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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    How do I 'like ' a post?

    On my phone you tap the post you want to like, then it's highlighted and a little overview menu pops up with options like: Like Unlike or Report (something like that). Then just choose "Like" from the menu. And there you go!
  2. The Candidate

    Jealous and Frustrated :(

    It's been a year for me too. I finally got through my insurance requirements and the only thing I'm waiting on now is a date. I can empathize with you whole heartedly about the jealously aspect. It's human nature. At some point though I had to let go of those negative emotions because it wasn't going to get me through the process any quicker, and I was only making myself miserable. I can tell you from my own experience that the time will pass by quickly even though it doesn't seem that way now. Use this time to better educate yourself on what life will be like post surgery and start implementing as much of that lifestyle now as you can. By the end you will discover that there isn't anything you can't do if you're really motivated. Good luck!
  3. The Candidate

    3.5 months and 105 down!

    You are an incredible role model!
  4. The Candidate

    Losing the pre-op weight

    I too had to lose 10 percent and I actually went on to lose more, around 30 pounds. The first thing I did was go through my house and get rid of all temptations and trigger foods. If you have to go out of your way to get to the bad foods you'll find that you're less inclined to stray. Next I incorporated a regimen of daily exercise, for me it's the treadmill. Worked on upping my Water intake, stopped drinking soda. I know this all sounds like common sense diet stuff, and it is. What made it different this time around was that I had a goal that I'd never had before, and that was qualifying for weight loss surgery. It took me a year to get through my insurance requirements and finally I'm there! Been approved, met with my surgeon last week and now I'm just waiting for a date. Overall, despite the long wait, I've learned that I'm so much stronger than I give myself credit for. You too will discover your inner strength as you go along. Put your heart and soul into it, stay focused on the end goal and nothing can stop you from succeeding! Good luck!
  5. You look as though you've undergone a metamorphosis like a caterpillar into a butterfly. Congratulations!
  6. The Candidate

    55+ The wonders of VSG

    I'm only 54 and planning to have a bypass, but I wanted to say that your words and enthusiasm are inspiring. Thanks for sharing and I hope my outlook turns out to be as bright as yours!
  7. The Candidate

    Never give up on yourself

    There's something so infinitely more satisfying about sacrificing and investing yourself heart and soul towards, what must seem at times, an unattainable goal. You have not only have achieved it, but have exceeded it by leaps and bounds. You are beautiful both inside and out, never forget that!
  8. The Candidate

    I got my insurance approval today!

    I know how you feel and it's an amazing high. I got my approval on the 3rd and I'm still flying! Today is my consult. With luck I'll get my date in the next few weeks. I'm hoping for sometime in July. It's been a long journey but well worth the ride. Carry this feeling with you and you'll do fine! Congrats!
  9. The Candidate

    Today is my one year anniversary.

    What a lovely affirmation of your original decision to make this momentous change in your life. You are right to look back and reflect and understand exactly what it took to get yourself to this place, this new wondrous existence. And it's all because of you! So celebrate!
  10. The Candidate

    I Got my APPROVAL phone call today!

    Is that not the best news and feeling ever! I'm still floating on my happiness cloud. Congrats!
  11. The Candidate

    2 week post op appointment

    Wow! That is incredible progress! Great work!
  12. The Candidate

    I'm going in!

    Soon you will wake up to a whole world of unlimited possibilities! Best wishes!
  13. The Candidate

    Complications at 15 days out

    My mother has had multiple pic lines over the years. It's a much better option than being repeatedly poked. Sounds like your doctor/surgeon is being very proactive in your care, which is always a good sign. We're always told to expect, but are still never quite ready for unexpected complications. I'm wishing you and your family the best. Keep us updated and good luck!
  14. I think "approved" has become my all time favorite word. Right after "healthy" and "slim" ???? Congratulations!
  15. The Candidate

    Band to bypass approved today

    Well, I initially thought I wanted the sleeve, but now I'm pretty set on the bypass. I want to get my surgeon's input before making a final decision. I finally have my consult tomorrow! It's the last step before surgery!
  16. The Candidate


