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Everything posted by pizzicato66

  1. pizzicato66

    Less than 50 and counting down

    Holy cow, Dave!!!!! Well done!! I'm in awe of that ticker.
  2. Oh , and I do have to check myself now and then and stop comparing my "measly" 74 lbs to all of you in the 80-100 lb loss range. I just need to read a few other boards and I feel better about things. (and yes, pass that bowl of milk over here to me - meow!).
  3. This board in particular gets me and keeps me going - I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I LOVE you guys!! That said - holy cow, Ceredad - 1 lb from the century mark?!?!?! Rock on!! I do wonder - how many of us got the new AP band? Did anyone get a different band and what's the difference in loss? I know my doc mentioned that they were seeing some big differences in rate of loss from it, possibly because we were starting out with a small fill right at surgery time. Did anyone still go through "bandster h*ll" or were you able to lose straight off? I would say for myself that I really haven't been through any BH, although I've been slower lately, mostly from my own doing with food choices and exercise levels. Are we all AP bandsters?
  4. pizzicato66

    Have you been shopping for new clothes?

    Thanks for the good wishes, everyone! I'm really excited. I did find the suit I bought on Amazon, and they do carry several styles. It's made by "It figures" and it's the "slender thighs" collection - very flattering! Hopefully the link will work, but at least you can google the brand name and see it. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000OP4FTS/sr=1-11/qid=1204654621/ref=dp_image_text/102-9270930-2960151?ie=UTF8&s=apparel&img=MAIN&qid=1204654621&sr=1-11&color%5Fname=x]Image: It Figures! Slender Thighs Collection - Animal Print Floral Swimdress Swimsuit RETAIL VALUE $99[/ame] Oh - and it's Pizzi cat (pizzicato or "pizzi" was my first kitty). No pizza for me any more! :-)
  5. pizzicato66

    Have you been shopping for new clothes?

    Nana, listen to you mourning your big clothes! I can relate, but I'm also happy to let go! I've gone through two rounds of closet cleanout and I think I'll be set for a bit (thanks to friends with hand-me-downs). I did go to TJ Maxx and found 2 really nice swim dresses by Thigh Slimmers or something like that. It was so flattering (like a little babydoll dress), I bought one in a 16 and one in a 14! They were only $25 each so it wasn't too much of a splurge. It's supposed to be in the 70's in LA this week, so you KNOW I've got to spend at least a little time at the pool or hot tub! I did get the San Diego interview scheduled, so I'll be going to both cities this week, and leave Wednesday night - wish me luck!
  6. pizzicato66

    Have you been shopping for new clothes?

    Congrats Frangi! I'm sure you'll feel great in the warm sand with newfound confidence! You've got me inspired, so I think I might stop by Target and see what I can find. I've got a workout suit, but I'd love to find something with a bit of a skirt so I don't feel quite so exposed if I go swimming at the hotel next week. It's a shame knee-length swimskirts aren't in fashion!! Maybe I can start a new trend - hmm...
  7. pizzicato66

    February Exercise Challenge

    Addendum - Frangi, I'm sure YOUR leg presses are far more impressive! :-)
  8. pizzicato66

    February Exercise Challenge

    yeah - the trainer I met with said the same thing, and so does my niece, the personal trainer and health sciences graduate. They said it's also really bad for your back, and that plain old lunges and squats will do more for you, as well as improve your balance. They also suggest going free weights or the free motion machines instead of the older more traditional machines in general, because they encourage more natural movement and improve balance and flexibility. Did I mention my niece is very smart?! :-)
  9. Go Frangi go! That's just the attitude you need! I tell ya, if I can't make it another 28 lbs by the end of August, we'll ALL know I've been sabotaging myself! That would be just plain silly! As for plastics, I always heard recommendations of waiting at least 1 1/2 to 2 years before considering it, so your body has time to settle into its new weight and for any skin recoil possible to happen. I have a feeling I'll still be toning and losing a bit at that point anyway, so we'll see where I wind up. I get a feeling most of mine will be in the chest and my tummy flap, and I'm hoping that the thighs and arms will take care of themselves. The new Obesity Help magazine has an interesting article on a new surgery for the bosom that doesn't use any implants at all (just takes residual fat from the underarm and puts it in the desired area). It's supposed to look much more natural and it winds up being all your own tissue - nice!
  10. pizzicato66

    Have you been shopping for new clothes?

