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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    I just had to take a peek

    Now that is a NSV worth jotting down in your diary! And if you don't have a diary start one today just for this! Congrats!
  2. The Candidate

    I want cake

    Good for you! Posting here was the right thing to do. Give yourself a big pat on the back!
  3. And I have both my fingers AND toes crossed for you! ????
  4. @@jenc427 Wonderful news! It's nice to have that out of the way, isn't it? Sometimes the anticipation is much worse than the reality. I'm so happy for you!
  5. The Candidate

    Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss

    @@shemica This is a "no embarrassment" zone. Believe me, we've all been there and done that. I use large size beach towels and the ends never meet together when I wrap one around my body. There's like a Grand Canyon size chasm in the middle!
  6. The Candidate

    Just wanna get it right

    You've taken the first step and that's the hardest. Depending on your insurance you'll probably have some hurdles to jump on your way to approval, and the waiting can be tough, I won't lie. But just keep reminding yourself of the reasons why you made this choice in the first place. Research as much as possible, so you're very clear on what is all involved. Surround yourself with as much support as you can, which you'll find here in abundance. And allow patience to become your new best friend, and you'll be fine. I promise it will all be worth it in the end! Welcome!
  7. I don't have any advice to offer as mine isn't until 07/29. But I want to share my heartfelt congratulations for crossing over! As I've read on here a zillion times from experienced vets, the first week is always the roughest, but it gets better everyday. A zillion vets can't be wrong! ???? Try and get some rest and I hope you feel better soon.
  8. The Candidate

    I want cake

    If it's within your reach, go pour salt all over it right now. It won't be nearly as appealing after that! Stay true to yourself. That cake is evil and it's just trying to lure you in. Show it who's boss!
  9. The Candidate

    Zero support from family ????

    I'm so sorry to hear this. It's hard when you know in your heart of hearts that something is so right for you, even if it comes with the possibility of risks, and you just can't get those you love most on board. I know when I presented my decision to my family I was worried that there might be some backlash, but I was very fortunate in that respect. They support me 100%. But had they objected I had already made my choice, and I would have just gone on with it on my own. Try showing them all the research out there, the before and after YouTube videos, the blogs, and the posts here. You still have time to sway them over to your side. It could be that their objections are simply based on horror stories, and have no real basis in fact. Or it was just a gut reaction because they love you so much and are afraid of losing you. If they don't come around though, stay true to yourself and what you believe you need to improve your health and quality of life. We will be here to support you every step of the way!
  10. The Candidate

    Beginning stages

    You are absolutely radiant in your wedding day picture! Honestly it looks like it came straight out of a high fashion magazine! Welcome to the forums. You're on your way to an amazing life changing journey. There is so much heartfelt support here that it practically oozes off the pages! You are going to love the new life waiting for you, just around the corner. ????
  11. The Candidate

    Anxious over approval ????

    So happy for you @@AllthingsApple and it'll be here before you know it!
  12. The Candidate

    gastric sleeve post 3 years out

    I'm still pre op so I can't give you any real advice. But I did want to offer my encouragement. I know you're feeling like a failure, but that is just not the case! You've lost your way a bit that's all, but you came here, and we will all support you along the way. It is never too late! Forgive yourself first and foremost, and never give up. You are so worth the wonderful road you have ahead of you!
  13. The Candidate


    You have described exactly how truly awful air travel can be for the obese. It's so degrading! Your days of having to stress over that anymore are numbered. Congrats on your upcoming surgery. It'll be here before you know it!
  14. The Candidate

    2 yrs put

    Wow what a difference! And congrats on maintaining 2 years out!
  15. The Candidate

    So I've noticed...

    You look beautiful and trust me, everyone here knows it. Your hard work and determination have brought you a whole new life. You've been preparing for the change for a long time, but to most people I'll bet it's kind of a shock. They see it, they just might be a little timid about expressing it! It'll come in time! ????
  16. The Candidate

    Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss

    @@Sarsa333 Welcome! You've found a lovely place to roost. Congrats on making the decision to charge your life! Love your post! ???? Speaking of the sweating (cuz when isn't that foremost on our minds) it reminded me of The Karate Kid (the original with Ralph Macchio, not the remake, who was a major hunk in my day). Anyway... back to sweating... Do you remember the scene where he came dressed as a shower for Halloween? Complete with a shower curtain and an overhead faucet? Of course, he didn't use real Water. But, if we were to tinker with that idea (or outright steal it), and rig up a way to use some real water, we'd be raking in the dough! (Sorry most of my words just somehow come out food related). Start by selling a few portable showers in Lane Bryant, and like dollar days at McDonalds, all of our fellow fatties will come running (but don't stare directly at them running, as all that fat in motion and friction burns will be forever imprinted on your retinas). We might even have to add a warning label that spells that out too. Like those "don't jump in the pool with your hair dryer on" labels. Or "this coffee is actually hot!" Don't want any law suits. Anybody with me?
  17. Congrats! It's always a thrill to cross off each hurdle jumped, isn't it! You have made a great head start with changing your lifestyle and eating habits too. Your day will be here before you know it and you will do great!
  18. The Candidate

    Insomnia anyone?

    Here's a little mental exercise that might help with the insomnia. Instead of counting sheep, count all the pounds you have already, or plan to lose. Give them snarky nicknames like: Misery, Pestilence, and Plague. Or even: Fleegle, Snorky, Drooper, and Bingo (although the last four might only work for me, as I'm a closet banana Splits fan). For good measure give their little butts a big ol' virtual kick too, whenever they're not jumping fast enough to suit you. Sorry, I'm a recovering masochist - I just can't help myself sometimes. ????
  19. The Candidate

    Anyone else as scared as i am?

    Wow @@Dub that is a powerful and inspirational post. I'm going to do my best to follow every one of your excellent guidelines. Thank you so much for sharing! You've found a way to put into eloquent words exactly what all of us are or will be going through. Just wonderful!
  20. The Candidate

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    Also check out YouTube. They have tons of exercise videos and they're all free! My favorite word!
  21. The Candidate


    You go girl! After surgery people are going to have to physically pry your phone out of your hands, because you'll become addicted to selfies, and looking at your beautiful new figure! I started making a video blog from day one, after I first started the process to seek out surgery. I can't wait until I can go back and see both how I looked and felt, and how much I change as I work towards reaching goal! Like you I've avoided pics all my life. I rarely took photos even when I lost tons of weight through the years. I guess it was because in the back of my mind I knew I'd just gain it back eventually so why bother? This time will be different for both of us (my surgery is on 07/29), so we have to document every glorious advancement we make. Don't forget to take before measurements too! You're going to have a wonderful new life!
  22. The Candidate


    Go immediately, right now, and make a video blog just for your own special keepsake. It's not often that you get a chance to capture a moment of pure happiness in your life that you'll be able to relive, again and again! Congrats! You deserve this!
  23. The Candidate


    All those doors being opened simultaneously means a lot. This is your destiny, and you are well on your way to a life free from all or most of your pain and suffering. You have heart and faith and a positive outlook and that will ensure that things will go your way, I truly believe that. Whether you end up with a bypass or sleeve, it was meant to be. I will keep you in my thoughts!
  24. The Candidate

    Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss

    @@lauraellen80 Please no popping! I don't think my insurance will cover that. ????
  25. I'm so sorry for the delay with your surgery. Getting that close to surgery and having it postponed is awful and I hope things improve for you soon. Best of luck to you and we'll keep you in our thoughts!

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