    Congrats on the weight loss! I have the knee issues as well, so I know it's tough on the elliptical. I'm actually using the treadmill most pre op with plans of tackling the elliptical post op, after I've lost some weight and the pain eases off. Believe me I too have had many "why did I get rid of that" moments myself. Would that we had the gift of second sight! ???? Sounds like you are well on your way to success. Wanting it is definitely the most important ingredient of all and it sounds like you definitely do!
  17. This was my biggest worry regarding satisfying insurance requirements going in. Luckily once I started the process I found out that my insurance had recently relaxed their stance in this regard. They were no longer insisting on "documented" proof of prior weight loss attempts, such as credit card receipts and weigh in logs from companies like Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem, etc, or even weigh in charts from previous and consecutive doctor visits. Now they (my insurance) only requires that we list them out with approximate time frames, and weight lost. Nothing I wrote down was ever challenged or verified. So I was even able to include things like doing exercise tapes, hypnosis tapes, and other fly by night weight loss remedies that are perpetually being touted in the press. That took off a lot of the anxiety and pressure I initially had, so you might want to verify exactly what kind of "proof" they actually require. Honestly, I think insurance companies are starting to come around, and are focusing more and more on the 3 to 6 month (on average) supervised programs they make you complete once you've started the process, rather than past failed attempts. That's the hope anyway. Plus most require a psych evaluation as well, before approval is given, where they'll ask you one on one about your diet history. Mine is coming up tomorrow! The bottom line is they just want to make sure you're serious about this major step, and have a better than average chance of sticking with the program and making permanent lifestyle changes after surgery. Good luck!
  18. The Candidate

    I'm doubting if I want the surgery...

    The top thing on every weight loss surgery requirement list is to be certain you're making the right decision for you, and that's it's being made at the right time in your life to obtain the optimum success. If you're having doubts in any area, for any reason, step back and reevaluate your position. The surgery isn't going anywhere. It will still be there once you have things more clearly figured out. Good luck!
  19. The Candidate

    I am in love with the new me!

    There is nothing more personally rewarding than to simply be happy who you are. It's a place we all strive to be. Congrats!
  20. The Candidate

    Goal ! I made it 114lbs gone

    Congrats! It's always a pivotal moment whenever a dream becomes a reality. You should be so proud of yourself!
  21. The Candidate

    Before, During, and After Pics!

    Fantastic progress! You've done amazingly well!
  22. The Candidate

    How to bring it up?

    I had been researching for quite awhile before I decided to take the plunge. If I hadn't I would never of even known where to start. So after first verifying that my insurance even covered weight loss surgery, I wrote my talking points out first, the reasons why I qualified and would benefit, just in case I got tongue tied when the time came. We can make appointments online so I also made a point of putting "referral for weight loss surgery" down as the reason I wanted to see him. I have a great relationship with my doctor so I'm not really sure why I was so nervous beforehand. I think it had something to do with all the research and stories I'd read, hearing of other people's bad experiences. But the day came, I made my request, and he was nothing but supportive from the get go. That started the ball rolling and I've never looked back once. But if I had run into opposition, I would have fought back tooth and nail, even if it meant changing PCP's. Now getting through the insurance requirements has been a whole other experience all on its own. But I just kept charging through. There was no going back and no giving up, not after I'd made that initial decision. And finally, after a year (some insurance requirements are much longer than others), I'm at the last step before actual surgery, which is the surgical consult. My appointment is on Thursday! Good luck on your journey!
  23. The Candidate


    There are other options than a gym membership that you might want to consider too. I was able to buy 2nd (sometimes 3rd) hand work out equipment (treadmill, elliptical) on Craig's List very cheaply. Just had to arrange for pick up. Sometimes you can even find ads where they're giving them away for free. I got a quality set of exercise bands off of eBay for about $15. As far as weight training you can even use stuff around the house, like plastic milk cartons filled with Water or larger food tins. You can check out the thrift stores as well for stuff like an exercise ball or workout tapes. Thrift stores are full of prime gold just waiting to be mined! Before getting my exercise equipment though, I used to make laps around my car in the garage with my headphones on, if the weather was off, or my work/home schedule was tight. I also use my lunch time at work to walk as well. Sometimes you've just got to get creative. Best of luck to you!
  24. The Candidate

    June 10th a new beginning

    Welcome to a whole new life. Congratulations!
  25. I can relate. Been on this journey for over a year. Just recently approved and have my surgical consult on Thursday. Last step of many before I get my date. Now for the first time I'm kind of feeling some trepidation. I'd never back out as I know this is my destiny, but I definitely feel... out of sorts in a way. Hard to explain. Journaling is a good way to get your thoughts in order. I started a personal video journal to track both my physical and mental changes from day one and it's definitely helped. Good luck!

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