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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate


    The price we have to pay sometimes for a healthier body is extreme. I'm still pre op myself but, I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for that day. Sounds like you're right on schedule from what I've heard, and at least you know that it won't last forever. But I commiserate with your loss! Good luck!
  2. So sorry for your discomfort. It's so hard getting through the first stages of recovery. But every day brings you closer to feeling like yourself again, and I hope you get to that point as quickly as possible. Take good care of yourself, and find a long stick to poke hubby out of his coma next time you need some help! ????
  3. The Candidate

    Vomiting every night

    If only for peace of mind, please check in with your surgeon. I hope you feel better!
  4. The Candidate

    In the hospital

    Oh I'm so happy for you! You made it safely to the other side. Get plenty of rest and before you know it, you'll be heading home to your brand new life!
  5. The Candidate

    First appt went GREAT!

    Congrats! It's always a plus when things start going your way throughout the process. Your healthier life is looming right around the corner!
  6. The Candidate

    ????Surgery is Monday 12/15????

    Congrats on getting your date!
  7. The Candidate

    Aug 19th is the day!

    Congrats on receiving news of your surgery day!
  8. @@chrisredjeep going home tomorrow! Good for you!
  9. The Candidate

    Gastric bypass risks.

    @@Charm82 We went into this with the exact same mindset, and ended up changing our minds for the exact same reasons. My father suffered terribly from GERD and while mine hasn't been as severe, the mere chance that it might be aggravated by the sleeve made up my mind in the end. There were other factors that contributed but that was the main one. It's a choice that everyone has to make for themselves, based on their own reasons. Each procedure come with pros and cons. You just have to decide which is the best fit for you.
  10. The Candidate

    To do surgery or not to do?

    Your story has a familiar ring to all of us here, I'm sure. And you are asking the same questions we've all had to consider as well. I can't make the decision for you or give you any promises that any of your fears won't become reality, as that's a risk we all have to weigh individually. I've been considering weight loss surgery for years. And after deciding to proceed, it took another year to get through the approval process (everyone's is different), and now my surgery is less than two weeks away. I can honestly say at this point, I personally have no more doubts or questions, because I've spent this entire last year researching until my fingers bled from typing, talking to post ops, going on forums, classes, seminars, you name it and I've done it. Information is the key. I would encourage you to do the same. And I think it's great that you are considering this at a young age. I'm 54 and have been fat nearly my entire life. I wish I could have those early years back, but I'm bound and determined to get the most out of the years I have left, by losing the weight and regaining my health! Good luck on your journey. I wish you well!
  11. The Candidate

    Super newbie here!

    Welcome, Amy! You have definitely found the right place for the support you are seeking. I too came here when I was first considering surgery, and now mine is less than two weeks away. I can tell you that the excitement you are feeling now never goes away, and it will help you through the process. Feel free to ask a lot of questions. There are always people around to help you out! Good luck!
  12. The Candidate


    Welcome and congratulations on your loss so far!
  13. Congratulations. See, even in this electronic age, snail mail has its uses. Glad it brought you such wonderful news!
  14. The Candidate

    Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss

    That is fantastic! I'm glad everything went so well and you're recovering. I'm so happy for you!
  15. It sounds like you've had a very traumatic past and I'm so glad you've gotten a second chance at so many things, marriage, adoption, and now health. You have an incredible future ahead of you I'm sure!
  16. The Candidate

    The call I've been waiting for!

    Congrats! So glad your big day has been scheduled!
  17. The Candidate

    My first appt is tomorrow!

    I'm on a first name basis with those nervous/excited butterflies. You go from elation to apprehension within the same minute sometimes. It's so normal, it's beyond normal. As far as being emotionally ready that a question only you can answer. It's okay if you aren't sure right now, as long as you're sure when it's crunch time. You're going to do fine.
  18. The Candidate

    Scheduled surgery while waiting for approval?

    Every insurance/surgeon process is different. I got my date after approval. Way after approval. But someone else's experience is probably entirely different. Good luck!
  19. The Candidate

    ???? red tape!

    Hang in there. There's no way around the waiting, but you will reach your goal of surgery. And it will have been more than worth whatever you had to go through!
  20. The Candidate

    Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss

    @@chrisredjeep Wow your day is upon you! So exciting! I can't wait to hear how everything goes. I'll be thinking of you!
  21. Status update hates me. I try to respond to a comment and end up deleting the whole thing. No more status updates for me! And yes, I get the irony.

  22. The Candidate

    New to this site

    Congratulations on deciding to have weight loss surgery, and welcome to the forums. You will find a lot of information and support here to help you along the way. Good luck!
  23. The Candidate

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    Preparation and proper mindset are the keys. You will do well. Be safe! Congrats!
  24. The Candidate

    Excited! Ready to begin this journey

    Welcome aboard! Been through the approval process and my surgery date is drawing ever near. Didn't have to appeal. Did have to major in waiting and minor in exasperation along the way. But as a pre op I can't address the rest of your questions. Just wanted to say howdy. ????

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