    Holy cow, am I restricted this time! I'm finally starting to feel back to normal with my tummy rumbles, but I definitely am getting less in and working harder to get there now. Even timy bites of very moist chicken with some gravy to lube it up is sticking on the way down! I'm not PBing and I can still eat, but holy cow! Those lbs better start falling off me now! I'm sitting right around 213.5-214 this week since Monday but hopefully the numbers will show a difference on Monday. I'd LOVE to fly out to CA next week knowing I'm under 210 though! How's everyone else doing this week? Seems like all the posts are going into the exercise thread lately.
  11. pizzicato66

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    2.5 lbs for me this week! Would have been better but I made the mistake of baking for coworkers on Saturday. Next time, I'll bake Sunday night so it's not around the house all weekend! Better still, I won't bake at all!
  12. pizzicato66

    Have you been shopping for new clothes?

    Good job, Candle! You're "melting away" (har har har). I realized I'm somewhere just above a 14 right now and it's just not worth buying clothes till I get there, so I've put shopping on hold for awhile. Besides, it would just be more stuff to pack and move in the near future!
  13. pizzicato66

    post-fill bloating - ugh!

    pulling a muscle - ouch! I hear you. I made a point of getting more veggies in hoping that will get things rolling soon. I eat so little else besides Protein that it can get mighty slow down there! I lay in bed at night and hear a gurgle and then have to figure out if it's me or the dog. It's amazing what can entertain you in the middle of winter!
  14. Hey gang, I have a question. Do any of you get really gassy and bloaty the week after your fill? I feel like you could poke me with a pin and I'd go zipping around the room like a balloon! I always stick with liquids for at least 24 hours, but I'm wondering if I should go longer and let my stomach rest a bit. I had my fill Monday and I'm still all bloated!
  15. pizzicato66

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Hmmm - have you thought about journalling to her? Sounds strange, but you can write all the things you'd want to share with her. I know it's not the same, but it could help. I hear you that you need to work through it - it's really healthy of you to see that! Glad to hear you have all the family around as well. :-)
  16. pizzicato66

    post-fill bloating - ugh!

    Ouch - that bruise sounds painful! What kind of needle are they using?! I get a teeny one right around the stick area sometimes (didn't this time), but nothing that big! I use chewable gas meds. They're the same active ingredient as the strips and a LOT cheaper than the strips (they're a bit of a gimmick). I'm keeping the portions smaller so my tummy can have a break. I think i'm a tad constipated right now too (I know - thanks for sharing?!), which might be part of it, so I got some wholegrain and veg in with my last couple of meals to help with that part. On the bright side, it does leave me feeling full all the time!
  17. pizzicato66

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Val, it sounds like you're a bit lonely at night. Here's a thought - have you considered getting a pet? Do you have a friend or family member you can call and gab with? I know neither is a replacement for your mom, but it might help fill that gap. I can't tell you how much difference it makes for me having my furchild come around for snuggles at night. He's a great listener too! Nothing like 63 lbs of warm fur-covered love to make you feel better!
  18. You're probably swollen and irritated. Think about it - you have a plastic band around your stomach and it just got tightened. I'd be frustrated and swollen too! I get that, as well as a LOT of gas that sits just under the band. I had my third fill Monday and my stomach is still kinda cranky and gassy, but hopefully it will settle down in a few days. At least all that gas makes you feel full! burping and farting away....
  19. pizzicato66

    Flying with a band - advice from my Doc

    That's good to hear! I posted on the obesity help board too and heard much the same. I imagine saline doesn't react the same way as air, and kinda wondered but figured she's the doc. I'll chat with her about it next time!
  20. pizzicato66

