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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    Tomorrow is the Day!

    You'll be in our thoughts @@FrankinTexas! You are going to do well. Please let us know how you're doing and best of luck!
  2. The Candidate

    3rd day post op

    Congratulations on making it safely through your surgery, and now being home. Get some rest and good luck!
  3. The Candidate

    Pre op day

    I agree this is a wonderful place for support and first hand information! Hope your new friend finds her way here.
  4. The Candidate

    7 months update with pics

    You look amazing! Congrats on a major success!
  5. The Candidate

    Stress incontinence

    I'm 54 and have just begun to have this issue. I work in an office and many times I've waited far too long, wanting to finish my train of thought with whatever I'm working on. The close calls are becoming too numerous lately and the allotted time between urge and reality has shortened significantly. Good to hear there's possibly of improvement coming!
  6. The Candidate

    What do you tell people?

    In the same way that I can't hide my fat exterior from the world, I can't hide how it has also adversely affected my health over the years. People I've worked with in my office for the last 27 years are pretty much asking me daily, why I'm limping (osteoarthritis and plantar fasciitis), am I feeling ill, due to the constant grimace on my face (joint pain), am I all right (out of breath and sweating with minimal exertion), do I need help with things I used to be able to do in my sleep. The list goes on. A lot of these people I don't know past the nominal nod as we pass in the hall too. I'm also sure they are probably harboring those ("Why doesn't she just eat right and exercise to lose that weight?) thoughts. So when I do start eating right and losing weight, and it becomes noticeable enough to draw comments, as far as I'm concerned, I'm just going to be fulfilling their prophecy, that yes, I did finally do something about my weight because of the way it was affecting my health, and longevity of life. And if anyone attempts to push beyond that, as to how quickly it is coming off, I will cut the inquisition off at the pass, politely but firmly. I will never reveal the amount of weight I've lost, or exactly what I'm eating or drinking to achieve it, how much, or why. My repeated refrain will be along the lines of: I was having some major health issues, and now I'm working closely with my doctor to regain my health. Period. In the same way I only told select people going in, I will only tell select people as I progress along. Doing otherwise puts you in danger of opening the floodgates on unwanted intrusion on your personal life that you will never be able to gain control over again. This process is hard enough, I don't want to add unnecessary stress if I don't have to. And as for the more personal relationships in your life that have, over the years, nagged you, belittled you, or in anyway made you feel "less" worthy than them because of your weight - they deserve an explanation least of all. Don't give them the satisfaction.
  7. The Candidate

    After surgery help?

    @@BarrySue Wow, that must have been frightening for both you and your mother! You story makes me extra glad I've arranged for after surgery help!
  8. The Candidate

    Did you ever notice commercials?

    At this point I half expect the people in those commercials to turn their heads, call me personally by name, and beckon me over to join the feast!
  9. I made an upfront decision to only tell those I knew would be supportive, and I've not had one regret. People can't disapprove of something they've no knowledge of. Luckily in my case all my family and close friends were included in the supportive circle. I'm surrounded by positive and encouraging people and I thank my lucky stars!
  10. The Candidate

    Week 1--out with in laws at restaurant

    Stay strong! You worked too hard for this!
  11. Happy to hear everything went well!
  12. Good luck! My fingers will be crossed! I'd cross my legs too, but as a pre op myself, we both know that's impossible! ????
  13. The Candidate

    One year later-- before after pic

    @@nereida007 You look incredible! Congratulations!
  14. The Candidate

    Surgery in 36 hours

    16? Wow, you're the youngest I've ever heard from. Hope all goes well. Good luck and best wishes!
  15. The Candidate

    Denial part 3

    Man, I'm hoping against hope that you get your approval. Keep going no matter what. You deserve, at the very least, a fighting chance, without having to fight convoluted red tape every step of the way. I am pulling for a win. Good luck!
  16. You'll probably get a wide variety of answers as it depends on your particular insurance/surgeon. For me it took an additional 2 plus months. But I'm finally up on Wednesday!
  17. The Candidate

    Questions to ask during consultation

    I would just advise you to keep an open mind as you advance through the process, as well as remain open to change. I went into this dead set on one procedure, absolutely positive that that was it, the end all be all. No one would have been able to convince me otherwise at that point. But I listened. I learned. I figured out that what's a perfect fit for one person might not be perfection for me at all. Had my approval process not been so long (took a year), I might have regretted my first choice, as I ended up switching to another. Never close your mind to a different path. Good luck!
  18. The Candidate

    Pet Peeves of WLS

    That's another reason I chose to only tell a select few. I was afraid they would feel the "need" to constantly compliment me, which would in turn lead me to doubts as to whether they're being truthful, or just saying it to make me feel better. And the other part was I didn't want a bunch of peripheral people making judgements on how fast I'm losing (or not losing), and my choices in diet. I honestly believe your church group cares deeply about you and wants only the best for you, but ultimately this journey is 10% external and 90% internal. That's hard for people not going through it to understand.
  19. Wow you must have gotten in the express line! Good for you and best of luck! Your new life is just over the horizon.
  20. The Candidate


    I tell you something that has absolutely blown me away is the Hydro Flask. During my classes a gentlemen had his with him and kept going on about how great it was so I purchased one myself. I can put Water and ice in this thing before I go to work, and that ice will still be there keeping it icy cold up to 24 hours later! It still amazes me. I knew that it also claimed to keep hot stuff hot for up to 12 hours, so I recently tested it out with broth. While it didn't stay hot quite that long. It stayed too hot to drink (I used boiling water) for at least an hour, and hot down to lukewarm for the next 6 or so hours. And it doesn't sweat on the outside either. I swear I'd volunteer to be their spokesperson, I love it that much! It's a bit pricey, but well worth the investment long term, and they come in a variety of sizes. I've thrown all my other water bottles away, as they don't come close to comparing. Love it!
  21. I can't help as I've no experience with your issues, but I hope you find the answers you are seeking. Good luck!
  22. The Candidate

    Hello All

    Welcome Janae! How exciting that your big day is coming up soon. I wish you the best of luck and infinite happiness!
  23. I just wanted to offer my support and wish you the best of luck!
  24. Welcome! And I wholeheartedly agree with the other posters. Be yourself, first and foremost. Remain calm and relaxed. I too was very apprehensive beforehand about this requirement, but it turned out to be very quick and easy. Good luck!

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