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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate


    Oh my goodness! You look so beautiful! What an amazing transformation! Congratulations!
  2. Don't overpack. Especially electronics. I only ended up using my phone. Bring a long charger cord. I had trouble getting mine to reach my bedside where the plugs were placed. And get up walking as soon as possible. Walk as much as you can. You will feel so much better. My surgery was at noon and they wrote on my board that I was to start walking at 10 pm. When they didn't come at the stroke of 10 I called them. I only needed assisted walking the first time, and that was because they had to show me how to unplug myself, after that I did it on my own. And I did it every chance I got. Good luck!
  3. The Candidate

    Today is Surgery Day - 07/29/2015

    Thank you @@OKCPirate for the great suggestions! I did purchase a digital measuring tape and took my before measurements. I've also been keeping a video diary for a year, and I even took before pics in my underwear. I want all the motivation I can get along the way. Plus I'm hoping to concentrate more on how I'm feeling better, than numbers on a scale. Having been fat nearly all my life, and done the yo yo dieting, I know it's so hard for "us" to see changes in a mirror, or take compliments at face value. I hope to document my journey the entire way, and have irrefutable evidence of how far I've come. Thanks again!
  4. The Candidate

    proudgrammy is very proud

    Love you @@proudgrammy! You're a big reason why I keep coming here! I always look forward to your smilie faces! You manage to tell a story with them that I enjoy.
  5. The Candidate

    Today is Surgery Day - 07/29/2015

    I took markers and a couple of coloring books to the hospital with me. But along with my iPad they went unused. Too many interruptions, walking, sipping, vitals, unplugging and plugging yourself back in with the IV pole. But I plan to get in some serious coloring while I recover. I'm well stocked as I stopped by Michael's before surgery. ???? I totally agree it's a great stress reliever!
  6. The Candidate

    Today is Surgery Day - 07/29/2015

    Thank you @@ssflbelle! What is National Coloring Book Day? I'm curious. ????
  7. Not every doctor uses them. Part of the reason I chose mine is because he did. It's a tube attached to a plastic bulb that they put in during surgery. It allows drainage material, blood and stuff to drain from the body to the outside bulb through the tubing. If you watch the video referenced above you can see one. In the hospital they empty it periodically. Mine was removed before I left the hospital, but some are sent home with it, and it will be removed later. For me personally, I just wanted any drainage to be outside as opposed to inside.
  8. The Candidate

    Abdominal Binder?

    I agree with @@Gumpgal wear the binder, especially when you're up and about. It helps support you.
  9. The Candidate

    New to the process

    It can be a long process, but worth every step of the way. And it's good to start out early trying to lose weight now, like you're doing, and adapt healthier habits like drinking more water, etc. It makes it much easier on you in the end. Good luck!
  10. The Candidate

    My first post

    I'm not in your area, but just wanted to welcome you aboard. And congrats on the beginning of your new life!
  11. Hope you're feeling better soon!
  12. The Candidate

    Forgot to do my intro... Oops

    Welcome and good luck on your revision! Glad you found a better doctor to help you out!
  13. The Candidate

    12 day Post-op Updat

    Thank you! I just need to follow your example! ????
  14. The Candidate

    12 day Post-op Updat

    Doing well. Glad to be home. ????
  15. The Candidate

    12 day Post-op Updat

    Congrats Jasmine! You're doing great and so early out too! Fantastic!
  16. The Candidate


    Are you able to stomach broth and sugar free Popsicles? Maybe some water flavoring like crystal light? Good luck!
  17. The Candidate

    Today is Surgery Day - 07/29/2015

    No, I haven't weighed myself yet. I think I'll wait for my first post op appt which will be on Thursday. But my stats so far are: 5'2" HW:248 SW:213 Thanks @@Babbs
  18. You'll feel a lot better after the drain comes out. It did wonders for me. Hang in there. You are not alone!
  19. The Candidate

    Today is Surgery Day - 07/29/2015

    Thank you @@Alex Brecher! Positivity was a upfront choice going in, and it made the long wait so much easier! I'm home now, and feeling so good, I almost can't believe I've even had the bypass done! And I feel no hunger. None. Today is Saturday and I've consumed no solid food since Tuesday. I'm able to get Water, Protein shakes, unjury chicken broth in ounce cups with no problem. I also can get Popsicles down with ease. I walk like there's no tomorrow. Since they removed the drain (which didn't hurt a smidge), the pain I had on the left side under my ribs is gone. It no longer hurts to breathe deeply, and I've finally passed gas. If I overdo the walking I can get a stabbing pain in my upper abdomen, that eases when I stop the exertion, but that's it. I'd do the long wait and surgery over again in a second. Not one iota of a regret! Best decision ever! ????
  20. The Candidate

    Today is Surgery Day - 07/29/2015

    Thank you mountaingal it certainly is exhilarating to be on the other side. Hope you're feeling the same maregal . It's definitely a date neither of us will ever forget!
  21. The Candidate

    Surgery Monday/starving

    Hang in there! You're almost to the big day. You can do it, and it will be more than worth your efforts, I promise!
  22. The Candidate

    Psych eval

    Congrats Mildred! One more check off the list!
  23. The Candidate


    They gave me something in my IV to "just relax me" before they rolled me into the operating room, and the last thing I really remember is scooting over from the gurney to the operating table. And that's it. I don't remember a mask being put over my face, nothing, except waking up. My first time ever having surgery. You'll do fine too!
  24. The Candidate

    proudgrammy is very proud

    @@proudgrammy I'm so proud of you for going through with this, even though you were scared and apprehension about the results! And it wasn't a secret at all, but an inner joy. Thank you for sharing it with us! You are the best and the sweetest person in these parts! ????????????????
  25. The Candidate

    Two days post op!

    Congrats! Sounds like you are doing wonderfully! Keep on that road and you'll be recovered in no time.

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