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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    Can they revoke insurance approval?

    I know it happens, unfortunately, but I was lucky. I started with a 45 BMI and ended with a 39 BMI, and I had no issues. They used the BMI that you started with for final determinations, and we were encouraged to lose as much weight as possible throughout the program. If only all insurance companies operated this way.
  2. The Candidate

    Appointment confirmation email, this is really happening!

    I hope you are able to reach your goal of surgery. Good luck and best wishes!
  3. The Candidate

    Not feeling the urge..

    I also had a catheter for 24 hours, but my urge returned immediately. In fact I was going constantly due to all the IV fluids being pumped in. They were actually measuring my urine at the beginning to be sure my output was adequate, as that is always a concern. I hope yours returns soon, everyone is different. I would speak to your doctor for reassurance if you still have concerns. Good luck!
  4. The Candidate


    Not at all. It's a personal decision. I chose not to tell, and at six weeks out, I've not one regret. Good luck!
  5. Congrats on a major accomplishment! It's mind blowing to think how much a life can be changed for the better in less than a year. Kudos to you!
  6. The Candidate


    Congrats! Hope that long awaited call comes soon! Best of luck!
  7. The Candidate

    Before and After Pics

    You look wonderful Jenyp!
  8. I can see you beaming with the thought of doing that @ !! Like a port in the storm, Kate, a port in the storm! ????
  9. I may be 54, but I love theme parks! I live in southern CA, and as cliched as it might sound, I want to go to Disneyland! And... California Adventures, Six Flags, and every other park out there! I want to ride every single ride they have too. I'd also love to go to the Grand Canyon and white Water rafting.
  10. The Candidate

    2 days to go.

    I think you'll be surprised at how quickly the time will fly. And once you enter the hospital it's all kind of a haze, sort of like being in a dream state, at least it was for me. Try and get some rest and concentrate primarily on the end product - a brand new you! Congrats!
  11. Hey Dub, my car is a 2000, if it's any consolation. ????
  12. The Candidate

    What will I need?

    Charger cords for your electronics and make sure they're long, as you never know how far away the plugs are. Mine didn't reach at all. Also stick with one device. I took both my iPad and iPhone and ended up only using one, and even then only sparingly. I think you'll be surprised at how much time is spent on other things: walking, ice chips, broth, interruptions, bathroom, arranging your IV lines, etc. I would also suggest you sleep when you can because the hospital is the last place in the world to rest. ????. But the time passes quickly. As for length of stay: I went in on a Wednesday and got out on a Saturday. But my surgeon requires that amount for every patient. Best of luck!
  13. The Candidate

    Surgery today !

    Congrats! Glad everything went so well and you're already home recuperating!
  14. I'm so sorry for your heartbreaking experience. You have every right to feel disappointed. I hope you are able to complete the surgery soon and everything comes out perfect the second time around. Please keep us updated and best of luck!
  15. Welcome! And congrats on the beginnings of your weight loss surgery journey. I agree that you need to start thinking about your own health, which will in turn benefit your daughter with her own health issues. This is a wonderful place to find support and information. Good luck!
  16. The Candidate

    No energy!

    I'm six weeks out and the energy level is kicking back in. Hope yours returns soon too. Good luck!
  17. The Candidate

    409 to 148!

    Oh and I love your chocolate lab too! ????
  18. The Candidate

    409 to 148!

    Wow! You are a true example of success, and you look absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!
  19. The Candidate

    Don't give up

    Perseverance should be your middle name. Congrats!
  20. It took me an entire year. Seminar on Weight Management Seminar on Intro to Bariatric Surgery Pre Program Labs and EKG One on one meeting with head of Bariatric Program 24 weeks of classes 24 weekly weigh ins 24 weekly food journals Requirement to lose 10% of weight Fitness Test Post Program Labs and EKG Psych Evaluation Clearance by Internist Surgeon's Seminar Support Group Surgical Consult PREP Appointment at hospital I'll tell you something though. I'd do it all again in a second! ????
  21. The Candidate

    New favorite clear liquid

    Thanks for the recommendation!
  22. The Candidate

    Weight gain

    I started with a 45 BMI and ended up with a 39 BMI and was still approved. Unfortunately there is no standardization among different insurance companies, so whether the slight weight gain will hurt you or not you'd had to find out directly from your carrier. I hope you get approved! Good luck!
  23. The Candidate


    Congrats on your loss!
  24. The Candidate

    Surgery date set!

    That is wonderful news! That date will become emblazoned in your memory like every other date of major importance. Congratulations!
  25. The Candidate

    Silly maybe...

    Congrats on your surgiversary!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
