My mom doesn't support it at all!! But the heck with her! You have to do what you need to do to make your life healthy and make yourself happy! Good luck!
I had mine 3 days ago. The gas is totally normal but the more walking you do the better you will feel. Popsicles are so good! That makes it better for you so you don't have to just have broth and juice
Run a marathon again! Be in the physical shape I used to be! Run run run and swim swim swim and look good while doing it and not be exhausted while waking less than a mile (like I had need for the past two years, when I gained all my weight)
Walking is the best way to relieve should pain stomach pain etc!! The pain is caused by the Gas in your stomach which can rise to your shoulder so walk a lot that's what helped me I was walking two hours after I was out of surgery! And I'm feeling like a champ keep it up and walk walk walk!