6. Keep in mind that some of the "problems" you list are the results of the band doing what it is supposed to do--stopping us from overeating. The stuck feeling, the pbing, are like aversion therapy--they feel bad, so you start associating unpleasantness rather than pleasure with overeating and break yourself of the habit. The chance of death I consider a lot lower than the chance of dying early from some obesity-related disorder. I was banded in October and started my pre-op diet in early August. I am down about 45 lb since then. I have no doubt that no matter how hard I tried, I would be as heavy or heavier now than I was in August if not for this surgery. I feel good about myself and proud of my weight loss. I do pb occasionally (it isn't really the same as throwing up, since nothing is digested and mixed with stomach secretions yet) and the stuck feeling hurts. But that is my assurance that the band is working and stopping me from stuffing my face with more food than I need. So yes, I am very glad I did this!
  7. snowbird

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Last time I checked, Heinz had a low carb ketchup. My son actually likes it better than regular; he says it tastes more tomatoey.
  8. snowbird

    Help with Pre-Op Diet

    Me again--I'm a little scattered today. The Atkins induction phase requires under 20 grams of carbs a day. That is very, very low and a bit hard to do, but it is doable. We ate a lot of oven roasted vegetables and salads with our protein. No milk or dairy other than cheese, no fruits, and of course no pasta, potatoes, tomatoes, rice . . .
  9. snowbird

    Help with Pre-Op Diet

    One thing I forgot to say: my doctor's nutritionist said we needed to avoid fruit juices totally. Too many carbs and calories.
  10. snowbird

    Help with Pre-Op Diet

    Berries are good, especially blueberries. The problem with fruit in general, as you have probably figured out, is that it is almost always high in carbs/sugar. Don't get fooled by the idea that sugar from fruit is any better for you than white sugar--it's all sugar. I may be showing my ignorance, but I didn't know any fruit had much in the way of Protein. If you want protein with your fruit, put some blueberries and splenda in your blender with some ice and Protein shake powder. A shake of cinnamon helps too! Atkins diets are no longer in fashion, but my lap band surgeon recommends the induction phase of the Atkins diet for the pre op diet if you have three weeks or longer before your surgery. It worked for my DH and me; we each most more than the 5% of our total body weight we were told to lose with the Atkins diet. However, we started it two months prior to surgery.
  11. snowbird

    Soup after a Fill?

    My doctor says full liquids, which means cream soups, protein shakes, anything that does not contain solid chunks. He wants the full liquids for three days after the first fill, but for subsequent fills he requires only one day of liquids. I'm saying this along with the usual warning that every doctor is different.
  12. snowbird

    How do you determine goal weight?

    My doctor also looked at my weight history. He said if you have always been overweight, even from childhood, then your bones are heavier to compensate for the extra weight that have had to carry. Therefore I shouldn't try to have a goal of 125, because I can't diet away the extra bone weight! He set a goal of 150 for me, but I secretly hope I can get down to 140 or 145.
  13. snowbird

    Wrong of me?

    Lots of people get fills from places other than their original surgeons. If he told you to get a fill during a time he wasn't available, I wouldn't worry about his feelings too much.
  14. snowbird

    Hi! I'm in N. Glendale & going to Mexico

    Hi, Jazzy. Sounds like we can start up our own Surprise support group, or at least a West Valley one. We are snowbirds and head up to Washington for summers, but are usually around Arizona from September through May.
  15. snowbird

    Hi! I'm in N. Glendale & going to Mexico

    Hey, QT, sorry for the delay in replying. We were up in Washington visiting my daughter (also a bandster) and are in San Diego right now, getting ready to head down to TJ for our second fills. We stayed at the Lucerna Hotel for our surgery. The cost of the hotel is included in Dr Ortiz's fee. If you bring someone with you, they can continue to stay at the Lucerna while you are at the clinic--that's also included in Dr. O's fee. We went down last year with my daughter, and then went back for our own bands in October. When we go for fills, we have an RV and drive it over to San Diego or Chula Vista and stay in it there overnight. If you want to PM me with any questions or ask them here, I will try to check in more often. We will be back home in Arizona Friday night, so my life should settle down a bit then.
  16. snowbird

    Night time snacking problem...help!

