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Dietitian Betty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dietitian Betty

  1. Dietitian Betty

    Banded Nurses?

    I'm not a nurse but I love your thread. Can I be here too?
  2. Dietitian Betty

    can you eat peanut butter?

    I enjoy all natural nut butters. PB, Walnut butter, Cashew butter, Almond butter. Exellent sources of protein, mono-unsat. fats and in some cases omega-3 fatty acids. Healthy, hearty and delicious!:hungry:
  3. Dietitian Betty

    lap band cookbook

    Hello. Mindy mentioned having an RD/Nutritionist look over recipies. I would love love love to put my career to use here. I think it's a great idea. Let me know how I can help. I actually own a business and recipie breakdown for nutrients is one thing we do a lot of. I'm excited.
  4. Dietitian Betty


    I just wanted to say hello. I have been reading posts on this fourm for months. I decided to just drop in and say hi. I am a Registered Dietitian/Licensed Nutritionist and this is really hard for me. I do have a lap band. NO ONE knows except the medical team I went through. I would be beatened by other fellow RD's if they knew. This has been a long humbling process for me. There was an RD who wrote an article about getting banded and a few of my co-workers made comments like "that's cheating, that's unhealthy, it is only for people who lack will power, etc." So, needless to say I feel like I am leading a double life. One good thing, my MD is wonderful and asked me to prescribe my own pre- and post-op diet plan. I actually do out-patient counseling for aliving so, he told be to be my own patient. Anyway, somedays I feel so ashamed to be a chubby dietitian, it is like being a hair stylist with a terrible hair cut or being a suicidal therapist. But, I am what I am . . .human. I just wanted to say hi. This is going to be one of the only places I can be myself.
  5. Dietitian Betty


    My DH agrees. He thinks I should so take the job offer. I have become very passionate about my band and he thinks I could help a lot of people. I just don't know. Maybe someday I will come out of my banded closet, I am just not ready yet. Perhaps joining here and talking about it is a first step. It is a bit more complicated than it seems too. I also do pediatric out-patient counseling. Just this week I had a 10 year old saying she wanted a lap band and her mom asking me to tell her her daughter how horrible, gross, unhealthy and un-natural it is, and asked me to talk her daughter out of it. My response to the daughter was, I do not think that banding is the right choice for you at this time. (I try to be as neutral as possible)--this kid was only 25# overweight, drinking 3 coke's a day, no fruit or veggies, etc. Banding was really not an option for this child. BUT, I feel if I do "come out" many parents and patients will not chose me as their child's RD. I fear they will think I am pro-banding and that I would try to talk people into the band. I also think the Pediatrician's that refer patients to me might think twice. Maybe this is an irrational fear but . . .still a fear.:think I feel great about comming out here. We will see how it goes. I love the huggs I have gotten--so cute! P.S. My doctor is amazing-- he knows how top secret this has all been. He just called me to see how I was doing and confessed to me that he smokes cigarrettes. He said he is trying to quit but told me everyone has their weaknesses and demons. Mine was food, despite my profession and his is smoking, despite his. He's so great-- all of you are. Thanks for the help!
  6. Dietitian Betty


    Thank you all. It is funny because my Bariatric MD that has overseen my progress/procedure asked me if I would work for him. He hought having an RD on staff that has been through the process would be ideal and an valuable resource. I said no. I guess on some level I am ashamed I could not lose the weight with out the band. I am working on my issues though. You are all great.
  7. Dietitian Betty


    Thank you. I love your will power analogy. It's a good one. I actually had someone tell me how great of an RD I was and how I helped her lose 85#. She then proceeded to tell me I should take my own advice. OUCH! I feel a lot of emotional pain around the whole issue. My husband thinks it's great that I decided to just be myself on this fourm.

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