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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    Awesomely uneventful 2 years

    That is simply amazing to go from the prospect of a possible heart transplant to where you are now. It sounds like in your case getting the surgery was the equivalent of saving your life, quite literally. That's an incredible turnaround! Yes, I'm definitely ready to go. Excited and oddly, remarkably calm. Hope that lasts up to the point where I'm being wheeled in! Can't wait to join you on the loser's bench!
  2. The Candidate

    My first real NSV!

    What a wonderful milestone! I'm so happy for you!
  3. Happy birthday and surgery day rolled into one. Congratulations!
  4. Make sure there's ample room on that spot you're saving. This is a brand new bariatric butt we're talking here. ???? Feeling good. Feeling calm. A lot less jittery than I expected to be. Tomorrow is my prep appointment at the hospital. I'm ready to go! Hopefully my window view will be as impressive as yours! Glad to know you came through fine!
  5. The Candidate

    Awesomely uneventful 2 years

    Welcome my New Zealand friend, on behalf of America! ???? You have had quite the journey on the way to surgery and a healthier life. It shows just how committed you are, to have to go through all those trial and tribulations along the way. Just the amount of time you had to wait humbles me, as I thought my year would never come to an end (having surgery on the 29th). How have things been for you these past two years? Any reoccurrence of the heart issue? You are an incredible example of perseverance and hope. Thanks for sharing your incredible story!
  6. The Candidate

    My bariatric journey

    Welcome! You have an amazing story and have clearly come a long way. Congrats on your surgery and 60 pound weight loss so far! That is an incredible success! Good luck!
  7. Too funny! Cookie drama and pudding catastrophe. I'm still pre op, but I'm sure I'll be back here soon, confessing my moment of reckoning too! I have a feeling it'll involve liquor! ????
  8. I'm a pre op, but I'm taking a full six weeks, not only to heal, but to adjust to a whole new way of life. My doctor routinely provides a note for work about the medical need for leave, and my work will require another note from him upon my return, indicating that I've been medically cleared to return.
  9. The Candidate

    I'm new.

    Welcome Sundie! You're doing it exactly right. Welcome and I hope your journey is a successful one. Good luck!
  10. The Candidate

    Lessons Learned

    I don't know where to begin trying to calculate everything I've learned in the years spent first considering bariatric surgery, and then ratcheting up that research this past year, after the decision to proceed was reached. I will say that I definitely learned more on my own, here on these boards, and with other outside sources, than I ever did during the six months of mandatory classes I took as part of my insurance process. There were even times when I wanted to jump up and teach it myself, as the material covered seemed so rudimentary, barely skimming the surface, and so far from the in depth expose I was expecting. I've learned that the learning process will never end, and that once I'm a post op I'm probably going to feel like a novice all over again, on the realms of a newborn, and it'll probably feel that exact same way as I graduate through each level, such as the different eating stages, stalls, maintenance, and so on. Finally, I've learned that even at 54, starting your life over again is still a viable option, if you're willing to work for it. That I'm a lot stronger and determined than I've ever given myself credit for. And that complacency is an easy trap that if fallen into, can lead me right back to where I started.
  11. The Candidate

    I had surgery 7/14/15

    Welcome! Congrats on your recent surgery! Sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems. I can't offer my personal experience to compare as I'm still pre op, but I do hope things improve quickly and you're feeling better soon! Good luck!
  12. The Candidate

    September 10th

    I'm sorry to hear you're feeling lost. And I hope things improve as you go along. Just concentrate on how great your new life will be! You're going to do fine. ????
  13. The Candidate

    8days until surgery!

    Welcome to the forums. This is a great place to follow. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! It's common to worry about what can go wrong, and wise to educate yourself about the risks going in. But this close to your date it would be better to concentrate more on what positives can come out of the experience, such as a healthy happier life! Good luck and best wishes!
  14. So nice to hear from you, Kate! Been wondering how you've been doing. Thanks for the synopsis of how your surgery went and that your recovery is coming along right on schedule. I'm sure it's doing wonders for you just finally being home again with your family too. The pic of your hospital view was beautiful. Glad you got an inspiring landscape to pass the time. Hope the rest of your healing process goes as easy. And before you know it you'll be a teeny tiny little thing, out and about, setting the world on fire. I'm truly so happy for you! ????
  15. The Candidate

    Just got settled into my hospital room

    Congratulations and best wishes!
  16. The Candidate

    Well tomorrow is the day!

    The beginning of a new week, a new life, and a new you! Congrats!
  17. The Candidate

    Before and After Pics

    Great job @@fizeasy86 You too @@butterfyeffect
  18. The Candidate

    Scared one min, excited the next

    Well you know what that makes you, don't you? Perfectly normal! It's a life changing decision and giving it the proper respect its due creates just these type feelings. So don't worry, we've all been, or will soon be, where you are. I wish you the best of luck on this remarkable journey!
  19. The Candidate

    Better than I could have imagined

    Beautiful pictures and sounds like the trip of a lifetime. You not only look like you've never been close to a wheelchair, but are definitely one of those people who look like you've never been overweight either! Congrats!
  20. I booked an appointment with my PCP online and wrote in the reason as: seeking referral for bariatric surgery. I'd done a lot of research and had typed out my talking points beforehand. I also intended on arguing that I checked and my policy specifically covers WLS, and I qualified with my BMI alone (it was 45 at the time). There was no way I was leaving that room without a referral! But I have a great doctor and he agreed before I barely had the request out of my mouth. In fact I had built myself up emotionally so much for an argument that his quick agreement threw me off guard, and I immediately burst into tears. It wasn't my finest moment, but it was definitely one of the best days of my life! Good luck!
  21. I haven't spent $30K on my clothing in my lifetime and I'm 54.
  22. The Candidate

    Horrible time after bypass :(

    Hope you get to feeling better soon!
  23. The Candidate

    Flavorless Protein Powder

    I also like Isopure unflavored.
  24. The Candidate

    Starting over!

    Good luck on your new beginning!
  25. The Candidate

    Last minute insurance approvals

    I haven't as I didn't get my surgery date under after approval, but I sure hope they give you word soon. I'd call first thing on Monday if only to ease your mind. Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
