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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    The GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY!

    My family was 100% supportive. And as I'm the only obese member in my immediate family, I couldn't ask for more. They've never once made me feel bad because of it. At work, which I politely refer to as Peyton Place, because if you share your personal stuff with one person, the whole town knows about it by day's end, I've only shared with a select few. I am very glad I went that route too. My dogs on the other hand are divided. The older one wants me to try exercise and dieting one more time. The younger one is all for surgery. The younger one and I laugh behind the older one's back, as she is so set in her ways. The older one doesn't care that we laugh behind her back because... well, she's a dog. I try my best not to hold it against her. ????
  2. The Candidate

    2 weeks post op today

    Congrats on your weight loss so far! Doing great!
  3. My process was long, but I never ran into the kind of snafus you did. And I'm so sorry you are experiencing them! Sometimes tackling insurance is like gearing up to bust through a brick wall, only to discover there's another one right behind it once you do. I sure hope things improve for you. Good luck!
  4. My body waging an all out war on me the very moment I turned 50! Pain, unfortunately, is a great motivator. But if that's what it took to get me started on the path to surgery then my body - please take a bow! ????????
  5. Ha! Love the status updates, especially the bacon burping nurse. I think that would just be outright cruelty were that to be a bariatric patient! You made a lot of great points! Already have my pillow, mask and ear plugs packed!
  6. My program was called Options and is through Kaiser Permanente. It took nearly a year, including 24 weeks of classes and having to lose 10% of my weight. Having waited so long it's kind of surreal that I'm finally so close to my surgery date! I actually live in North County, but Kaiser, in my particular area, contracts out to Pacific Bariatric in SD and all bariatric surgery is done at Scripps. I am only required to do one day of liquids. I think that might be because of already having lost the 10%. But it does make things easier. I feel exactly like I did when I first made the decision to have surgery, in equal parts elated, nervous, hopeful, eager, and above all else, happy. As I've never had surgery I'm, of course, a bit apprehension about the unknown from time to time. But I am 100% certain that this is the right step for me. And as I've overloaded on research this past year, I honestly feel I couldn't be more ready! How about you? What led you here and how are you feeling? ????
  7. The Candidate

    Looks like I am the first!

    What a way to ring in the New Year that will be! Better start thinking of a new New Years resolution, because you won't be able to fall back on the old "I'm really going to lose the weight this time" standard! ????
  8. There is always a period of mourning whenever a major change occurs in life. But I'll bet you're going to have a much happier healthier relationship with the new you. And that's worth the pangs of letting go!
  9. I'm having my RNY at Scripps Mercy in SD in 07/29. Can't wait! ????
  10. The Candidate

    40% working heart

    I have no useful info for you. Just wanted to include my best wishes for a positive outcome!
  11. The Candidate

    Driving after surgery

    I just received my pre surgical packet and it says no driving for two weeks. I was surprised it was that long.
  12. The Candidate

    One week and freaking out

    Hang in there sweetie! You're almost to the finish line! ????
  13. The Candidate

    Inspirational Quotes

    Love the quotes! Keep them coming!
  14. The Candidate


    My goodness you are both just images of walking beauty! Congrats on your amazing success!
  15. The Candidate

    Must haves Post Op

    Don't forget to take before and after photos and measurements! You will want them to chart just how far you've really come. Good luck!
  16. The Candidate

    It’s My 12-Year Surgiversary!

    Congrats Alex! You are the reason why so many of us found the courage to seek out surgery for ourselves. And you continue to be an outstanding role model and example of healthy living. Thank you for that and for this incredible forum! You rock!
  17. I'm also pre op, and never had surgery either, so this is an excellent question! I can tell you that I visited a friend in the hospital just a week ago who had the sleeve surgery. It helped alleviate a lot of my concerns seeing her awake, talking and visiting. It was the day after her surgery. Initially I wasn't going to have anybody visit me, but I've since changed my mind. I think having friends and family around will help tremendously in the healing process.
  18. The Candidate

    In the 100 Club!

    Congratulations! What a milestone marker that is to have reached!
  19. The Candidate

    Yes! Date scheduled!

    Good for you! The anticipation is delicious isn't it! ????
  20. The Candidate

    Just got my surgery date - July 23rd!

    Congrats on getting your date! I'm so excited for you! And thanks for the info on bra donation. When I get to that point I'm going to check into it.
  21. I can't believe your awesome transformation in only 8 weeks! You are certainly a very handsome man! ???? Way to go !
  22. Not having parts of my body going ahead of me, like my stomach mainly, to greet the world on my behalf. It's like having a stalker superglued to your exterior 24/7.
  23. The Candidate

    Odd response from my potential doctor

    I agree that conversation sounded a bit sketchy to me too.
  24. The Candidate

    Five Year Anniversary Today

    Thank you for sharing your inspirational story. It's always a gift to hear from long term surgery recipients. Congrats on both your new marriage and your wonderful new life!

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