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Well, Val, at least you're in good company, and we all now know we're human, huh? Be kind to yourself and you'll get back there. :-) I will confess, I did have one piece of caramel yesterday and some coffee with sugar in it this morning, but that is all I'll have that's off-list today. I figured out it was from being hungry on the liquids and not timing meals/snacks well, so I'll work on that today! Just got on the scale and I'm down to 114.5 (another 1.5 gone)! Love the liquid phases, don't you? This morning I stopped and got my 6 month bloodwork done, so now I'll wait and see what they find. TEN little vials - crazy! I guess they run a lot of nutritional counts to make sure I'm getting the important stuff in. What amuses me is how "fasting" means nothing to me now after all the surgical hoops. Gosh - I have to wait on breakfast till 9am?? There's a tough one! LOL We had -10 this morning, but the northern part of the state had -30 to -40, so I figure we were the lucky ones! How's everyone else doing this lovely bone-cold morning?
  21. pizzicato66

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Okay, one day down of behaving myself, and I was rewarded by FINALLY getting that half lb off, so I am officially 70 lbs down today. Phew! My doc gave me a fill too, so I'm now up to 5cc's in a 10cc AP band. It felt just fine, and smaller portions are now doing it for me. I have a little hunger, but I figure having just liquids will do that for you. I'm sure having liquids and mushies for a few days will get me a little closer, too! Last night I grocery shopped and got myself some high-pro/low-fat sweet snacks to help me ease out of the junkfood mess I've been in lately (sugar-free pudding, yogurt, etc). So, 1 day down of eating better, and the challenge continues!!
  22. pizzicato66

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Bedonkadonk, sorry to hear you're having the same problems, but at least there's good company in this little h*ll we're creating for ourselves, huh? What I've been trying to remind myself is that those behaviors are what got me into this whole situation, and the new behaviors will get me out of it! Just gotta focus on being better and not losing focus when I relax. Here's some good news - I'm booked to fly out to California!!!! Better still, they are covering the flight, 2 nights' hotel and a rental car and meals! I'll still need to cover the weekend, but I can't complain and it's more than I thought they'd cover. I think they like me :-) Hopefully they still will after they meet me! It's 5 degrees here today so I can't WAIT to get out there, but will need to be patient for a couple weeks. Argh...
  23. pizzicato66

    February Exercise Challenge

    I still haven't gotten to the gym (my stubborn side is acting up), but I did get out with the pup for a good hike at the dog park both days this weekend, and belly dance lessons tonight. At least I have 3 guaranteed exercise sessions each week! I also dug out my handweights and put them in an obvious place next to the couch. Might pump up that exercise ball too.
  24. pizzicato66

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Monday weigh-in, and ugh... the self-induced stall continues. I know d*mn well it's because I've been making bad food choices and grazing. As of today, I'm PO'ed enough at myself to impose a moratorium on anything that's not on the "official" eating plan from the clinic. Low fat, high protein, small portions. Milk between meals as a snack. no bread, rice, potatoes, candy or other simple carbs. Small portions of veg for the carb/fiber. Enough already!! I'm half a lb short of my 70 lb mark fir the second week and am walking into my 6 month postop appt today. I'm trying hard to make this a positive day for myself. Bottom line, I'm almost 70 lbs lighter than I was when I started this in August, and that IS a huge thing. To try and celebrate a bit, I wore a dress for the first time in ages (a plain old Misses XL, no less - not a 2X!), and wore my snazzy red knee boots which are actually getting loose on me (still not quite able to fit regular knee boots). I figure I could have a somewhat snazzy 6 month photo at the clinic today, if nothing else. :-) I'll be curious to see how my bloodwork comes out this time too. My official bandiversary is actually the 22nd, so I'll keep that as an incentive this week to lose a few more lbs before that date (should at least be able to seal that 70 lb loss by then). I'm going to ask for a small fill today too and see if that helps some (if nothing else, a few days of liquids and mushies will help). Okay, done griping - how's everyone else doing today? Inspire me!! :-)
  25. pizzicato66

    February Exercise Challenge

    Hang in there, Daddy! Hopefully that storm system coming this weekend will blow south of you! We're looking forward to temperatures above 32 degrees by tomorrow(compared to -5 this morning). It's amazing how much better the thirties feel when it's actually 40 degrees warmer than the day before!! Frangi, glad to hear you're on the mend! Thanks for the well-earned kick in the pants from everyone - I'll try to get to the d*mn gym this weekend. (grumble, grumble grumble)

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