    Nighttime snacking is my biggest problem too. Lots of evenings I have a 100 calorie package of popcorn because it is filling yet pretty harmless calorie-wise. Quaker rice cakes (cinnamon toast flavor is my fave) are filling too. If I snack on something small, I just keep going back for more.
  17. snowbird

    Port Flipped

    My fill doctor said that a lot of surgeons only tack the port in one spot which makes it flip easily. he says he tacks it down on both sides so it can't flip. Don't know if this is true or not, but do you know how the port was stitched in originally?
  18. After I lost 65 pounds, I had a friend ask me if I was on a diet. When I said yes, she said, "well, I didn't want to say anything in case you had cancer or something." Didn't that make me feel I looked good . . .!
  19. snowbird

    i got my first fill today

    By the way, I know all doctors are different, but mine says no solids for three days with the first fill. However, he is more aggressive with the fill amount--I got 1.7cc for a first fill.
  20. snowbird

    i got my first fill today

    My doctor's nutritionist says no Protein shakes also, because they are a liquid and don't stay in the band and give you a full feeling. However, I just had one for Breakfast because I am never hungry in the morning and know I won't want anything to eat til lunch. Evenings are my heavy eating time, and I would never attempt to make it through on just a Protein shake. I make mine with Water instead of milk to keep the calories down. Actually, the one I just had was made with leftover coffee, splenda, ice, and a dash of cinnamon. Since my base was a low sugar Protein powder, total calories were about 165. I understand what the nutritionist was saying in that using liquids for meals is not exactly working with the band, but I think this works for me.
  21. snowbird

    Doctor Confusion

    My husband, daughter, and I all went to Dr Ortiz. However, DH and I live in Arizona and are retired so taking a day or two to get a fill is easy. Plus, Dr Ortiz has a dental clinic in his office, so we often get dental work done at the same time. His office is open on Saturdays, so you could do it easily in a weekend. It's about a 5 hour drive.
  22. snowbird

    Ladies......I need help with the girls!

    My daughter had a real problem after she lost about 80 lb--one side was way smaller than the other. Now THAT made bra fitting interesting. She's evened up now, thank goodness.
  23. Hey, guys, thought I would join in the RV discussion, though I'm a little late as usual. DH and I went to an RV show yesterday and it seems all the major manufacturers are now offering a 23-24 foot motorhome with the Dodge Sprinter chassis, Mercedes diesel engine that gets 16-19 mpg. They are cute. We bought a Gulfstream Vista Cruiser Mini in August and like it, but the Winnebago and Fleetwood ones we saw at the show are really nice. We drove ours up to Tacoma WA from Arizona for the holidays and will head back down south Sunday, then we're off to Georgia to watch our son play college baseball the first of February. The motorcoach is great and drives like a pickup truck, fits widthwise into a regular parking space (a little long, but not more than a big crew cab pickup) and is comfortable to stay in. We aren't planning to take a tow vehicle with us to Georgia because it's so easy to just drive the coach around. It's small enough to spend a night in a friend's driveway without causing major disruption to their lives by taking up a bedroom and bathroom. And it actually gets better gas mileage than our old Ford pickup did.
  24. Don't know when you were banded, which would make a difference, but I'm assuming it was at least several months ago. Whenever I do any lifting my port gets tender. It makes sense: it's a foreign object that is stitched into your abdomen, so any exercise of the abdomenal muscles would probably move it around a bit and cause tenderness in the area. I would doubt if it's anything too serious that wouldn't wait until the 11th, unless the pain becomes severe. You might want to discuss with your doctor what kind of exercises you are doing to see if there is something else you could do that would irritate the area less, and lay off any strenuous abdominal exercises until then.
  25. snowbird

    Lower BMI'ers--2008!!!

    I had my first fill November 29. I had good restriction for the first two weeks, although I am a bit looser now. My husband has a VG band and was banded the same day as I was and got his first fill at the same time I did; he has needed another fill for about three weeks and can eat just about anything, although not in the volumes he could in pre band days. We are headed back to Tijuana Dec 10 and he is getting a second fill. I'm not feeling like I need one yet; I am eating more than I think I should in snacks, but for meals I am quite restricted, so what I am overeating is not the band's fault! I've lost about 10 lb since the fill, and I am still losing a couple of pounds a week.

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